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 Feb 2018 frankie
 Feb 2018 frankie
tell me you miss me
i will laugh with tear filled eyes
it was your choice love

 Feb 2018 frankie
 Feb 2018 frankie
being around you
makes me feel
ecstatic and elated
unfathomably forlorn
and undeniably broken

ironic isn't it?

 Feb 2018 frankie
she used to get nervous to see him
with butterflies in her stomach
she felt alive

now butterflies feel like daggers
and she's nervous to face him
she feels dead inside

 Jan 2018 frankie
to be honest
i'm not sure what we were
these memories are flooding my head
and there's so much i want to say
so much i want to know

do you miss me
do you see me and feel your heart ache
do you think about me before you drift off to sleep
do you you get high to forget me
or does this all not matter

i miss you more than i should
seeing you and knowing you arent mine makes me sick to my stomach
you're the first and last thought to cross my mind every day
i've tried to get high in as many ways as possible to keep my mind away from you
this all matters too much, i shouldn't feel this much

to be honest
i can't stop thinking about what we were
and if you're thinking about it too

the day we almost got caught
you hugged me real tight and told me you loved me so much
that's the memory i can't get out of my head
you made me feel safe and loved like you'd be there even of things went wrong
little did i know
Your Fashion
With so sweet and wonderful curves
She portrays herself but just so sweet
Do not play with my heart ,my nerves
Let me exchange my love heart beat

Images with their intensity to but prove
What is reality of the beauty my dear
My love passion is anxious to pursue
Let me appreciate more be just near

Your circles are my love all around
Their intensity takes on my love passion
And we both go dancing with sound
Love stance sacrifice me on your fashion

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
 Jan 2018 frankie
 Jan 2018 frankie
if he called me up
at three in the morning
or came tapping at my walls
calling my name
i would lose
my few hours of sleep
just to hear his voice
and anything he had to say

 Jan 2018 frankie
safe place
 Jan 2018 frankie
i think not speaking
is the thing messing me up the most
out of all of this

yes, i love you
i really really do
but i know i will get over that
it will take time and it will hurt like hell but i know i will

the thing is, you are my safe place
were my safe place
i felt as though i could go to you about anything
and you made me feel more comfortable than anyone else
you knew how to react and made it easy to talk
now i cant do that
and **** keeps happening
while you're the first person i think to go talk to when i can't
and i keep wondering how you are
you seem fine but i still miss hearing about your life

i miss you and i feel pathetic
because i'm having a hard time adjusting
and i dont exactly know what to do with myself
 Jan 2018 frankie
all her friends
spoke of break ups
where they now hate
their ex lovers
but she couldn't hate him
he never did anything wrong
he was good to her
he wasn't at fault
she couldn't even be mad at him
just wished him the best
it's what he deserves

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