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  Mar 2016 Francis T
Remember the pain?
Remember the sadness?
Remember how
you wanted to die?
You thought you would die.
But something changed.
Someone came
into your life, promised to stay
And healed your heart
He completed the impossible task of healing you
But you were not completely fixed
You were better, but the cracks were still there
And you struggled silently, barely even telling him
You were still in pain, so much pain
But you knew you had to open up and tell him
You told him the truth, everything
You told yourself the truth, too
You couldn’t battle the demons alone
And when it all came down onto your head
You screamed and tried not to cry, you said
“I almost wish I could be dead!”
He was so scared, so scared of those words
You saw the fear glisten in his eyes
But you weren’t there to see him cry
As he made sure you wouldn’t say goodbye
He spoke the words you didn’t have the courage for
And the walls of the dark, cold box you were in
came crashing down around you
The sunlight blinded you, but you felt better
basking in its warmth
The pressure of the secret was gone from your chest
And when you saw him again,
After what he’d done, his fear was clear
Scared because he’d broken your trust
But you broke his, it was only fair
When you’re soul mates, pain is something you share
You promised him you were not mad,
In fact you were honestly quite glad
He saved you for the second time
And you felt an overwhelming gratitude
Because with him you knew there would be no more solitude.
  Mar 2016 Francis T
I hate being a damsel in distress,
Lying on the railroad tracks
with a villian laughing behind me
I’ve always fought back
Tie him up instead,
let him squirm in the coral snake pit
I’ve never liked being saved,
Seen as fragile and weak,
Standing here with my pretty dress and rose-petal cheeks
No, I’m not fragile, I’m not weak
I prefer boots over slippers
Trousers over skirts
I’m not some poor, defenseless litte princess
I know how to weild a sword

But then my knight came along,
And while I’d still fight,
There were battles I could not win,
Not without him
And when I collapsed beneath the dragon’s feet,
My knight came
Weilding a sword of tear-stained steel,
The metal reinforced with soul mates’ heartstrings
And he was brave, slaying the dragon
Even as I tried to get back up on my feet and say “Nay!”
The great beast fell, and my knight turned to me
Eyes glimmering with fear
“I know you prefer to defend yourself,
But it looked like you needed me here;
I couldn’t just let him devour you.”
I stepped forward, booted feet suddenly light
And surprised him with a crushing hug.
“Thank you,” I said, “thank you.
I will owe you forever for this, my knight.”
He smiled at me, relief lighting his face, and replied
“All I need in return is you by my side.”
We sealed the promise with a kiss.

But that still doesn’t make me
A damsel in distress.
I’m a knight, too, just like him,
And we save each other.
  Mar 2016 Francis T



This safe little bubble
    is about to
                             P   O   P!

You better watch out,
or the beasties will get you
They’ll dig in their teeth and you’ll
S     C     R     E     A     M

No one, no one, no one can hear you SCREAM!!!!

Isn’t it so sad?
You cry, but no one sees the saltwater sorrow streaking your face
and they just can’t hear the sound of your heart
thudding to a sudden stop
as your body goes numb
Blissful numb, can you stay in the dark?

“No, no, no!”
The voice attacks and digs electric probes into your chest
“Wake up!”
“Wake up!”
“Please, please, please, wake up!”

But I’m in so much pain,
you try to say
Can’t you see this is easier than trying to stay?
Oh, no, I didn’t want to hurt you this way!

Fresh tears f

                       d r i p p i n g   on the floor like the blood just did
Your blood, keeping you warm and alive and feeling and hurting
and you didn’t want to feel anymore
So you forgot that you had a heart and soul
You forgot that you hold so many hearts in your hands
You forgot that someone still cares
You forgot that someone still needs you there
You forgot
how to

The machine breathes for you as you open your eyes
The golden sunlight pokes through the blinds
Highlighting the face of the one who holds you dear
Fast asleep, but face still screaming fear
And you realize why you still live:
You still hold someone’s heart in your hands,
and you must never, ever let it fall
and shatter against the cold concrete
Where chalk lines told you where to jump
Where the neighbor’s dog died after you pulled his crushed body out of the road
Where a fresh first kiss shocked your heart, and more followed after
And where you tried not to cry as you said one more goodbye

How long ago was that, that last goodbye?
Hello and goodbye,
you suddenly start to cry
The sunlight lights up the opening eyes
Of the one you hold dear
The one whose heart you still hold
Oh, you’re so glad
to say hello.

“I’m here.”
this one ended up being pretty emotional...which is how I was feeling when I wrote it. I didn’t originally intend for it to take this direction, but most of my poems end up writing themselves, and that’s what this one did.
i’ve been seeing so many friends online struggling with depression, and feeling worthless because their boyfriend/girlfriend left them or hasn’t talked to them in a while or said something that seems to imply a breakup in the near future, and it makes me so sad to see so many people my age (teenager) struggling so much and already giving up on life when they’ve barely given it a chance. i do know what it’s like to struggle with those feelings, anyone who’s read my poems from the past year and a half knows that. i do understand how it feels to want to give up, to yearn for numbness, darkness, a place free of pain.
but i also know how it feels to find hope again, how it feels to be saved. i know that staying strong is worth the tears and the fears, it’s worth the pain. i dealt with the pain, and i didn’t give up, and as a result i literally bumped into the love of my life. because of him, i have hope again, i have a reason to live that isn’t fear, and i have a brighter future.
so, for those of you who are struggling, for all the people both young and old who are having a hard time finding joy and hope, don’t give up now. keep searching for the light. no matter how dark your world is right now, you can always find light again if you just keep searching. you can’t give up on it, because it could be right in front of you when you least expect it. i know that from first-hand experience. stay strong and live on.
  Mar 2016 Francis T
I just want to put out a little message for everyone who is struggling right now:
You are not worthless. You're not. Even if people are leaving you and you feel alone, you still have friends and family in your life who would care if you disappeared. You may feel like no one would even blink an eye if you were just gone, but you'd be surprised by how big of an impact it can really make. It's like tossing a pebble into a pond. The ripples spread all the way across the surface.
Don't give up on love. Don't give up on friendship. Don't give up on life. There is always hope if you search for it. There is always someone in your life who holds you close to their heart, even if you don't know it.
Keep living, and don't give up now.
  Mar 2016 Francis T
in your arms
My heart
can start
And I
am awake
no longer numb
I can feel your breath
on my cheek
Feel your warmth,
you are there
in my arms
  Mar 2016 Francis T
Ah, being so far away from you
is hard, my love, it's hard, my love
And I'm not sure how I'm supposed to relax
when I'm constantly wondering about you
Are you okay?
But I'll be back home
before we know it
And I know you would want me to relax
So I'll try to relax,
but I'll keep you close in my thoughts;
Your silver heart hangs close to mine.
Glad to be on vacation, but missing my bf and soul mate...
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