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  Mar 2016 Francis T
sad teens with happy faces
Francis T Mar 2016
Walking in the halls alone you reach for a hand to hold but forget she's not there

Nothing to hold onto you fall in the endless darkness and dispare

She's thinking of you as she drives farther and farther away

Not knowing if she'll be ok fills your mind

Thinking all negative



My soul mate is away somewhere else and I can't contact her and it's driving me crazy. I'm nothing without her...
Francis T Feb 2016
The sight of nothing but fire and destruction, The smell of ash and sorrow, the taste of blood, Every touch or hit is not felt because of the pain, The sound of screams being silenced and swords and blades thrashing at each other as the war counties.
  Feb 2016 Francis T
his fingers
trailing down my spine and
his breath on my neck just before
his lips trail sparks across my skin

my lips
pressed against the smooth skin
of his neck, the vein there pulsing as
his heartbeat quickens with excitement

our fingers
twined together tightly
as our lips meet softly and
we breathlessly promise our love
  Feb 2016 Francis T
Mahogany brown.
Mahogany brown, with pieces of melted chocolate.
Mahogany brown with pieces of melted chocolate, never failing to melt my heart.

I gaze into your eyes, noticing how the clouded sunlight has lightened the color and made it easier to see
mahogany brown, with pieces of melted chocolate.

They are warm and smiling, because you are warm, and smiling up at me as I gaze into your eyes. Your smile leads me to notice your lips, which I love to kiss.

I love to kiss those lips, and I always feel my heart jump when I do. It skips a beat as I sink into your warmth, and I kiss you again because
I love to kiss those lips.

Soft strands, darkness streaked with light.
Soft strands, darkness streaked with light, always feel so soft against my fingertips.
I brush your hair away from your face with butterfly fingers, gentle.
You catch my fingers in your hand, weave your fingers through mine.
I never want to let go,
I never want to let go of you, and I press my lips against yours again. You hold me close, so close, and our souls touch.
I feel our souls touching, stretching feathery fingertips to clasp hands and hang on for dear life.
I gasp at the sensation, at the feeling of being
And I look into your eyes, full of love and warmth and passion and desire;
mahogany brown, with pieces of chocolate.
  Feb 2016 Francis T
Do you know how much I love you?
I’m going to tell you:
You are my everything.
You are the breath in my lungs, and you are my heartbeat.
You are my sun, my moon, my stars.
You are my sky, my galaxy, my entire universe.
You are my North star, my guiding star,
the light that I seek to guide me through my darkest nights.
I would give my last breath for you,
I would give my heartbeat for you.
I would take a bullet to the heart
or a knife in the back
for you.
I would move mountains,
part oceans,
I would move the heavens and the Earth for you.
I would walk through the bitterest blizzard
or the cruelest flames
for you.

In ancient India, there were Sati wives.
A Sati wife loved her husband
completely and unconditionally,
and if her husband was killed
in battle or in hunting, in work or in illness,
then she would grieve with all her heart for him.
And when the day of his funeral came,
and the funeral pyre was lit,
the Sati wife would throw her body onto the flames
in a final act of love and devotion,
because she would rather die than live without him.
If we lived in ancient India,
I would be your Sati wife.
If you were to die,
I would throw my body into the flames
of your funeral pyre,
because I could not bear to live without you.

I love you
with all of my heart
and with every single cell, fiber and molecule
of my being.
Every new cell that forms
to replace a dying cell
loves you more than the last,
and as a result,
I love you more every single day.

You are
to me,
and I will never stop loving you,
never stop caring for you,
never leave your side.
Even when I’m far away,
I will still be with you


I love you
so, so, so, so very, very much.

  Jan 2016 Francis T
I don't care how pretty it is,
sparkling in the sun,
I hate the snow,
I hate it, I hate it!
It keeps me away from my love.
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