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 Jan 2015 Fitri Nisya
Bassam A
The year has ended prosperously ..
At least for me .. I don't know about you
I accomplished most of my goals
I am glad that we got to know each other

I hope that we can find
a common ground in our book,
a single page that we both stop at and rest
For that to happen I will have to slow down
or you may speed up

I may stop and wait for you
at the next coffee shop ... "Café Je T'aime"
Hope to see you there more often
My new resolution for this year is
"to keep loving you and keep our love strong"

Wish you a Very Happy Year Anew
 Dec 2014 Fitri Nisya
Hey you're more than pretty. You're gorgeous. You're eyes sparkle brighter than any star. Your smile beats the moon. Your hair is so much fun to play with. Remember not to starve, purge, cut, tear, stab, poke, burn, scratch. There's no need too. I don't need to see your face to know your beautiful. I don't care what the mirror says. You deserve to know the ugly truth. You will always be beautiful and there's nothing you can say or do to change that.
For every girl, guy, and everyone in between. You deserve to feel beautiful. 'I kissed the scars on her skin and I still think your beautiful. I don't think I could ever lose my best friend.
 Dec 2014 Fitri Nisya
Rex Forté
My friends are hurting, and I've been worsening,
Should I? It's not like they would care, after all,
"I only met them, through a screen."
I can't be there for them, when they need me most,
So why not, just put the knife to my throat?
 Dec 2014 Fitri Nisya
Hashim ZK
I wish I could freeze the time
When he unlocks his heart
And takes me to its unfamiliar parts
Holding my hand
Unveiling the treasures
And forbidden paths
While I stare at his joyful eyes
A tear does moisten my heart
While he lays bare his entire soul
The truth unravels on its own:
My soul had stumbled upon its mate
And, when I was walking again,
Gleefully, with my
Soul mate.
We have this weird notion that the term 'Soul mate' is limited in its definition to 'life-partners', which I strongly disagree. The definition of a soul mate to me transcends all the barriers of worldly relationship tags, the gender, and all other imposed discrimination. To me it is the most pure and divine bond that stands-out on its own individualistic values of trust, faith and love. And it can be found in anyone - a friend, a brother, a sister, and as in most cases, also a life partner.
The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.
"Poetry doesn't have to rhyme, it just has to touch someone where your hands couldnt."

-Rudy Akbarian
 Dec 2014 Fitri Nisya
You open
fortune cookie
there is
At a lowest lowest time this actually happened, proving once again there is no fiction greater than truth
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