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 Feb 2015 Eve
Hot Cocoa
 Feb 2015 Eve
Hot cocoa,
so saccharine,
so sweet,
Warm me through the bitterest winter,
the iciest claw of the wind

Hot cocoa,
melting on tasteless tongues
warming my tiny, gelid hands
You trickle and run down numb throats
leaving milky, brown streaks
on colorless lips

Hot cocoa,
rolling and tumbling in nippy stomaches
as my belly rumbles and thunders for more
Written in 4th grade! :)
 Feb 2015 Eve
Ms. Pencil
 Feb 2015 Eve
There she goes,
dressed in yellow
wearing a gaudy red cap.
Standing tall,
standing proud,
high on her shiny black heels.
She steps onto that lacquered white floor
As the girls around her
stifle with silent envy.
She leaves her elegant trail
everywhere she goes


She broke her little heel.
(Written in 4th Grade)
 Feb 2015 Eve
No one came.
 Feb 2015 Eve
I had a friend...

She would keep a smile on everywhere she went,
always cheerful,
always a glimmer in her eyes,
full on happy.

She helped everyone she saw,
she was a friend to most,
friendly, outgoing, kind.

One day,
she left.
The flowers began to droop,
the clouds darkened overhead,
the tears falling.
The sky began to cry and lament for her,
the children she once greeted out on the streets,
they too left,
hidden away in little cupboards
the smiles she used to give and receive,
ripped off of faces
and replaced with agony.

Maybe it was because
what we all thought was right,
maybe it wasn't alright.

We've been circling around ourselves
and not others.
Forgetting about her when she needed someone most.
"Do unto others what you want someone to do unto you"
A lie.
She waited.
She hoped.
She smiled and hoped everyone,
yearning for someone to help her back.

No once came.

No one cared to ask,
"How are you really?"
Even as she stood expectedly, waiting to burst in grief and tears,
just wanting to be held.

But the only one that matters most is you, right?
XD lack of sleep+math hw+sugar=crazy poems
haha idk, but uh take the time to ask the ppl around you if they're okay. u never know if they need ur help or not.

im not the one
by 30h!3
 Feb 2015 Eve
He Said...
 Feb 2015 Eve
**Crushes or
•••don't last
••••this long.
•They're never
••this intense
this strong.
••I am in
••all day
and all night.
•••••moments of
••••••triumph and
•deepest, darkest fright.
•••I see you in all there is,
•••••I see you in everything.
••••••••Living in the present
••••but for the future I'm hoping
•••You calm and get me all riled up
••••••••••••••••at the same time.
••••••••••••You exist in metaphors,
••••••••••••••••••broken sentences
•••••••••••••and time worn rhymes.
•••••••••••••••••You give me life
••••••••••••••and take my breath
•••••••••••away altogether.
•••••••••You hold the key
to my erratic emotional lever.
•••••••••••You fill me full
••••••••••but empty me out
••••You make me want to be
•••••••••••someone else
••••••••as well as being me.
••••••Paradoxes of the heart
•••they can never be quelled.
••••When hopes and odds
••try to be one and meld.
•••••This is how I know
••••••••that this is real.
•••••••••••••I'm truly,
•••••••••madly, deeply
••••••in love with you
•and it's all that I feel.
Stay tuned for "She Said..."

Best viewed on Apple iOS.
 Feb 2015 Eve
 Feb 2015 Eve
Commitment is main morality
Commitment is power of relation
Commitment is measurement weight
Commitment makes strong personality
Commitment discover future
Commitment show the right way
Commitment is base of love
If any one broke his Commitment
He/she will be destroy from this world.
 Feb 2015 Eve
 Feb 2015 Eve
Success want all men
Success search all are
I want success you want success
All are wants success
Dream is success
Power wants success
Think wants success
Time wants success
Happy hide in success
 Feb 2015 Eve
 Feb 2015 Eve
one mind is need,
one think is need,
one eye is need,
one hope is need,
one thought is need,
for understanding Love!
 Feb 2015 Eve
 Feb 2015 Eve
"Is the glass half full?" He asked,
She said "There's no water left,"
"Are you ever nervous going out?"
"Scared half to death."
"I have a six pack of abs."
"Do I look like I care?"
"What does a guy need to have?"
"A smile. A brain. Nice hair."
"How about we go back to my place?"
"How about we no?"
"You look like you'd be a freak in the sheets."
"I think I should go..."
"What's your favourite song?"
"Anything that fills my head."
"Will I see you again?"
"Honestly, I think I'd rather be dead."
Swipe left if not a human being.
 Feb 2015 Eve
You and I,
We got high
together at the seven eleven at seventeen,
and listened to Fall Out Boy as he sang ironic one liners.
And we'd argue about what it would mean; too high to believe
the other was right, and then laughed at passing cars.

We stumbled to the graveyard and told ghost stories with wine,
and whiled away the hours dreaming of knights and dragons
in crystal towers far away across fable and time. I'd lift my proverbial flagon,
and you'd ****** it away, and whisper
"What am I
to you?" So sudden, and I was too high to answer it right at the time.
I stumbled. I mumbled. My words were all jumbled, and all that came out was:
"Thou art mine friend." Kind of lame, that word at the end. But I ended the sentence
With a laugh. I didn't know you were serious...
I should have cut a word from the statement. Because if I was being serious too,
I'd have whispered back "Thou art mine."

In my mind, I relive the moment over again and again,
before you left and stumbled off into the dark,
I say "You are my princess, I'm your knight."
I say "When it's all ****** up, you make it all right."
I say all the right things and it culminates in a kiss by starlight,
but I mumbled,
words jumbled,
And you took the bottle of wine with you as you stumbled
alone into the dark till it took you away from my sight.

That night I sat alone and soliloquised what I didn't say right.
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