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Feeling Real May 2014
Is there a way to describe the hopes I've seen
The thoughts I have felt
The dreams I've dreamed?
In a simple way
a thought can be collapsed.
Every moment I'm away from the indulgence I die.
Every second I am denied
I wither and plead to a heaven
that I could be free of this
free of anything that could keep me frayed and oppressed
Could we shame the liars?
Could we tame the beasts inside our minds?
Condemning us to a mediocre life,
only to reach full potential if we manage
to bend the rules and have no remorse,
no regrets.
But we need to ask if that is a sacrifice we are able to make.
Or is it a decision that should be left to a god or goddess,
a ruler of sorts.
Somebody you have always wanted to be.
Somebody who wishes they could leave their place,
tired of the adoration. Tired of the smiles and pointless
rules they apply to keep us down.
But they don't expect us to understand.
An addiction to a life of putting down.
An addiction to power.
And all the times they could be held close, forgotten...
they lost their chance.
Feeling Real Aug 2014
I'm feeling an expansion
That isn't physical
Nor inside of my head
I know, I've checked
And, though easily tired
I have scoured my depths
For what?
A notion of things past
Experiences not realized
Nor will be
Misogynist, hater of existence
All but mine
A gift to myself
Fruition to be
Or not yet seen
Both awake and in slumber
I writhe, lain flat in covers
Real and fictional alike
There's nowhere to direct a longing
If ever I would create one
Feeling Real Dec 2015
Papers, not stacked but strewn the mess piles up
Somewhere, underneath the smoke
The bandages, there is the remote
Feeling Real May 2014
A night of sorrow
A tune of death
Rejection burns deep
I find a hole in my heart

Until im worthy of your love
Nothing left to say
I prepare for departure
Thougths begin to cluster
What have i done to you...
What did i do to me?

The dead cloud
Calmly leads the sail
The night cries for you

Now alone
Looking at pictures of us
My cascade of tears fall upon uncaring eyes
Shadows surround me
Crying out my name
I am fallen.
Feeling Real Jan 2016
I have years in my head that are just blurs
Sitting in a trailer park, smelling charcoal
Climbing a pine tree, sap sticking my palms
To whatever bark unhinges itself
Scraps that cling to the life blood
Of it’s origin

I have an orange creamsicle ice pop
That summer, the Dog my mom and dad rescued
Ran away
I think he died
Or maybe it was she
But I played like a princess on the frailty of a washed up
Playground, decaying in disrepair

Just happy for the orange creamsicle
I am free
In these moments
Feeling Real Oct 2014
Messingly sweet
Remembering your taste
In a cup of coffee

Sweating wet
Down my chin and over limb
I haven't heard
Spoken words

Designed over leave
Overseas, and for nearly free
Small size
I overcompensate my life

Messing memories
Swapping livelihoods
Words making their
Own way out
Feeling Real Nov 2014
I am forgiving
the plants do not choose
nor the sea or sky
Just as I did not choose

I tried to stop inhaling
but the automatic response
of body has me ever

I dunk my head underwater
in lapses of my swimming
I can stay 45 seconds before I panic
and over a minute if I am calm

I take life by each moment
I hold on to nothing
I am so forgiving
that it keeps repeating
Feeling Real Feb 2014
I sometimes forget
age is, in fact, more than a number
and experience opens minds otherwise tainted
I refuse the title of creep
or untitled
Letting go is nothing
I haven't done easily, before
Feeling Real Apr 2014
admire me
the way I brush paint on canvas
before the purpose finds a footing
before the colors melt together
and the scenery is lifeless
admire how I read books
for hours on end
the expressions that read on a dull face
otherwise marred by furrowed eyebrows
admire the lilt in my voice
and the uncontrollable pitch
that gives away my every intention unwillingly
admire my great feats of prose
my plump, woman body
my awkward hands and pretty clothes
admire me when I don't even come close
to tickling your fancy
admire me because I exist
dote on me and give me your wishes
admire me as I grant what I can with kisses
admire my nymphet desires
admire my candy coated lips
admire me and want me
admire me
Feeling Real May 2014
Sweet to the taste
Fruitful sugars
and aging
a lone space
A magical concoction
better than
any perceived
besides natural
plant life
To realize
You exist
Feeling Real Jul 2015
You look so happy dressed in chains
Sorry you didn’t have that extra second to put a bullet into your brain
They died and the police came for you
You tried but you lost the ******* game didn’t you
Ain’t it funny no one cried
Ain’t it a shame you didn’t die
I bet you planned it out like you knew what to do
I guess that’s just how it goes when life puts fight into you
Right now it’s just a dream of mine
To see their misty eyes and the “please!” and the night
That descends all around their languished cries
I might kiss them goodbye
I might **** myself before I try
Before I see the last light leave their eyes
I’ve heard it felt like I won’t feel empty inside
I like that idea, I’d like that life

Big hands, oh his hands, wrap around my neck like you’re my pretty necklace
I said I could feel **** but I was lying
All I need is the violent leanings of mean men
When did you last ******, dear
I’m still itching to find us there

Take me down when you’d like to
I know you’ve planned it all out, I don’t doubt
You’d like to take my world away
The mask will stay
I’m on my way to being someone great

Do you believe I’ve done this a hundred times
Drug you along just to feel alive, I cry empty words
I bet you’d like to see underneath that hurt
Do your damnedest, try your luck
Drink the liquor, take the ****
Take it angry, **** me up

If I’d have known I would have stopped my games
But imagine all of your longing finally reaching it’s aims
I still wish myself dead and of you the same
Do you still want to do it for me
Do you still agree
Hold a ******* gun to my head or stick it in my mouth
Watch me cry and ******* to it
Shave your whole fist down my throat
And laugh and laugh and *** and gloat

Is this the rest of my life
I feel nothing and I don’t even like to
I’m just angry that I couldn’t even if I tried to
I’m just wishing I never had a life to live through
A true crime kid ***** because of ****, ******, and glibness
People using me is where it is
Feeling Real Feb 2014
I do not see what they see
but I'm frightened that I do
and they see this massive form, too

I exist on coffee and air
more often than I'd like to admit
But it's worse to say when there's food involved

It's shameful to be scared to consume
while every calorie is an expansion of tomb
of your skin that you wear daily

And you grow larger and larger
while not eating much or nearly enough
and you really do see it that way

You wonder, everyday, has one person noticed
Wondering if there has been any change in appearance
even though the number on the scale keeps going down

You believe it for a moment
and in the mirror you can see it, finally
You're smaller, even sickly, and it feels good

But then you lose your control one day
and you eat and eat until you can't physically swallow one more bite
and though the weight gain is nowhere near noticeable
You're just as fat as you were when you started
Feeling Real Sep 2014
silly siren
perfectionist nymph
lay languid
adjusting to the realm
of awkward itching
manic laughter
frenzied fictions
where the dead lay awake
a miniscule matter
both sailing in ***** grey
and laying in wait
on one end
a microcosm
opens to infinity
and any further action
is unnecessary
and tepid
Feeling Real Jun 2014
I think it's time for everything to end
There's nothing here
there's nothing I can get
I want to feel the things I haven't felt
I need everything I can get
I need help
Time keeps slipping
The clocks unwind and I roll with it

Everyday the sun rises and falls
Everyday I want to die
But there's something in me that isn't right
and someone's lying next to me tonight
I keep slipping
Out of my clothes and into bad habits

Do you think that it's a good time to die?
I've got nothing,
or, I want nothing
Time keeps passing by
I think I'm in love with the night
This is what I am
A proponent of easy-living

Why don't we end the pretense?
Jump off a bridge
It just makes sense
I can't remember why I've been
sitting around doing nothing
This is what I am
If the time is right
why should I live?
Feeling Real Apr 2014
I dress
modestly enough
to impress myself
I choose from two skins
show ******* or show legs
I've learned that doing both
makes you slutty
not my words
not my decision

I am not usually bothered
society is a fault
but then I remember
and get new examples
every time
I want to look nice
only for me

I am asked who I want to impress
I look attractive
not like every other day
and is there a man in my life
because I must only do this for him
yes, yes, you are sure
and I am an object

This reminds me of long ago
of a childhood halted
and of a different dark night
where my foolishness
caused me to suffer
always the fault of me
I always continue
to move forward

But these steps back
caused by greedy eyes and fingers
and sweaty palms and simple words
and nice gestures
never explicitly stated
these will all lead to me
disappointing someone
because I can not deliver anymore
that which has been taken from me

I carry the knowledge around always
I am not my own
I am pieces, scattered, taken
fleshy longings
I wonder if it is a lack of control
or a gesture of dominance
on their part
but it really doesn't matter

This is already reality
I exist solely for others
and I was never taught this
by my mother, who now mentions
I turned out wrecked
and horrible as a result of a childhood trauma
that I don't know how to fix inside of me

I want to give myself away
to any man who shows me a tiny
piece of the affection I crave
and it's dangerous
and I do not let myself know any man
I do not make friends
or talk to people more than necessary
and I don't even want to know
what they think of me
I fade into backgrounds
and behind white noise

I'm not even distraught
as this is my only choice
Feeling Real May 2014
I've got my life lain ahead of me
If I go too fast, I'm floating back upstream
I will waste my time
It feels just right
and what's there at the end, anyway?

I see you look at me like I'm half- awake
but who's sleeping all day?
You don't know reality or perspectives can change
It's sad that this is not a game
I need three lives or four lives
I just need to change something

I just need to change something

Behind the dark of the house, I lie awake in silence
I look up at the sky before the clouds cover my glance
Can't you see there's something bigger?
Can't you see this isn't it?
We're just stuck before this little bit

And I'm not stuck with you
I'm out there on my head doing what I wanna do
And I'm not me, I'm nobody
and it feels like I'm free
I feel like it's not suffocating me
Feeling Real Nov 2014
There's a stark visual aid
To compare true nature to
No spontaneity to save
Lost it all in this mess
I've made
Little things decaying
Own me, own me
Do you like my necklace
Wanna wrap your hands
Around it
Do you recognize me
You've been in my head
Mr. Violent-Not-Unlikely

I've put my deepest secrets
Out online
So ask away, what's left
I've managed to stabilize
Numbness in me
Feeling Real Oct 2015
I am not willing to change
I am the ache, I am the night
I am the being
Inside that itches and lies
I am the master the servants ask for alive
I cry for death with each breath
That lets me have reprieve that I don’t need
Open up and grasp
and touch and love
It’s the best thing for you in life
Let go, let go, open up and show me
Who you’ve always meant to be
If you’re scared, I’m scared
I’m ready, aware
Open up, open up, open up
For me
Feeling Real Oct 2015
What poetry is there in decay
You ask and ask and ask and ask
and you ask and you never shut the
**** up and wonder why you want
to decay in the first place

Do you want the winter in your bones
After you’ve beaten autumn
into submission? do you want
to proclaim your victory from an ice
mountain, your castle, your crypt
Your ******* skin stretched thin
Do you want to be the only winner
in the race to death
Yourself is the only one playing
So you’ve only lost by a hair’s breadth
Every time
Feeling Real Sep 2015
I'm sick with power, sick, in too deep
Tracing power lines along every street
The corners lament, the station cement
The rotting woods ready to be replaced

Nowhere around has decay like I do
So fear the ready souls
We lengthen the sun, we race and we won
But dawn comes quickly for repose
Feeling Real Nov 2015
See you walk in instead of leave
Like my mind says you could go
I don't hold my peace
I don't know if I should show
These things are rare but if they appear, you know
It gets hard to see - it gets hard to be, alone

That's how the fantasy goes, unclothed
We're barely speaking words
I've learned that's not how the real world goes
I wake up and pray that it's time for sleeping, though
It's easier to get high than get to thinking so
I spend all I have, the stars seem glad for me

Thanks for being there at night
Internet is faster than my heart sometimes
Ask me something, I'm feeling like
Nothing is significant
Think I want something different
Life is stark, I'm feeling innocence
Like it's me, but it must be some inner fit

My clothes are always wrinkled, too
My head's got it's own interview
I'm always speculating, someone new
They're my brand new crush, new lover
but it's not true, she's game
I'm losing time, no change
I'd rather sit and be chained
Than lose myself in that way

She's starting her dancing, nice
I join in, dim lights
She ask me to go - I can't say no
No crying in the real world
No lying if you seem hurt
I don't ask what's up
I just came to **** she
Always speculating about my life
I gave her a gift and now she's texting all night
I can't do this, I shut out the lights
I never talk back, don't ever hit send
If that's the moral I guess I'm awful interested
It's fun to lose yourself if you're not second guessing it
if you wanna rap this send me a link!
Feeling Real Sep 2015
The poisonous woman aches
Her sinuous steps accented by her platform
Shoes higher than your pay grade
Mouth never smiling, even through her laughter

She's the demonized walker
The preferred companion and smoothest talker

If you catch her at night, the shadows swept into being
She'll wave you off without asking your offering
She'll take your cigarettes, your money, your heart
Crushing us beneath her is a pleasantry

She's the missing link
She's the entitled goddess we love to hate

This ***** knows what it is to be an object
But dear Belladonna refuses to bite
She's the purest sadist, the blue in her eyes
She's the sanguine sacrifice, ready die
insp by the book belladonna but i love the idea of great people hating themselves so look where it's brought me
Feeling Real Jun 2014
Wake up and follow me home
We can't get that far when he doesn't want me
But I can't let up
He's everything that keeps me up
I'm sure I could write a novel
And package it in two or three

The best kind of love
where everybody bleeds more than once

I saw you through those old-fashioned flings
Sea-glass for Wendy and nothing for me
It began with Benzedrine
And me forgetting how to sleep

For welcome home
You just gotta shed your skin
I'm sure you could if you tried it
And if you let me in
If you let me in
Feeling Real Apr 2015
What happens when I hit the right button?
I always fight
Always fight for the right and I will
Always win if the light-
Logic is behind me
I don’t always win but I probably should
No, the walls they can hear me – not good
There’s no winner and that is so empty
Feeling Real Apr 2015
To differ anything that I might give to myself
The ending for anything that I might give away
Too tired, too sleepy for anything that I might give out
Yo, I should be sleeping
Instead I’m telling the drama about myself
Kind of like how am I supposed to give myself up
When I’m something that’s telling all my dreams are made up
I mean there’s some sort of promises - then they’re up and
Consciously I might not remain in love
But I swear it’s super promising this far
So important it isn’t made up
And if it was it served it’s purpose up
Shut the **** up and feel me through it
I’ve gotta sit back here just in case it
It’s filled with those anchors that mean… ****
I’m ready for it to be it
I’m gonna sleep now and promise that it’s rich
I’m seeing all these clouds now
They’re falling into my lap
Feeling Real Oct 2014
Turn off your narration
Static and voices
A fan, somewhere

Empty space
Orders for new materials
Brick-walled barriers

Perhaps, paint one wall
3 stories up
And room to jump
i was channeling sylvia plath while writing this
Feeling Real May 2014
A sliding current
lukewarm stirrings
taking me with it
Downstream, I float
taking myself away
from me

And campfire
smoking away day
into dusk
Staring into me
as I, it
separates me

Damp dirt tastes
in my stew
The fire, barely tended
life from leaves
Quick to burn
as easy to end
Feeling Real Jan 2014
I own the ears of a muskrat and fox fur earmuffs
with $35.00 I didn't own and didn't make
and didn't catch or **** prey, and yet I reap the benefits
Feeling Real Oct 2015
Omens are comforting calculations, coincident or obvious proof
We wake with the dawn, moon not long gone
And echo down along the grass

You're telling me to leave the problem-solving to you
But you're a liar who's always been hurt
I'm sure you can't understand
Without the missing pieces I am
Nothing, no one at all
To reap from the seeds, you keep me sick and suffering
But it all balances out, spiral flowers from her grave
It's out of our hands but you protect like iron bands
Shackled her hips and waist
Bruised until grey, hair blackened waves
The goddess visits man, the following is brave
Eliminate the threat, put me further in your debt
The brightness grinds into my bones
The light's so low I can hardly see
I long to watch your transcendence entirely
I'm left without a lead that I can follow
If you look close enough, she said she was always hollow
I don't feel, no, not at all
My blood's gone dry, limbs, and I want nothing more than this
You're an impossibility wrapped in a death wish
Feeling Real Nov 2015
I am 13 when I decide for the first time my skin isn't satisfying
And the only way to remedy that is to break inside
To pull out something unpleasant, fill it instead with boxed wine
Fill it with soft-core **** alone in my basement while I text
The oldest man who's interested in me, and it's pleasant
Until I'm rejected for the 50th time

These people are so nice about it, they exchange me
My nothings are as sweet as the first metal bite against my wrist
and, this, I promise myself, is the reminder of what it feels like
To be damp with the must of underground, amongst the spiders,
Afraid to get up or touch myself or feel anything new

When I am 15, I finally realize all of the words cascading around me
Are meant to be the knives upon which I impale
I dye my hair again and let my future fall away
I was always convinced I didn't deserve to succeed, that it
Was always out of my grasp and I cry for the first time
For a solitary hour in my grandmother's bed
Because even the next room over, she can't hear me
And I spend the whole summer rationing my food supplies
And running myself to exhaustion every morning I can rise
Nothing was as tragic as that, because it wasn't a beginning
It was 3 solid years of losing every second
And distancing myself so far from every morsel of life
I eat but I've never recovered

I haven't had a friend since I was 15, and life is starting to
Become the tedium upon which I stay teasing
Would it be better to approach or defend
The heart
Feeling Real Oct 2014
I can see the blue-green veins on my hands
Stimulant-rich filling a gradient mess
I've made my heart explode
How alive I show my attentions
Form of sly glances and pretty writing
Aren't I easy on the eyes?
If I were me, I could help you to decide
But I am just frame and lions mane
My music, too loud, ushers 3 truths
Deaf, blind, and dumb
Numb- I've finally won
War against self- ******* permanent wealth
Meaning in nothing
The emptiness as words
Stomach growling as reminder of worth
Mother Earth- seek, see? I'm no longer weak!
I eat!
So leave! I'll waste between each creep
Looking my way, bleed
Onto me
Manically, I plead
Stop- no, start watching me!
Feeling Real Dec 2015
I wake up the ghosts with the saddest songs
I can sing and I sing of desire
How nobody wants me, I'm so **** lonely
I walk down the streets and turn no head
I'm just like them

I'm all for lies if you disguise it well enough
I love to feel as long as it's all love
I've always found that darkness
Warms me more than the light
Just take me out, take me out

Let me cry

I'm the happiest when you leave me rotten
The ground is the dirt
It's me you walk in

Every kitchen floor is my bed sheet

The awful weight over me
I've always wanted to feel wanted
But it's been coming up less often

I'm the first type, the kind of girl who
Gets a taste before she bites
I'm a loose hook, a left-right
The circle-turning, your house is burning
Look at me, I'm more important
Stupid, I'm still talking kinda girl
Feeling Real May 2014
To take that which lies
and insist on compromise
tired, sleepless night
I chose to be hungry

Invaded incense musk
lilac bush in the faded light of dusk
the buzzing of bees has finally ceased
and I chose to lie, hungry

The smell of metal
my tongue and nose taste as it's wetter
summer rain, warm breeze through screens
I do not eat, though I am so hungry

Under blankets of sun and sheens of sweat
I let go of reality I seldom met
taste turns sour, no matter it's source
still, I deny myself the worst

Idealizing my death, among life
Trees, grass, flowers, smiles mask me
I will always be this hungry
as long as creation follows death
Feeling Real Jan 2014
Subtle touches of spirit and body
both received and given graciously
excite an unknown itch for me to ignore
What else, I reason, are emotions for?
I don't pretend to see nothing for no purpose
Rather, to ignore the reality of it's existence
because I think in all possibilities there is a void to fill
It must be platonic, without touch and only words

I relish being alone and separate and quiet
without even the company of few
From my position, I see clearly, that is not you
You edit your gaze and attentions in my presence
where I could be constantly, if I wished
At every glance, hidden or sly, I notice
and I shrink further inside myself each time

To what end are the gestures applied to my psyche
as, certainly it must be obvious you must facilitate growth
in me, as I halt my growth at command
I do, I must because I can control it
If not myself, then anyone I meet is victim
to the matherings and manipulations of mind
I propose and then set in stone
You musn't be aware
Feeling Real Jan 2014
Ah, yes, so this is reality
wrapped up and defined
a mere inch of cosmic truth
a mere fathom of existence
and we exist, yet
in the realm of senses
relishing the feeling touch leaves
on your nervous system
where the signal is reached in your brain
and your atoms and molecules are solid for one moment
but then there is no awareness
and you are again existence and the cosmos
Feeling Real Sep 2015
I am the moon, the seas
The air, the breeze
And I take the lips
Of violence greedily
I ache for fists or
My lost grief to be
Visible or tangible
Or able to be grasped
I want your emeralds
Your precious stones

When you gasp and weep
In bed, sheets sweaty and filled with ***
As you grow weak and seek
Solace in yesteryear days of fun
I have already been and am
I am almost done
Reaping from the doubts of the young

I live with death, the handsome fellow
His claws and his hair and his whims
I follow him along every path
Until he tires and changes faces
She is the angel, the beauty, but graceless

Sitting in cloud-filled tombs
I read through the tomes of history
And her story bites through my ears
She whispers to me all my fears
She harvests the things I’ve stolen
She is the diamond of the gods
She is worthless, and wanted
But she takes the emeralds and the sapphires
And she drapes herself in my empire
Satiety waning and continues
To take
Feeling Real May 2014
And there was nothing
No itching to relieve
Something so irritating
and noxious as fumes
I exist to consume
and be consumed
a fleshy being
With little to lose
I exist, exist as blue
Not sky nor sea nor calm
but endless and deep endued
I asked for it
Raised to perfection
So, well, I settle
before night ensues
Feeling Real Jul 2015
it was 100+ lines anyway
i wrote this in the lyrical style of twenty one pilots and la dispute
Feeling Real Jun 2014
four tho... there's 1, 2, 3 so far
Feeling Real Jun 2014
they really need to add a delete button
Part two
Feeling Real Jun 2014
three, obviously
Feeling Real May 2014
wow i just ****
Feeling Real Jun 2014
First part in a series. Wait for later, or don't.
Feeling Real Jun 2014
I'm feeling monumental
like I've made a plan and followed through
but I don't finish anything
not thoughts or even this poem
Feeling Real Sep 2015
My eyes beg to be laid to rest
And the coffin of my thoughts isn’t enough
I wait for the black silk of night
To fade into the first rays of sunshine
Before sleep takes me from this land

I was never this sick in Reno
When I had bedtime stories read to me in jest
And every moment since there has been a coaxing of lips
My tongue was as ardent as a bundled tress

I never had a dream to complain about
No itchy, wet, sticky unfinished seam
I sew my skin shut after piecing it apart
And sometimes the scars are so light they fade into the milk of my skin

When my brother asks about it I scream
And I tell him to mind his own ******* business
I don’t even know why
I just know anything is better than admitting the depths of my feelings
They barely exist when not meeting my whims

Old page markers and books devoured and forgotten
My childhood could be lengthened to blank stares
And perhaps it would if I could allow my head room
But it’s easier to never go back there
part 2/3
Feeling Real May 2014
I am absolutely petrified
afraid of little and big alike
living like someone half-alive
not radioactive, but acting spite
If I could exist another way
be born into night, as I was into day
it would be much easier to hide

Why exist at all when not really alive?

Ponder upon the hatred of all
Why exist for something that is nothing at all?
These people, these peasants ask for it
these stupid, whining, petulances
talking to me as if I care
With so-called clever small talk, unnatural air
gasping and panting for one more breath
that they'll get and ask for again

A cycle, a cycle of loving demands
that will end with me, by my hands
Why exist for nothing at all?
It serves to remind
It is alright if you've already died
Feeling Real Apr 2014
if, slowly, i raised the heat
and i worked too hard
and i left you too hard
what would you say to me
the submissive mistress to-be
itching and craving
as a very bad girl misbehaving
not solely naught
but with pink and bows
and new white lace
drinking top shelf lose-yourself
to make you think
but the admiration is enough
and the attractive wanton lust
rubs you just the right way
it is so ingrained
and yet, all the same
I get a taste of a craving
and lose myself to waiting
for someone to teach me
I, the special fool
am waiting for a man to have rule
to give me what I need by substitute
Feeling Real Sep 2015
I just felt myself die

And every second afterwards was a reminder

Flesh is not as tempting as you made it seem

It just is a mark that escapes notice

And today I watched a suicide

Written cleanly between the lines of poetry

There were enough reason to leave me gasping

Sharing the panicked desperation of their loved ones mourning

It was pretty to watch them degrade

Their sawdust imprinted on skin

I was told to take it standing up

Far away from the floor I was tempted to decay upon

At attention I couldn’t help but to stop, drop, and roll

I learned to keep myself safe before I learned my name

Lost in translation through the years

My priorities shifted from existing to pretending I wasn’t inside my skin
part 1/3
Feeling Real May 2014
I am meant to feel
I am insignificant
I want talent
and I strive to achieve
that which will never be in my grasp
So I undertake these challenges
These tests of my capabilities
and when the going,
as it is said,
gets tough - I quit
I do not have the time
nor the imagination
nor the qualities
and this poem
full of pity-filled
is going on longer
than I have meant it to
Feeling Real Apr 2014
I write when I begin to feel
emotions are things to purge
and though not often does this occur
my words are masterpieces
waiting to be heard
As if I feel something I will imagine
Just for a grade
Just for some attention
pay me in your admiration
if it exists
Feed me false confidences
if I fall short in deliverance
But my ego is such it shall remain untouched
I am better than skilled in deception
I am a masterpiece painting its way
I am so purposeful
when I am set to complete
any task or chore I meet
but poems, they require a felt beat
that only comes naturally
when allowing notions to be free
and I purge all that comes
before I can contribute
that nonsense to me
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