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Lately I have been searching for inspiration
Waiting patiently in the corner of my bedroom
I trail the walls, paint them different color in my mind
Wonder if I can write about change
I stand back in Times Square
Gaze at the lights, follow the people, count their footsteps
I wonder if I can write about the city
Then I find myself checking my phone
Email overflowing, social media always the same
And your name
I wonder if I can write about you
And I can, but I know it is only empty words
Because I know you won't read them
you've always been my
favorite book
never difficult to pick from the shelf
and breeze through.
I have read you
and over
one thousand times
and I find things
with each and every read
that I never discovered
in the last.
all of the genres
combined within you;
an endless movie
running through my head
with you as the lead role
and I couldn't imagine a life
without you being written
into it.

Copyright ©  2015 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
reading never came as a challenge for me,
maybe that's why loving you will be so easy
Thinking now, I miss the late night talks about nothing.
I miss the late night talks about something.
I miss staying on the phone all night playing kingdom hearts.
I miss singing and dancing over skype wanting to never part.
I miss the unsecure security.
I miss your laugh, and I miss your crazy stories.
But most of all,
I miss the simplicity we once had.

The unlikely friendship we shared,
Until we found out we both cared.
I believe everything happens for a reason,
But what if our time has run?
What if it's only just begun?

Is this meant to happen, is it just fate?
Or is it time we closed the gate.
I don't know what path is right.
I'm just so scared to mess up this life.
I wish there was a manuel, or I could see into the future,
Maybe then I could make the suture.
Would you hate to hear that i still love you?

Enchanting the season
offered for free
Walking along
just you and me

Sonnets of springtime
afloat on the breeze
Harmonic ripples
to tickle the trees

Hummingbird wishes
of garden delight
Rose petal flutters
neath skies ever bright

Irises blooming,
lavender too
Sunrise concertos,
wondrous the view

Surrounded by beauty,
these days we spend
Falling in love
*all over again
You make me feel alive. Like nothing ever has before. I can't even put into words the way I feel. I crave to be with you. You're all I ever think about. Every tweet, every song, every thing I see reminds me of you and there you are creeping into my thoughts. I want to be the one you want, the one who makes you happy. It's like an addiction and I can never get enough. Sitting next to you puts me in a state of bliss, a nirvana of happiness that nothing else compares to. You're all that I could ever want. You are my everything. I will never ever give up on you. Through amazing times or our lowest points in life I will be there to hold your hand. I will do all the things the others guys never did because to me, you're so much more than a pretty face or someone who is nice and sweet. You are perfection in every single way and I want you to be mine.

Can you hear
the words I say this night

In the trees
a long and flowing flight

Soft and sweet
to land upon your ears

In the night
to calm your every fear

On the wind
caress the evening sky

That I send
as in your bed you lie

now passing through the stars

From my heart
that float to where you are

Close your eyes
for you will surely hear

Sent from me
to make it oh so clear

these words I mean so true

Of my love
*I send to only you
Can you hear them? From my heart to yours, no matter the distance.

I woke up to
a lovebird’s lyrics
sung upon a dewdrop lawn

Touching so
her words did echo
sweet this effervescent dawn

I listened closely
breezes through my window fell

To her sound
of sunrise blessings
captured swiftly by her spell

I sat down
at my piano
inspired by what I did hear

Found the key
a soft progression
it whispered sweetly in my ear

She filled my heart
with melodies
the feel of love in me did grow

Playing keys
of black and white
so beautiful the sound did flow

Upon my sill
she sang her sonnet
as my fingers played along

The two of us
in harmony
*with her wondrous morning song
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