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 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
I have a secret, which till now I have concealed.
You may be shocked, today as it will be revealed.
I have been sleeping with her since long.
In company of her my nights are on song.
I have seen beauties all across the world.
but her softness is more valuable than gold.
In moments of joy I have grabbed her tight.
In moments of sorrow my tears have moistened her clothes bright.
I have seen many beautiful dreams by putting my head on her lap.
And in my dreams I have visited places, which cannot be found on map
Those wintery nights were so rosy,
when In the same blanket I and she got cozy.
Now I am addicted to her beauty.
It is impossible to sleep without this cute little sweetie.
Now I cannot stay without her, she is integral part of my life.
No girl should challenge her position, not even my future wife.
Our affair has been going since I was a boy callow.
Today I declare it openly, 'I love you my Pillow'.
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
Oh Sleeping believer on the bed!
Three knots at the back of your head,
each contains Satan's words enchanting.
' The night is, long, so keep on sleeping, '
' The night is, long, so keep on sleeping, '
' The night is, long, so keep on sleeping, '
wake-up praising Allah, untie the first one,
perform the ablution second will be undone,
execute the salah so that remains none.
Send the dullness, gloominess far away.
Get up in the morning lively and gay. :)
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
Rich and poor standing shoulder-to-shoulder,
disciplined, synchronized postures of beholders.
Overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude,
men in rows with humbled attitude.
In-front of Allah their sins they confess
so that they return favored and blessed.
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
Two uncivilized platoons
fighting each other like wild goons,
just for a small oval ball.
I feel like giving each one a ball
to settle the dispute once and for all.
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
Oppression has mothered.
In blood covered and smothered.
On blood and anger fed.
injustice it wants to behead.
A historic evolution.
We call it 'Revolution'.
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
From mountains of time;
Pebbles of moments fell.
Worthless stones I thought.
Flung them far to dispel.

Year after year passed.
Unknown paths I walked.
Came across known environment.
With amazement I gawked.

Stumbled upon those stones.
Pebbles which I threw;
They were precious diamonds.
Then its worth I didn't knew.
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
lina S
لأجلك يا مدينة الصلاة أصلي
لأجلك يا بهية المساكن يا زهرة المدائن
يا قدس يا قدس يا مدينة الصلاة
عيوننا إليك ترحل كل يوم
تدور في أروقة المعابد
تعانق الكنائس القديمة
و تمسح الحزن عن المساجد
يا ليلة الأسراء يا درب من مروا إلى السماء
عيوننا إليك ترحل كل يوم و انني أصلي

الطفل في المغارة و أمه مريم وجهان يبكيان
لأجل من تشردوا
لأجل أطفال بلا منازل
لأجل من دافع و أستشهد في المداخل
و أستشهد السلام في وطن السلام
سقط الحق على المداخل
حين هوت مدينة القدس
تراجع الحب و في قلوب الدنيا أستوطنت الحرب
الطفل في المغارة و أمه مريم وجهان يبكيان و أنني أصلي

الغضب الساطع آتٍ و أنا كلي ايمان
الغضب الساطع آتٍ سأمر على الأحزان
من كل طريق آتٍ بجياد الرهبة آتٍ
و كوجه الله الغامر آتٍ آتٍ آتٍ
لن يقفل باب مدينتنا فأنا ذاهبة لأصلي
سأدق على الأبواب و سأفتحها الأبواب
و ستغسل يا نهر الأردن وجهي بمياه قدسية
و ستمحو يا نهر الأردن أثار القدم الهمجية
الغضب الساطع آتٍ بجياد الرهبة آتٍ
و سيهزم وجه القوة
البيت لنا و القدس لنا
و بأيدينا سنعيد بهاء القدس
بايدينا للقدس سلام آتٍ

It is for you O city of the prayer that I pray
It is for you O splendid home, O flower of the cities
O Jerusalem O Jerusalem O Jerusalem O city of the prayer
Our eyes are set out to you everyday
They walk through the porticos of the temples
Embrace of the old churches
And take the sadness away from the mosques
O night of Al asra O path of those who left for the sky
Our eyes are set out to you everyday and I pray

The child is in the cave and his mother is Myriam two faces crying
For those who roamed
For the children without a house
For those who resisted and were martyred at the gates
And the peace was martyred in the homeland of the peace
And the law tumbled at the gates of the city
When Jerusalem city fell
Love left and in the heart of the world the war was settled
The child is in the cave and his mother is Myriam two faces crying
and I pray

The glaring anger is arriving and I am sure of it
The bright anger is arriving, I will command the grief
From everywhere, it will arrive riding the steeds of fear,
As if the overwhelming face of God it will arrive
The gates of our city will not be locked anymore so I am going to pray
I will knock the gates and I will liberate them
My face will be cleaned by the holy water of the Jordan river
And the effects of the barbarism of the past will be erased O Jordan River
The glaring anger is arriving riding the steeds of the fear
And will defeat whom is in power
This is our home and Jerusalem belongs to us
And in our hands we will celebrate the splendor of Jerusalem
by our hands the peace will return to Jerusalem
If you haven't listened to fairuz you haven't lived ..
Peace will return to Jerusalem. .
 Dec 2014 Mary Ab
Andrew Switzer
When I stand by your side, my skin can melt steel,
When I hear you heart singing, mine starts to heal.
When I look in your eyes, I see the beauty of stars,
Whenever you cry, I wish I bore your scars.
 Nov 2014 Mary Ab
 Nov 2014 Mary Ab
I try to say I love you
I  try to listen to you
I try to give you my trust
but sometimes I feel like you would do something bad behind my back
I try to give you my heart, but my heart feels like you're going to tear it apart
 Nov 2014 Mary Ab
A broken heart I shall not have
A broken heart I do not need
but I have a broken heart because I gave that special person my heart
He took my heart and said he would take care of it
but instead behind my back he played with it
and when he came back to me he gave me my heart back
but the heart was broken. So now I ended up with a broken heart
If this poem is bad I am sorry, I just started and I am new at this.
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