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 Mar 2016 Eriko
Jeremy Bean
For **** sake
please refrain
from using the term
My lifeblood is set adrift from the foreshore bottom land of Camp Creek .. To mingle with her fauna , patiently transfixed with the finality of life
giving sea ...Bound for the salted waters of coastal Georgia  , longing for the surety of the Atlantic's welcome embrace , for the solace of shrieking gulls , the camaraderie of sea oat and white sands , for the first rays of her morning Sun ...
Copyright March 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Busbar Dancer
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Busbar Dancer
conquered cities 
reduced to dirt, then
sown with salt so nothing grows. ever. 
assaulted senses bring fevered dreams of
caeser's dying breath escaping when I exhale. 

fate breathes as well; 

a single, ragged, pep-o-mint tickle on my neck 
so I know she's there... 
just behind me. 

I'm finding it difficult 
to keep the salt from my wound- 
to keep the sea from my door- 
to keep the plank from my eye- 
to keep off the moors at night 
  when the moon is blind to my indiscretions.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
My secret was you.
      Your secret was him.
                              Worlds burn.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Alysia Michelle
God is teaching me
how to not be so
that it is okay
to walk away

without explanation
that i don't have to
explain myself
to anyone

because he already knows my heart

he is teaching me
to let go
of the things of this world
and hold on tight
to my relationship with him
and not my relationships
with others
because i feed off of
the energy of the people
i surround myself with
and i don't always
surround myself
with positive people
he has taught me that
if i feed off of people
instead of him
that i will always
be left feeling hungry
so this is my surrender.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Nicole Joanne
there's four kinds of love poems.

1. the one about the guy who you wish to experience. the guy who makes you wonder. the guy you're curious about. the man who has dreams not yet revealed. the guy you have made a picture of in your head. the one you want to know.

2. the guy who broke your heart. the boy you love. love him more than anything, but maybe youre just not in love anymore. the boy who never quite transitioned to a man. the 'wrong time.' the one you thought you would live your life with. the one who wasnt perfect, or even great, but you thought of him the world.

3. the comparison. who you thought you loved, but realized later on there is a love much stronger. the people who fall into this category grows bigger with experience and time.

4. the love of your life and if you're lucky, hopefully he's the same person as number one.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
 Mar 2016 Eriko
         o       o
                  O      o        
•fill our beak-
er with un-
told chem-
patible  so-
lvents that
fizz... with
ix them in to get
the most homogene-
ous of solutions•introdu-
ce heat in the likes of passion
•never a clean reaction, there will
be residue• never right the first time,
failed attempts will be a few......• but once
distilled from undesirable impurity•........then
handle the mixture with utmost sensitivity........•
you'll get a result that can't be bought with money•
because this love in our hearts is the product of

pure chemistry

 Mar 2016 Eriko
m i a
to a lovely boy;
i want to tell you that you're lovely.
that you're beautiful.
oh so beautiful.
i want to tell you that you're eyes send me to a whole other world. that you're sweaters look adorable on you.
i want to tell you that you're hair is hot when it's wet, and that you're smile slowly kills me everytime. In a good way of course.
i want to tell you that you're perfect in my eyes.
i want to tell you that i like your face, and your lips, and your eyes, and your fingers, and your cheeks, and just you in general.
I want to tell you that, i like how you stay focused on your canvas when you draw, and you look only at your lines.
i want to tell you that i like- love it when you hug me. i feel safe. i want to tell you that im falling dangerously in love with you, but i'm scared.
so i wrote it in a poem instead.
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