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 Apr 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
I sat there looked into the skies
Thinking of slices of pies
As I texted my lies.

I lied to you about the drop bears
No talons, muscle toned body or steel hairs,
I'm sorry I lied to you but here's me bare.

I bare to you now, the truth in entirety
You're probably thinking '*** he lied to me-
This isn't how I thought this guy to be!'

Here's another truth, I don't just like you,
I really really really really really like you,
In a way that the sky is blue, I just do.

Third truth, I said I think you're pretty
I am not confessing now so you'd show me pity
But you're extremely beautiful, way beyond pretty.

Fourth truth, I told you I didn't want to bother you
The fact remains, that is only somewhat half true
Because when you are busy, I'm dying to text you.

Fifth truth, I said I didn't know how to appreciate art
I think I do, it's about viewing with the heart
And with my heart you are a masterpiece work of art.

Sixth truth, I was at a party and I told you I just sat there
That's a lie because I indeed did something, I was grasping for air
As I resist the urge to text you 'Hey there :)'.

Seventh truth, I told you that you made me happy
That my mood shifted from crabby,
That's a lie because you made me ECSTATIC, not happy,

Now I have bared you my soul
I have told you the truth in whole
Hope you can forgive me, for this...
~I told you a few lies. I don't want to tell you these lies anymore. So the above is my confession to you. All the above is my true thoughts....I'm sorry
 Apr 2016 Eriko
 Apr 2016 Eriko
I'd befriend the obsidian sky...
   I'd shower it with a bounty of praises.
  So that it'll welcome my nightly gaze,
     without threats from overbearing clouds.

     I'd impress the twinkling stars
       by serenading them with songs unheard by most.
     So that when the time comes,
  they'd cast their votes in my favour.

I'd whisper to the nighttime breeze.
   I'd cavort and giggle at its slightest touch.
      So that when I fly my flag,
   it'll catch it in full billows for her to see.

Then finally...
  I'd woo the twilight moon...
     For she is the prize
   my heart had sought to pursue.
    I'd court her
      with the fiercest blaze that burns within...
     In hopes that she'd forever
   remember me as the suitor that had
fallen helplessly.
 Apr 2016 Eriko
 Apr 2016 Eriko

You could...

Let the universe decide...
If it has space for you.

Let life decide...
If it has a future for you.

Let God decide...
If He has amnesty for you.

Or you could...

Let yourself decide...
To fight for a place
where there's always a tomorrow,
blessed with opportunities
to seek forgiveness.

 Apr 2016 Eriko
 Apr 2016 Eriko
I wish for a hug...
One that lasts only mere seconds.
Yet could only mean nothing
but eternity.

I long for a hug...
One that finds me struggling,
and offers the line that'll hoist me up
so that the whims of the world
would simply fall away.

I yearn for a hug...
An embrace that grants me the briefest
moment of solace.
Amidst the clamour and chaos
that overwhelm.

I want a hug...
One that's unconditional.
One that'll just take me in, as I am.
One that wouldn't cringe
at the misfit of my bones.
One that wouldn't judge
if our heartbeats don't
thump in sync.
 Apr 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
Stopped at a red light
The wait for it to turn green
Asking 'How long has it been?'
As stars guide the night.
Sudden blackout of all light
As dark as an Auschwitz scene
With monsters and fiends
And darkness sets in fright.

Your teeth glowed bright
There was light again
From a poet's pen
I found comfort at your sight.
You barricaded me in safety
And shone the light that saved me.
You should know who you are. You have made me smile a lot lately. I thank you.
 Apr 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
 Apr 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
You are only one person
But you have placed a smile
On the cracked edges of my lips
That have dried of laughter
Over the many days of angst.

You are only one person
But you have shown me beauty
Not only from your soul but
From my own soul that now seeks
A light which engulfs all darkness.

You are only one person
But you have done
What a million people
Couldn't have done.

You have made me appreciate
The morning sun
You have made me smile
At the midnight moon
You have made me live
Within the light
Rather than hide
Within the darkness.

You are only one person
But you have
Made all the difference
To this one person.
 Apr 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
 Apr 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
Make me
In a way
The Joker
Be jealous

Words that

A blue
A heavy
Warm Sun

 Apr 2016 Eriko
 Apr 2016 Eriko
How can I ever explain my self?
I was always searching for souls
I don't want you  to look in my eyes
Unless your ready to fall in

I fall asleep with a brush
Hoping to paint my dreams
When it's my nightmare
That will be my masterpiece

Acrylic idealist
Oil and water
Pastel mystery
Empty canvas

How can I ever explain myself?
I was always wanting to feel
I don't want you to look into my eyes
Unless I'm looking into you

I was born on destruction
And raised in rage
And saved
When I feel creation with you

Hopeless romantic
Fire and ice
Beautiful monster
Lost soul
 Apr 2016 Eriko
the day
 Apr 2016 Eriko
all this time,
i could never imagine that
this day would eventually come.

the day when someone would actually make me a priority.
the day when someone would actually be willing to stay awake for me.
the day when someone would actually be willing to take risks for me.
the day when someone would actually look at me dead in the eye and tell me that i'm beautiful.
the day when i could actually feel that i'm being loved unconditionally.
the day when i could actually bare myself until the very last fragment; until the deepest, darkest piece of me.

all hell breaks loose when you and i found each other.
 Apr 2016 Eriko
m i a
it wasn't really school bullies, that have torn me apart,
or a past lover who broke my heart,
but more so, my own blood
who has caused this everflowing flood,
of pain, sadness, and madness in my mind
they think that because i'm still breathing, i'm doing just fine
when really,
im going to explode like a land mine
*by blood i mean my family.
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