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EP Robles Sep 2018
THE PRECIOUS terror is realizing
most adults are dead children
or like a day that folds itself into

a basket of reborn night.  That long-
necked geese and stiff necks are
either pretending giraffes or self

consumed souls; ignoring the mirror's
reflecting thoughts introspection
devours it's own mouth.  

  Surrealism is hickey upon my heart
that bests freezer burn sunlight any
now.  Kiss me you brilliant stupid

:: 08-30-2018 ::
EP Robles Sep 2018
l o v e.    elephants too.  

  .  ants. /\ R doing all that

couldn't be done.  Smiles Making

All that’s unmade  and her SHE’s

best with peanut’s butter so LOVE

show me  EASY not a thing so undone

        save all who cannot be saved

      hug the porcupine and the insane

     and in the end it’s the moon or maybe

    even Mars — where they inhale

Laughter and breath out NASA emblems

     while teaching rovers to catch a star //

love love love ALL ||

:: 09-01-2018 ::
EP Robles Sep 2018
Soothing wooden
window pane!
Where hope dwelt
upon ridden raw
weight of elbows
dreaming days;

The wait as
dropping rain
falling snow
windy days
summer's glow
a fall in grace!

there i knew
your face
across distant
seasons too
as stung beelike
humming buzzing
where i buried
just a memory
of you
of waiting
for you
as always
the long season
of God’s Grace!

:: 12-18-2014 ::
:: Rev 09012018 ::
EP Robles Sep 2018
i am dumb.  you caught me eating  beach sand
when steak is upon the table.  And now my teeth
are crumbling sand castles / as youth begged me
to build my empire \ i am old. the guardian of
my soul reminds me a hater sees though blind and
lovers be blind but can see \an emptiness felt i
have never filled. The sensitive see more and
the poor eat feasts within their sleep.  i weep.
bolts of lightening.  laughter created the universe.
wewereso youthful and time yet born when the
few of us decided to explore the 'place of darkness'
and found life which creates life.  i am
dumbfounded.  by free will.  we all have it but
without choice.  _/_/_/___

:: 08-29-2018 ::

— The End —