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there are several things
I forgot to tell you
before you leave
and step right outside

your car keys
are inside the cupboard
there's a snack in the
fridge, in case you get hungry
on your way out
and I’ve ironed your jacket
in case you get cold
until you get
inside her

these are the last things I’ll do
it'll keep me sane

cause I’ve been telling myself
the day you cheated on me

I am not your wife
I am not your best friend
I am not for you

I will not tell you that
I loved you
I will not beg for you
to stay

go now, you are free
it's the choices we've made
that defines our freedom

you are free now

I just hope that

you won't find me inside her
The things we do
that we can’t do
in public
excites me.

Hold hands
Embrace -

I thought
our consciousness
was supposed
to tell us
we are alive,
we are human.

But why does
it stops us
from doing things
others can?

We are different;

In public,
we are private
In private
we are public.

Who’s to blame?-

Never mind.

I love you,
And that’s all that matters.
“I dont know”
was my response
when you asked me if
I still love you

the world stopped
for the both of us
as I wondered on the thought
of me, being selfish
or being true
and yours upon the
realization that
maybe, just maybe
my love for you
is fleeting

neither of us was speaking
and the silence echoed
through the depths of my head
and you uttered

that moment, I knew
that you gave up
on me, and my inner

I crumbled upon
the guilt of telling you
those words, so instead
I let my tongue do
the talking and said

cause it was never hard to say

but it is always hard to face

the reality of being responsible
to someone

as if I have to breathe
through somebody’s pair of lungs
and scratch the loneliness
with someone else’s fingers

we parted
I changed numbers

cause I had to stay afloat
on the clouds of solitude
free from attachments.
he'll wait for you
to get home, at a party
where your soul is
practically naked

then you'll come home
to a beast, lying
dormant until
he laid his eyes on you

he will kiss you
like there's no

you'll beg for him
to give it all
like a savage beast

he'll *******
with such ferocity
and you'll ******* fall
in love

with the idea that
he is
your little secret


he'll hear what you say
while you're walking
in the reality
outside cages

you'll want to
with great desire
to hold his hand
but you must not

he'll snap
at the slightest moment
you touch his hand

you'll wonder if
you're with the same
beast, the one you've
been in bed with

after all,
you'll give up trying
while he's out
of his cage

cause he
is your little secret


you'll wait for him
to let go of his
chains that he put
when he's out

you'll try to kiss him
in the open, and he'll
resist, resist until
you get tired

and you'll blame yourself
for his lack of

one day you'll ask him
why must he
little secret?

but you can't blame him

cause you've learned
to love
doesn't embrace
who you are
what you are

but then again,
it's not his fault
Don’t preen my wings -
I told you, even though
In the beginning I was just
a caterpillar crawling through
a sweeping field of chrysanthemums

Soft, fragile
were my dreams and hopes of
admiring the robins, as they
thrash by their nearby nest
nursing their young
as the babes chirp, beaks wide open
as their mum feeds them hope
that someday they’ll fly like robins do

I hope I can fly, someday
I told you that
the night we feast on the leaves
of Milkweeds
in hopes of growing wings
like those robins
that we admire the most

Little did I know that
You started chewing on what
was mine, my wings-
are imaginary, you said
that my hopes and dreams
to be one with the robins
are farfetched

And you chewed, and chewed, and chewed

till we grew hard and tough on self-loathing
upon the realization that your
words are always the truth that
we avoid since the beginning
when we got drunk on that

I admit, that you chewed
and it forced me to follow

Don’t preen my wings, I told you
that time when we hang up by the
branch of the fully grown Hawthorn
along the red, plump berries

We ghosted each other
on the shell we were forced to take
Like those hermit ***** that we used to watch
by the thorns of roses, seeing them take
the burden of one another makes us

But as we sit in silence as the
darkness of our own making envelops us,
but I was, contented
knowing that darkness
is an old friend
and you by my side
is a way - a company
to spend the time

What happened?

What happened that night when
a gust of wind flew
through us, I felt the
chill of the upcoming gale
I shouted

but you are too busy

dealing with the darkness
you’re in

Don’t preen my wings, I told you
as I detached from the branch
that we used to hangout
as caterpillars

But we don’t crawl  anymore

Now I am nothing
but a fallen chrysalis
waiting for those mighty
wings of those robins
I admired so much.

I got the beak.
define trust

trust is more than just
taking off our clothes and
revealing bodies to each
or looking me in the eye
as you try to get
inside me
asking if it hurts
and permitting you to
speed up a little

trust is in the way
you look at me
when it’s obvious that
people are trying to get
your attention
or admitting that you did
some of your
little mistakes
and temptations
you’ve recently avoided

trust is how
you hold my hand
when we’re walking
down the alleys, unafraid
of what
people might say or do
or when I tell you
I miss you and come
running right after

it’s more than just ***
and loyalty
and accompaniment

it’s when
I say sorry a thousand times
and you never show tiredness

it’s when you ask me about
how my day went and just listen

it’s when you tell me that
you love me when
I did something out of place

for me
it’s how you


should I trust you?

— The End —