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Emma Jul 2018
whispers chasing you as you run down the hall
don't look back at them, you may trip and fall.

Girls share secrets at lunch in the bathroom,
you hear your name, you leave the room.

running from the whispers cant stop them from starting
harsh words, behind your back they are darting.

don't run from your problems, they'll only get worse,
and then they'll take your soul away in a hearse.

so keep your mouth shut, don't make a sound,
don't let those pesky rumors, come around.

stand up and fight, for what you believe in,
if you do not, you will let the gossip win.
Emma Jul 2018
holding this back
is like a dam and a river.

i am about to explode.

the walls start to crack,
and the floors
start to shake.

theres a leak

one drop

falling down a pale white canvas.

then once all the little animals,
have scattered on their way.

thats when the flood comes

like its pouring rain.

a waterfall of emotion,
screaming in pain.

crying out for comfort.
shouting out its shames.

no construction can repaire it.

the damage is to much.

that once dry canvas

is now a constant flood.

once the water is drained free...

and you think the storm is over,

thats when the rain start..

and the the process is turned over.

people may try
to patch the hole...
with love
with care
with hope
with joy

but this hole is eroding
getting bigger
with every word

trying to hold this in
is just causing more pain.

when the night comes,
the cracks reopen,
and the flood resumes.

and the people decide
to just stay in their rooms.
Emma Jul 2018
Our religions are different.

Your god loves his creations
and takes care of them
and has a future planned out for them.
Your god created heaven and earth
and everything in between.

My god puts an unwanted child
in an already broken home and says
"here, have a fun life"
and leaves them forever.
My god created a planet
he is allowing to die
and he created vast dark space
and black holes
and he created monsters out of men and little boys.

Your god forgives and loves unconditionally.

My god holds grudges and gets revenge.

Your god is a kind-faced old man
sitting on a throne of clouds.

My god is a stone-cold faced judge
who towers over his people from his steel throne.

Your god created humans to be companions with each other.

My god created enemies and starts wars.

Your god has mercy and compassion.

My god has anger and fury.

We do not share religion
because I do not believe in the god you claim to praise.

The bible commands you don't worship false idols...
but what if the god you were taught to follow...

Is One
Emma Jul 2018
Have you ever known what it feels like
to completely believe
that you deserve to die.
Have you ever known the tiresome journey
of a long day of depression.
Have you ever known the names
of the monsters hiding in your darkness.
Have you ever known the weight
looming over your body like an elephant.
A weight that presses into your chest
so heavy your lungs begin to collapse.
Have you ever know the urge
to take your own life.
to end the suffering.
to relieve the pain
you have caused to those around you.
Have you ever known the feeling
of looking in the mirror every day
and hating the THING  looking back at you.
Have you ever woken up every morning
and been disappointed you survived another night.
If you have never known the feeling
of screaming at yourself to do better, look better, be better.
If you have never known the feeling
of drowning in your own thoughts.
like a minnow in an ocean.
If you have never known what its like
to have to FIGHT everyday
just to get out of bed.
If you have never known
the earth shattering,
bone chilling,
mind swelling pain
that comes along with depression,
then you have no right to tell me
that it is just in my head,
or that i need to just get over it.
until you barely have the energy to breath,
you do not have the right
to tell anyone how they SHOULD feel.

— The End —