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She was happy to see daddy doing “better”
She couldn’t see the sunken face and the bags under his lazy eyes
Daddy would fall asleep driving with her in the car
She didn’t know this at the time until daddy almost went off the road
Daddy is the bad guys that you see in cartoons and comics
Daddy went back to the cold steel bars that he seemed to love more than his little girl
She told herself “This time you won’t fall for daddy’s lies”
She told herself “I don’t need him”
She listened to herself this time
Daddy is behind the cold bars
Waiting to be free again
His little girl is grown up
He missed out on his little girl’s life
Just to feel the rush of the high
The rush of being a bad guy
She knows who her daddy is
She’s seen his true colors
And it’s time for his little girl to say goodbye.
GoodBye Dad.
 Nov 2017 em
John Doe
The first time you said you loved me Was by the water fountain
The first time we kissed was by the water fountain

I gave her my heart the moment she told me she was in love
But now her cup is filled with something different in it

Got lost along the way and was all alone
I brought along a shovel and dug into the dirt
After a while I hit solid stone

Was so dark I couldn’t see
My hand disappeared in front of me

But if we ever find ourselves back at the water fountain
It will be broken and the rust will be showing

But  I know this is onlywish
Like when you said you loved me and didn’t love her

So now I just sit here lonely by the water fountain
 Nov 2017 em
 Nov 2017 em
Drinking glue is not good for you
Digesting glue is not good for you
Glue is not food
Nor drink or ****
Glue is just glue
Inhale its fumes
Please pass the salt.
 Nov 2017 em
Imran Islam
Sigh, last poem of you, who is about?
Am I rude and selfish?
All I care about is my needs, isn't it?
So am I like *******?
You are a walking contradiction
Do you have a medical condition?

I don't worry about you, beloved
I'm not worried.
I just do not feel good
I'm not happy, I'm  not glad

I'm not selfish
I can get hurt too
You know I am not made of stone
What about when you hurt someone?

Yes, you stole my smile.
How am I supposed to trust you,
when you took my look without permission?
I took it away because it was mine, not yours
It's not selfish it's protecting yourself, ****!
And you actually wrote a hate poem on it
Look, I have feelings and a little bit of emotion.

-Sorry, bye
Why bye?
Now I'm talking to you
I'm not treating you like anything
I'm just saying my part
You just want to say yours, but you won't listen to me!
 Nov 2017 em
 Nov 2017 em
autobiography of an animal. autobiography of a god.

lets with the sacrilige. creators who throw their creations
away are god.
in the sense of - only survival is necessary, of - it is
natural to be abandoned. why am i so stuck on this          ?
like those   childhood manisfestations of masochism that
landed me      in
so much trouble                                                          ­ memory
shows up in my mailbox in the form of a rabbit whose fur
is rough with herbs.
 Nov 2017 em
harmony crescent
so so soon
well be together
staring at the stars and moon
and dreaming about forever
 Nov 2017 em
 Nov 2017 em
I have a little black book
Inside are names
Names of those I know
Some I love
Some I onced loved
Some I came to despise
Every time I open the book
It makes me sad
Most of these names
I haven't spoken to in years
Some I barely remember
Sometimes I add new names
Not as often as I used to
And every time I do
A light shines inside
Before being extinguished
Once again
As I close my little black book
A little black book full of me
 Nov 2017 em
Dev A
What if I told you I was never wanted?
What would you say?
You'd say "of course I was,
We all love you"

But that's not what I asked.
Being wanted and being loved;
You'd think they'd go hand-in-hand,
But a vast abyss, an eternal ocean separates them.
You can be loved and unwanted
Or wanted but unloved.

What if I told you I never felt wanted?
Maybe I wanted to feel more loved, too;
But that would never happen.

What if I told you the boys never wanted me?
They never wanted to play;
They sent me away.
I was too girly,
Never tough enough,
I played by the rules,
I was too fragile,
Never strong enough;
I was too weak.

What if I told you the girls never wanted me?
They never wanted to play;
They sent me away.
I was too tomboyish,
Never dressed the right way,
I liked sports more than fashion,
I acted more like the boys,
Never wanted to shop or gossip;
I was too tough.

What if I told you the older kids never wanted me?
They never wanted to play;
They sent me away.
I was too childish,
Never mature enough,
I talked to much,
I was too excitable,
Never acting the right way;
I was too young.

What if I told you the adults never wanted me?
They never wanted to play;
They sent me away.
I was too innocent,
Never doing as I was told,
I butted in when I wasn't wanted,
I was too demanding,
Never acted my age;
I was too naive.

What if I told you that you were wrong all along?
You never wanted to play;
You sent me away.
I was too good,
Never breaking the rules,
I tried to do what was expected of me,
I didn't need reprimanding,
Never knowing what was wrong with me;
I was too quiet.

What if I told you I never felt wanted?
Would you still say I was loved?
I wanted more but never knew of what.
I was too different from the rest,
Never acted my age,
I tried to be more;
More mature,
More understanding,
Just more.

What if I told you I never felt wanted?
I tried to fit in,
To be like the others,
The ones I called friends.
But try as I might,
I wasn't invited out,
I found out about the parties days later,
I was the afterthought when everyone else was busy.

How could I feel wanted?
My friends,
My brother,
My cousins,
They never wanted to play;
They sent me away.
Always alone,
Always left behind,
Never feeling wanted.
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