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 May 2016 Negative Creep
Our lives are but a collection of the hours we spent loving one another.

I love you all.
 May 2016 Negative Creep

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.
Why is it so common,
in social media,
in movies,
in shows,
in gossip that circles students' minds,
that the act of cheating is so frequent?
Why can't people stay loyal anymore?
Why do I have to fear the idea of some girl
making you feel the way we felt
at the beginning of this?
Why doesn't "I love you"
actually mean "I love you"?
Why does it sometimes mean
I like you
but in the moments that I don't
in the midst of arguments and raised voices
I like someone else too.
thanks for tuning in
i hope that you like my station
this is where i haul my load
this is where i dump frustration

tonight on the show
there will be lots of laughter
when i speak about pain
when i speak about disaster
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
You thought 'twas
- - -
Deemed 'twas
- -
But you know it's
I could be wrong but also right.
And that's life, we always go with nothing.
(Fr my old article)
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