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By Arcassin Burnham

While I continue to search for the purpose
I should have possessed along time ago
While I was still kicking and screaming
Fading away and took hold of my soul,
Now I have no idea where I'll end up when
I die,
Probably somewhere in hell fire at the end
Of a chain and a whip begging God to give
Me what I deserve,
But as a mistake I deserve nothing,
Why do I have to be any different than he or
Why can't I just be stronger than both parties,
Dark , depressing, and lonely like premature
Born into a world that teaches you it's wicked ways,
I pray,
For all that have to live in the so-called "ghetto",
I pray,
These bad memories will disappear in time,
I pray that every single bad thing I've experienced
And wasn't good at will advance and make me into
The human being I need to be,
But the Lord doesn't hear me,
At least the Lord I'm praying to will agree,
Most of us sit with our mouths shut,
And bathe in this indecency,
But no one is listening.
Tick – tock! Tick – tock!
I never imagined that listening to the Hickory clock
Could be sensuous or ******.
Hah! Tick for the longing to reach one lover’s arms for caress
Tock for wanting to do heavenly things on this earth.

Ah! The glory of this lustrous life,
So full of hate, so full of love, so full of lust.
Tick – tock! Tick – tock!
Time itself is passion,
The waiting agony seeping through the body
Like a sweet toothache
Making way to the center of the being.

Squirming, not knowing what will be the next
Cookoo! Cookoo! Chimed the Hickory...
Ah! Is this what they call prolonging of pain?
Deliciously blind and white.
But what do I know?
I am still naïve with these feelings,
What do I know about it?
What do I know?
The time you first saw me
Was the falling of the seed
Into rich life-giving soil

The moment you noticed me
Was the seed itself
The start of a blooming love

When you started getting to know me
The first roots told hold in the earth
And wouldn’t let go

When you became the friend I turned to for everything
The first sprout sprung up from the land
Turning toward sunlight

When friendship started turning into something more
Stem grew inch by inch
Up and up, until leaves were born

When we first kissed
The flowerbud was coming out of its shell
Taking a breath of fresh air

When all my heart goes to you
The flower flourished
A perfect symbol of our love
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