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  Nov 2018 L B
When strangers sit together
they still exist alone.

When they wander in
the wet weather
without their friends
there is silence,

the same silence
that stares sullenly
at a tablet, or phone screen
without reacting
to any human being
in the general area.

There are always a few
who long to
break through
the silence
and speak with
others who have
no business
other then
sitting and waiting.

Spirits waning
from some
strange rejection,
not outright
but at daylight
when strangers
look right
at each other
then turn away
to speak.
  Nov 2018 L B
Travis Green
I remember when our bodies
were as one, two souls igniting
flames in the midnight horizon,
suntanned skin a wave of a
thousand passions burning inside
the heart, sweet thrilling lips a vivid
moon of golden bliss shining in sight,
hazel eyes traveling across various
dimensions and seas, melodic moments
seeping in the mind until the test of time,
a heavenly halo of harmonic beats, so
brilliant and beautiful, a poet’s paradise
blossoming in timeless escapes.
  Nov 2018 L B
Donall Dempsey

'Yes! ' I thought
' I will remember...'

how to get
back to
this place

your laughing face

a bird
writing on the sky

with the calligraphy
of its flight

this passing cloud
shaped like a heart now

breaking up into
Rodin's THE KISS

the laughter of kids
entangled in trees

a slight breeze
saucily lifting the hem

of your skirt
as if examining

the workmanship
of it.

Suddenly the wind's
a tailor?

The sea's voice
whispering far off

'Come & see... come & see! '

like a shy hawker
at a carnival.

One little brown knee
placed delicately
over another little brown knee

your skirt
like surf

crashing over it.

Yes I will
always remember

how to get
back here

follow these

my heart.
  Nov 2018 L B
Jason Drury
On this day,
of 35 years.
Humbled by,
the cycle of death.
I place my foot,
on sodden wood.
the November wind.
It's cruel and nips,
at my blue fingertips.
There is something,
new and also blue.
That pushed me out,
into the deep cold sleep.

Your eyes.
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