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357 · Apr 2020
Ekansh Kedia Apr 2020
I tread beneath this limitless sky;
this limitless sky of which I also am above.
I soar high till my wings melt,
keep falling;
falling till I run out of breath.
But I am worry-free;
worry-free because I know I'll land on a fluffy bed.
What just happened?
What. The. Heck.
Falling, until I run out of breath.
293 · Apr 2020
Ekansh Kedia Apr 2020
Pull me up, pull me high;
My arms can't fathom where you are lost in the sky.
You said we're in this together,
you said we'd be Bonny and Clyde;
But at this moment I feel, "I'd be better off not alive".
This avalanche of feelings covered by my snowy smile buries me alive.
Against my snowy smile, it flows without a stop;
like the river Nile.
It flows till it reaches the Amazon of tears,
evaporates from the heat of your heavenly body;
goes up again to be with you.
Ready to precipitate another day.
this little poem is about the struggles a person goes through to be with their loved ones.
cherish the ones around you we're not here for a long time!
290 · Apr 2020
Ekansh Kedia Apr 2020
I'm waiting for the day when I get to freefall,
experience weightlessness;
with no worries at all.
Let the wind evaporate my tears
and let the whispers of it blow away my ears.
The whispers will launch me into reminiscing;
which may bring me back to a realization,
that this is the sound,
the sound of the unfinished fall.
this is a little poem in which a helpless person is waiting for something to change him, waiting for someone to help him realize his mistakes and correct them.
186 · Apr 2020
Ekansh Kedia Apr 2020
if the mirror shows who I am,
then why is it not broken?
181 · Apr 2020
the poison inside
Ekansh Kedia Apr 2020
stay inside, they said
you'll be safe and sound;
words slipped from their tongues,
like they were coated with oil;
the oil in which the poison didn't dissolve;
the poison inside.
born from countless quarrels and endless hatred.
it built up inside gradually
and now to the brim,
bursting out,
worse than a volcano;
it was ready to make their lives a misery;
**** them who stayed inside, from the inside.
get me out of here
179 · Apr 2020
Ekansh Kedia Apr 2020
locked in a cage,
surrounded on all four sides with voices that echoed all your defects.
voices that echoed without the 17.2 meters, just three vocal cords.
This restrainment brought me to an awakening
that these vocal cords were all I ever needed to regret all the decisions I ever made and ever will.
An awakening which told me,
but time;
"time shall fix everything"
but it hasn't been that case,
all it has been these 15 years is
time--to no avail

— The End —