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Dec 2016 · 820
haylie Dec 2016
you gave him the world
all he gave you was chlamydia
Aug 2016 · 483
boys are like fries
haylie Aug 2016
boys are like fries
we know they are bad for us
but they taste so good

we **** their ***** anyway
Jul 2016 · 330
haylie Jul 2016
you said that i could fly
but then
you broke my wings
Jul 2016 · 276
haylie Jul 2016
im drunk
waiting for your kiss
that will  never come.
Jul 2016 · 318
haylie Jul 2016
we are nothing.
there is no we in this world
only remnants of nothing
created by our thoughts
with the help our peers
and the substances they bring us.

the ashes on the sidewalk
the scattered bottles
the ripped off wristbands
varying in color representing
the multiple stops along the way

what we were for one moment
disappears as quickly as it appeared
only existing in our memory
we are nothing.
Jul 2016 · 271
haylie Jul 2016
You were the show on Netflix
that I knew would end in a cliffhanger
because it was cancelled after the first season
but I watched it anyway.
Jul 2016 · 315
haylie Jul 2016
I was high for you.
When I saw you my vision blurred
My mind stopped working.
The only thing in focus was you
Everything else was spinning
Like hands on a clock.
The words wouldn’t come out
but this overwhelming feeling would stay.
You were what I would crave in the morning
What I needed to sleep at night.
Nights seemed so cold and
Anywhere seemed better than in bed
Not laying next to you
My unhealthy addiction
I ached without you
I couldn’t think straight
This was new
and now I couldn’t live without it.
I was high for you
but you weren’t good for me
and every high must end      
To bring you back to reality.
Jul 2016 · 228
haylie Jul 2016
You may think you’re his world
but really
you’re just his hometown
and he really likes to travel
even though you don’t know that
about him.
haylie Jul 2016
It’s 3am and I’m thinking about you. Your golden brown hair is dancing on the edge of the pillow and your laugh is contagious even though you’re laughing at me. It makes your lips curve up into that dangerous smile that you wear so well when you look at me making it impossible to resist you when you move closer. You’re moving towards me and I’m already telling myself how much of a mistake everything is but I can’t turn away because it feels so right. You pull me in and I push away, just once, because then you look at me again with those eyes and pull me in harder removing resistance as an option. I am not upset because I didn’t want to resist anyway, I just wanted to be able to say in the morning that I tried. The lights dim so I can no longer see your lips but I can still feel your presence which makes everything in the moment so perfect.

It’s 7am and I’m thinking about you. Tears are running down my face and you’re still here, but not really. In a matter of hours you went from making me feel like the center of your attention to nothing at all, which is what you do best. Those lips of yours used to say so much and hold so many emotions and now they sit silent, emotionless. Instead of moving closer you’re moving away which is what I expect from you but not what I want. I move away too because I know it’s what is expected. And you probably do this to so many girls and you think I am the same way but nights I’m not with you are nights I spend alone when you’re just spending it with a different darkened figure.
Jul 2016 · 270
Loving Just to Love
haylie Jul 2016
We know its not love but we don’t know what love is
so we pretend just for the night.
We surround ourselves with nothing else
but each other. The lights are off
just like our feelings and the space around us
is emptier than our hearts.

This isn’t love but we don’t care
we pretend because we don’t know anything else.
Just for the night we focus on each other while
surrounded by the empty bottles that made us this way.
We find ourselves intertwined with each other
so we just pretend.

When I wake up I know the feeling will be gone
and so will you. Loving will turn into
heartache and I’ll still be mesmerized
by the smell of your Burberry cologne
that you wore so well that night.
But I don’t care because even if the sensation
leaves me when I wake up
I know what it felt like
even if it was only for the night.

— The End —