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Egeria Litha May 2018
Could it truly be like the history books
From high school
Giving credit to an incorrect source?
Outdated and overpublished
as a romance novel we roll our eyes
Just looking at the cover
Was my hand shaky on it’s way to the mug
Because my heart fluttered when I peered into your eyes
Or to be plain, caffeine racing in my veins?
Was I all flustered and sweating because we were having small talk
Or because it was 98 Degrees outside?
Did we fall in love climbing a scary ridge
Or was our fight or flight just kicking in?
Did he believe Love was ecstasy when the eccstasy kicked in and he pulled her in....

Did she see God as the owner of an amusement park and Love as her favorite roller coaster ride? Was lightning, thunder, and fireworks supposed to go off in her body all the time?

She KNOWS she fell in love when he took her on his bike and they almost crashed and died
A man gets a city named after him and no one knows why
Until a skeptic arrives!
No grin, Expensive tie,
A scraggly winkle over his left eye
Determined to prove
A relationship going 100 miles per hour
In a beater car
Won’t get very far
Egeria Litha May 2018
She’s A stage 4 taking no medication
A rolling stone in her collarbone
Wander got into her heart
Lust is eating it all away
She never felt safe in one place
For long
Didn’t enjoy when things settled around cause that meant down
If the wind ain’t whipping her hair
Then something is wrong
motorcycles and bad boys
Cigarettes and Lana
80 mph winds in the high desert
Pure pleasure
Move fast and move strong
The next high is the new horizon
Language unspoken
She’s dumb founded and silent
Strumming along
With her beautiful song
If the waves ain’t making change
Then she’s diving in to shake things up
Designed to keep moving,
As if her nomadic ancestors kissed her forehead to bless her
Egeria Litha Mar 2018
There is a hole in me
it's a perfect circle
No need to pinpoint the location
It's not as if anyone could fill it
Even if they knew exactly where it is

There is a hole in me
Maybe it encompasses my field
You see it in my hands or in my back
This hole doesn't have a bottom
Maybe it could, but it's like the ocean
Too deep to measure without giving myself to it

I've dumped many relationships in this hole
accuse me of ******
but no one will find their bodies
I've had some people climb down there on their own volition
thought they could be my archeologist
save me from this emptiness
I never saw them again

If a stranger happens to run into it, I'm prepared for this
I've wrapped caution tape and neons signs with the words "slippery when wet!"
And another sign that says "construction at work, drive slowly"
Another sign says "Not liable for any accidents, procceed at your own risk"

At night I hold a flashlight to the hole
and see spiderwebs but no spiders made of jagged rocks
other than that I see no sign of life
sometimes when I'm feeling pointless I take a shovel
and toss some dirt down
Hopeful that could make a difference
When the wind hits 75 mph in my head
the hole E C H O E S
  it has powerful acoustics
sometimes eery mostly hollow
but often sounds like a mountain lion in heat

There is a hole in me that might never be filled or tapped for well water
This hole was created by a broken family
A Mother and A Father
And now passed on to the daughter

Because of this hole I am suggestible to fall in other holes
like the depression hole
it's very dark in there and millions of people are in it
but no one is aware they aren't alone
and once you're there no one plans on getting out
or the financial hole
where people in fancy suits consistently throw down reciepts
or call out your name but never lend a helping hand
Or the desperation hole
where creepy men lurk in the shadows
begging to give me money if I undress them and open my legs
with my eyes shut

there could be something for me
Somewhere down there
in my hole
A secret I need to know or a way into another world
But I am too scared to fall in and let go
It could be the death of my ego
Wish I could have a family. Feel like an orphan. Now I just want my own family. But a healthy family not a cursed passed down from generations.
Egeria Litha Sep 2017
Moving Home during a monsoon
Summers turns to Autumn for advice
Stuff begins to Fall
  Sinking into the season,
We break up

Another winter heart break
Gets composted slow roasting
Fertile for Spring
Unless I keep adding waste to the pile...
Egeria Litha Aug 2017
All I've ever desired for creation
Is its full brilliance released brought forth
Shining vibrating realized bloomed out bliss in
All I've ever desired for passions heart
Is the perfect inspiration
Expanding transcending delivering
Intelligence in its moment of evolution
And the spiral rises as the roots
Go deeper
All I've ever wanted for anybody is the full access permission and gratification of
Every individual immersed in their potentials
And who is to really say in one way or another
That isn't happening right now?
Witnessing divine mind in absolute allowance of wisdom
Egeria Litha Aug 2017
Spirit of The Suwanee and Lake Okeechobee
I think of these places when I focus on Holy
Legs dangle on The Everglades Dock
and camping out on the beach
awake to the sun's smile
Running down Cathedral Mountain
and every time I heard the sound of rain
I would dance madly outside
barefoot, eye lashes wet
those were the high school days
I've been to Arkansas twice
with two different lovers
each had a complex issue
with their mother
my parents hate each other
and I've been all over the United States
Because of this
Egeria Litha Feb 2017
How could I not start to fall in love
With all this rain pouring down day after day
The creek suddenly surging becomes a river
Calm when the moon pulls

How could we not feel the water coursing our veins
As we drank away and kissed with the sound of a thousand drops trickling around us?

How could I run from feelings when I'm stuck with myself inside
There is nothing to be done outside
but wait for things to dry

My tarot spreads flooded with water all week
Telling of Queen's and King's of cups
And romance overhead
So how could I not wait sick
Hear the howling from wind and cars
Grey clarity and I wonder where you are
Will we walk through the Redwoods in a wet suit or naked
Either way the water will consume us all
For Love is falling underwater
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