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Sep 2015 · 485
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
wanting to try again
but scared I will hurt you again
Sep 2015 · 482
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
you're still on my mind,
all the time
Sep 2015 · 429
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
It seems like you have made your decision,
but what is mine
Sep 2015 · 333
Sep 2015 · 291
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
You are the best thing I have ever had.
and I lost you.
#love #will #find #way #back #sorry
Sep 2015 · 430
Our Last Night
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
We sat on a bench in a park,
and cried.
We cried because of how hard life is.
I cried because the space that separated us,
finally affected us.
We swung on the swings together,
Like the best friends we will always be.
We laughed our hearts out,
and we called eachother by our nicknames,
Nachodynamite and Youngsniper.
Sep 2015 · 309
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
I don't know what happened.
It wasn't your fault.
You are the most perfect being.
I don't know why I feel this way.
I don't want to.
I still care about you and love you.
I am scared.
The thought of never talking to you again,
Haunts me.
The thought of never singing together,
Terrifies me.
The thought of losing our rare connection,
Kills me.
I will still keep the notes you wrote me.
I will still keep the pictures of us.
I love them.
I know I hurt you and I am sorry.
I still love you though.
Sep 2015 · 404
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
I should be there with you,
Living in a new city and meeting new people.
I should be getting drunk with you at parties
And staying up all night studying.
I should be exploring the city with you,
But instead I am stuck where we first met.
I should be there to hold you when you need it.
Sep 2015 · 437
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
You tell me to follow my dreams,
but you haven't realized it yet.
Being with you is my dream.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
Some days I'm fine,
Some days I miss you so much;
I wish someone would tear my heart out.
Some days I am just happy to call you mine.
And some days I wonder why.
Why does it have to be this way?
Why do you live so far away?
I just want you here with me,
I want to be able to kiss you after my games,
I want to wait for you outside of class,
I want to study for tests together,
I want to dance the night away with you at homecoming,
But most of all I just want to hold you.
I just want to lay down with you,
On a rainy day after a long week of school,
And fall asleep with you in my arms.
It's my most favorite thing in the world.
I miss that the most.
I love you,
But this is the hardest thing I have ever done
Aug 2015 · 608
The day
Dylan Casey Aug 2015
The day that I have been dreading is near
The separation of a couple,
a partnership,
a dynamic duo,
a love and trust filled bond.
I know we will be reunited,
and when we are,
you will see the biggest smile on my face.
The smile that you fell in love with,
and all will be right in the world,
well all will be right with us.
Which is all I have ever wanted.
My girlfriend(she's also my best friend) is going to college in another state.
Aug 2015 · 369
Dylan Casey Aug 2015
The way you make me feel is indescribable
I feel at home whenever I'm with you
You put the brightest smile on my face
And when I look into your eyes
I realize that I hit the jackpot with you
You push me to be the best
And you deserve the best
I have never loved someone before
But I know I love you

— The End —