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David May 2015
********* are so tired.
Enmeshed in your
silk of lies and loved lovers loved while loving me.
How can you say a love shouldn’t be loved
How can you lie about your lover
Especially if you (n)ever loved me.
let it be
what even is "meant to be"

Not tired in the way
you can shut your eyes
and wake up
to a new day

But tired in the way
you no longer
sulk and skulk.
just continuously
walk around
hoping no one
“How are you”

because your answer
has evolved to some effect of:
I am great!
I am good!
I am alright.
I am fine
I am
I exist

and you resist
you just keep reading
you feel your smile
is not as misleading
as it used to be.
Everyone can see your
eyes are lost
consumed looking for
the reason
for you to lie and love lovers while loving me.

******* are so tired
tired in the way
your tenacious tensity
is palpable
to the point of exhaustion
at this point you are just venting
So ******* go away.
  Feb 2015 David
Melanie Melon
I don't usually wear my seatbelt
because if I die driving,
I want to go enthusiastically, smiling.

I only want to die
if in a gore-ific scene of carelessness,
I want to exit with a bang, part of a mess.

And I don’t find this morbid
Because if I die cruising down 33,
I will die my mind at peace with the rest of me.
David Feb 2015
This morning was one of firsts
and one of fists.
My lashes tied together
untwined the way they always do.


For the first time in six years
I had forgotten the date.
I pushed my feet through the maze of layers
as if I had someone to wake up next to
My optimistic attitude wished they were not there
because they were running a little late.

I threw on an outfit...if you can call it that
and went to the store
The violent red that attacked me at the front
brought me the realization that it was in fact
the same day
just a year ago
that I would have prepared for
weeks ahead instead
I made myself a meal and poured a glass of wine
as the white outside made
all of humanity disappear.
...and it was beautiful
I bought myself flowers, and lit candles
I snuggled and rubbed my feet together under a red blanket
and listened to songs about loving yourself.
I feel a little bad
I feel a little good
but most of all
I feel
I know
that before loving all of those lovers all those loves ago
I must be loving to the mornings
when there are just my feet in the bed.

This morning was one of firsts
and one of fists.
My lashes tied together
untwined the way they always do.
...and for that I am grateful.
David Jan 2015
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat by the four corner light box
while reading a book
that taught me not to judge it by its cover.
The twisted crooks
that the story entails
the end trails of coke heads
that still drop slowly down the walls of
East Harlem.
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat by the four corner light box
and all of its massive holiness
creating a halo around my entire body
without fearing a bullet would come rushing in
and **** me dead
I sat and read of another universe where
life and love still exist
but in a way I could not bring myself to condone
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat by the four corner light box
with a dark shadow created by the backlit room
safe and in place
just wishing I was one of the twisted crooks
the story entailed
with my end trails in a little more danger
than when
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat with the purity of my whiteness,
by the four corner light box
while reading another universe
and doing nothing about it.
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