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Oct 2020 · 590
drey Oct 2020
back at the beginning
stuck reminiscing
unforgiven but still forgiving
still not winning
alive but not living
these circles we run always end at the beginning
you and i
drey Aug 2020
good luck to you, my friend
their words are more wounding than their
fists will ever be
Apr 2019 · 26.9k
2:06 pm
drey Apr 2019
i need to stop
setting myself on fire
to keep you warm.
i keep burning for you.
Sep 2018 · 893
crazy, stupid love
drey Sep 2018
ever so carelessly
you scribbled your name onto my mind
leaving my thoughts ablaze
you are my addiction.
Aug 2018 · 5.4k
drey Aug 2018
May your passionate, glowing soul forever prance happily among the wildflowers sprouting at your feet.

May your strong, soft hands forever piece together the bits of broken you find within your peers.

May your glistening, hazel eyes forever warm my heart.

For this, I am thankful.

— The End —