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It's all too much.

I don't know how to say it better
than saying it like that, because -

How do I wrap all the ends
of the universe
into a napkin
and pass it over to you
without spilling something?

How do I scoop the depths
of humanity's depravity
into an ice-cream
that won't melt
down the sides
or crack from the pressure?

How do I tell you
how terribly awful
it must be
to have to argue
with people
about whether
mutilating the genitals
of 5-8 year old children
is right or wrong?

How do I tell you
about the terror that seizes you
when you talk to someone you love
who honestly believes
that pigmentation,
geographical location,
religious affiliation,
****** orientation,
are reasons
to be killed,

How do I describe that
sickening feeling
that I feel
when I'm going about
my coffee-cup flavored,
pill-prescribed diet,
acting like the day is normal,
when I know:
people are being bombed,
sleeping on the streets,
set on fire,
for doing
or being
the same things
I am going to do and be today
right after I finish my latte?

How do I live with that
that girls are kidnapped
for going to school;
that four-year-olds
are holding assault rifles
when they should be
holding dolls;
that five-year-olds
are being trained as soldiers
when they should be
playing with toy soldiers;
that children
are giving birth to children;
that every 9 seconds
in the United States,
a woman is beaten
or *****;
that I have an iPhone
that can do a billion things
and there are
food riots in India,
that -

That I could keep writing
until my fingers were whittled
down to bone
and I wouldn't finish
that list?

How do I describe that,
all of that,
except by saying,

it's all too much?
The warmakers paint the world with a fetid fire
The artists fight back by painting the world with a fine fluent fire
The righteous, truest path inciting passion and desire
Majestic medley of peace sung along to ancient lyre

We take the baton and pass it on
Under the sweet and setting sun
To each other with light we run
Passing on the cosmic joy and fun

This is the song of serendipity
That incites the world to love and amity
That inspires an uncynical charity
And eternal laughter and the cosmic hilarity

It would not know if it were spurned,
This gallant little flower—
How therefore safe to be a flower
If one would tamper there.

To enter, it would not aspire—
But may it not despair
That it is not a Cavalier,
To dare and perish there?
Remember before the
Days of darkness
Rise, there used
To be brighter times?

The days of
Skinned knees and
Dancing in the
Autumn leaves
Haunt my teenage

Back to when
Sesame Street played
Endlessly on the
Family T.V. and
If Daddy watched it
One more time,
He'd **** near

When Mama had
Her Canon in my face
And I'd hide in
The tiny spaces;
Appreciating the simpleness
Of my childhood
Resting place.

Before reality set
In and rattled
My toddler brain;
Before the world
Would turn
Cold and "how
Big the sky was" would
Just become
Another midnight

How could I refrain
From such beautiful
Memories when
They're still
Haunting my
Teenage dreams?
A sentimental piece because it's just a beautiful day in Michigan and it reminded me of the clear skies of childhood (oh, what a cheesy line, I know!)
The stars shine quiet in the night sky
Flickering, in the dark
Tonight I wish upon one shining so
Praying, in my heart
One day when the stars align
I will be yours, and you will be mine
We will not be lost
At night

— The End —