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सूखी स्याही

बैठी हूँ सन्नाटे में.....मन मे लेकिन शोर है.....
उजाले से लिपटी हूँ.....पर अंधेरा हर ओर है.....
कुछ हसरतें हैं मन में.....जो सिकुङ-सिकुङ के रहती हैं.....
बह जाने की धुन मे न जानें क्या क्या सहती हैं.....
जेब की भार की चाह ने देखो क्या बना दिया.....
मंजिलों को छोङकर भेङचाल को पनाह दिया.....

कदम तो चलना सीख गए लेकिन थिरकना भूल गए.....
खिला दिए फूल पर महक छिङकना भूल गए.....
न फिकर थी,न जश्न था..अब मैं जिंदगी की गुलाम हूँ.....
पहचान पत्र लगा के आज भी गुमनाम हूँ.....
दूसरों की बहुत पढी..सोचा चलो खुद की कहानी लिखा दूँ.....
कोरे पन्नों को समेटूँ और सूखी स्याही गिरा दूँ.....

                                         -स्तुति त्रिपाठी
1.A walk with one's ego

"Take your ego out for a walk", the master asked, all aspirant monks
one monk who took his pet across the river left it there and returned
the rest after a nice walk hand in hand, brought each, little wet but
rejuvenated, missing master's word in it's real sense altogether,
only for the wise one, the door opened, others had a lesson, painful

2.Tending one's ego
Two  monks , still not ready to part with
their egos,tended both the way each deemed fit ,
The first, so obedient, followed his ego  like a lamb,
one other made it follow him with it's strange requests,
a third the first one to **** his ego with his sword of mind
kept smiling seeing the misery of both still not bold enough.

3 Catty

Ego, was her, fluffy black pet *****
her show piece, she always loved to pamper,
crafty was the creature, hell bent  to keep
her reputation as an attention grabber,
the fact was this, the cat and her mistress
were thoroughly insecure, borrowed colors,
caterwauling in the sound of screeching tires,
she mated with Tom cats that came in jumping walls ,
her mistress was entertained, felt proud,
so ego grew large to the stature of a feline 'top dog',
it's metamorphosis made her owner too bloat up,
Ego one would have to think is her alter ego.

4.I won't ditch my guide dog

Every one thought she was nice, why so egoistic
gets her way every time,  projecting her larger than life ego.
"Well it's my guide dog to get around, as I am one blind person,
I am not yet a renunciate on a quest, I chew my bones too well"
meaningless things drifting in your mind
they don't matter
they can't change anything
they say
sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will never harm me

thats not true
words hurt
through and through
they make you shrink
inside yourself
smaller and smaller
until there is nothing left
and nothing left for you to do
inspired by an amazing friend of mine, who went through a struggle with depression -- and to those who suffer it now
 Apr 2016 Devyani Rawat
you float among waves
i float among stars
show me the oceans
i'll take you to mars
we can follow the sunset
because this world is ours
in a wave of emotion
we'll forget about scars
i'll show you my mind
though it is quite bizarre
i'll hold on to your words
like fireflies in a jar
how long did it take you,
to think
I wasn't taking your **** anymore?
How long did it take you
to know
I am done
How long did it take you?
Tell me,
did you love me?
Or did you have fun, controlling me.
When will you realize
that I don't like to be taken advantage of.
I hope you know
*its over
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