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Sep 2018 · 776
Denis Martindale Sep 2018
It's true that God deserves the best... yet loves the Widow's mite...
That tiny gift showed Christ impressed... because He had insight...
He knew that she gave all she had... that she held nothing back...
At such a time when feeling sad... and things were looking black...
She humbles us, though unnamed still... yet Jesus loved her so...
For she obeyed the Father's will... her money she let go...
With empty hands, she walked away... because she gave her all...
She didn't merely kneel and pray... for one more miracle...
She knew that God deserves the best... that's why she was so brave...
Of course, she hoped that she'd be blessed... according to her faith...
Perhaps she heard the Saviour teach... and revelation came...
Yet He's the reason that we preach... God's Good News stays the same...
And should we ask for partners now... that they may too invest...
To Heaven's Throne, we humbly bow... since God deserves the best...
Disciples come... disciples go... yet bills must still be paid...
And so we keep you in the know... so you come to our aid...
For without you and all your love... our future would look grim...
We simply pray God grants enough... so you... help us... help Him...
Denis Martindale, September 2018.
May 2018 · 929
Denis Martindale May 2018
From prophecy to Calvary... Christ's journey was decreed,
From Bethlehem to Bethany... the Lord fulfilled Man's need...
Jerusalem was yet in store... the visitation set,
The time for people to adore... Palm Sunday still and yet...
Beyond that day, Christ faced His fate... Passover to prepare,
Last Supper Christ would celebrate... Gethsemane in prayer...
But then, for Jesus, no way out! The Cross of Calvary!
Despite His fear, despite His doubt! Christ died for you and me...

It's prophecy that led Him still... for He knew all flesh dies,
But He loved God! Obeyed His will... when promised He would rise!
So death was not the end for Christ... or that friend on the cross,
The Lamb of God was sacrificed... God led Him there because
Although we've sinned, our sins are waived! Today, we're Heaven bound!
We've been baptised! We're blessed! We're saved! And yet we're still around!
But there's a day in prophecy, the Rapture of the dead,
And then we, too... yes, you and me... up to our Lord are led!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Because of Jesus, I have hope... my hope comes from the Lord,
Christ changes hearts across the globe... with faith to stand assured,
Forgiven every sin we've done... and sins as yet to be,
For God the Father loves His Son... who died on Calvary!
For there is power in His Blood... and power in His Name!
Ascending like a mighty flood... to take away our shame...
Lord Jesus died for all Mankind... upon the Cross of Christ,
That's why the Father's so inclined... to see us all baptised...

While there's a sun and moon above... and stars that span the skies,
Remember this, that God is love! More than you realise!
And so, I'm asking you, right now... to pray a prayer with me,
To close your eyes and humbly bow... praise God for Calvary...
The price was paid by Jesus there! Salvation's on the line!
If we're sincere, God hears each prayer... Yes, even yours and mine...
No other other Saviour should I know... He overcame the grave...
No other Saviour could I know... like Christ who's strong to save!

Why then resist what Christ can do... when sins are washed away?
The Bible says that GOD LOVES YOU! GOD LOVES YOU night and day!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 580
Denis Martindale May 2018
Clocks spring forward and watches, too... computers follow suit,
So nine's now ten, it's true, it's true... when Spring comes, that's quite cute...
And so, this day, time Marches on... this hour changes hands,
And blessed are those who know it's gone... according to Man's plans...
I'll change each clock at home today... each watch that's working still,
From nine to ten, yes, straight away... and won't that be a thrill?
Then my recorders I'll reset... so that they're up-to-date,
So that the programmes I still get... not early or too late...
Has my TV updated now? I wonder, yes or no?
If not, I'll change it soon, somehow... if I must make it so...
Must I change Freeview and Freesat... and others just like Sky?
If yes, at least, when I've done that... I'll prove how time can fly...
It's only once a year for this... till Autumn's back again,
Then it's all change! Oh, my, what bliss... when nine replaces ten...

Denis Martindale Sunday the 25th of March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Our God is great! Our God is good! He works through miracles!
He makes Man's future understood... before His judgement falls...
Declared to Gentiles and to Jews... through ancient prophecies,
Such that this world has no excuse... when judgements must increase...

If we bless Israel, we are blessed! If not, the chance has gone,
So we should harken in the West to how we carry on!
Align with evil or repent! God makes the choices plain...
Forsaking grace when Heaven-sent... or being born again...

God's saints get baptised, then they serve... by faith they show true love,
They preach God's Word across this Earth, like angels do above!
God's saints support what must be done... they seek to save the lost,
Equipped by grace through Christ, God's Son... because He paid the cost!

So it is done, declared, decreed! Established, set in stone!
The Gates of Hell shall not succeed... for God is on His Throne!
While ready... willing... and able... to see such matters through,
Our God proves He is wonderful... but can God count on YOU?

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Moment by moment, time goes on... to march to its own beat,
Another day has come and gone... its prophecies complete,
But there's one day, that's yet to be... the day that Christ returns,
Till then, it's God's great mystery... beyond what Man discerns...
Yet come that day, the world will stare... when fear strikes every heart,
They'll weep that they neglected prayer... and that they played no part...
They'll mourn they didn't fast at all... nor give their firm support,
They'll sigh they got no miracle... or brought a praise report...
No tithes were offered to the Lord... no sacrifice for sin,
Our Saviour, Jesus, they ignored... that's why the lost won't win...

Prayer journals none sought to possess! Prayer warriors they weren't...
They lacked all godly happiness... for Scriptures they'd not learnt...
They're sinners, losers, every one... they're outcasts one and all,
Not trusting Jesus as God's Son... God's finest miracle!
They've disobeyed without restraints, betrayed both young and old!
Alas, for such as these, dear saints... the ones you should have told!
Baptised, in Jesus Name, you've prayed... God's heard your prayers sublime,
Yet now reflect how far Man's strayed! Repent... redeem the time...
Don't count your blessings, yet not share what God's done through His Son,
Make every lost soul well aware... Christ died... for every one!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
How noble must the Saviour be? How could He serve God best?
One miracle for all to see? A healing touch that blessed?
A prophecy for all to hear? A word of knowledge shared?
A servant's heart throughout each year? Long prayers to prove He cared?
A psalm of praise to write and sing? Share parables as well?
Perhaps a precious tithe to bring? Or strongly warn of Hell?
Or simply say, 'Be born again!' and thus help minds transform?
Or walk on water now and then? Control the raging storm?

Or bring God's Kingdom not by force... just preaching with a smile?
Or ride a donkey, not a horse? Or walk the second mile?
I know that Christ was Heaven-sent... and Holy Spirit led,
He wanted sinners to repent... that's why Christ's Blood was shed...
The Lamb of God was crucified... and yet He chose to stay...
His precious life was sacrificed... to take our sins away...
How noble must the Saviour be? Enough to die for us...
We found that out through Calvary... the day we found JESUS!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 365
Denis Martindale May 2018
Revelation of the Rapture makes miracles seem tame,
A billion souls to capture because of Jesus Name...
To raise the dead who sleep in Christ... then those alive on Earth,
Not just a few God highly prized... because they proved their worth...
The Lord decides the day, the hour... the second we must leave,
With one almighty sign of power... believers to retrieve...
And when it's come and when it's done... the doubters may still doubt,
While we're all gone and with God's Son... for we've been taken out...

I envy no-one left behind... with all their cares and woes,
The remnant there, of all Mankind, despite the love we chose...
For we believed God sacrificed His one and only child,
That each of us could be baptised... in His Name, reconciled...
If only revelation brought a billion more and yet...
The doubters didn't spare a thought they'd face such great regret...
No share of love, or joy, or peace... No chance of Christ's caress...
No crown of gold for such as these... No robe of righteousness...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 307
Denis Martindale May 2018
So many ways our God to praise... yet live TV proves great,
So we tune in and spend our days... so we can celebrate...

With quality that's unsurpassed... the finest in the land,
With quality that's meant to last... just as the Lord has planned!

We learn how much Lord Jesus cared... that helped us when we prayed...
We learn so much... as views are shared... so we keep up-to-date...

Consider teachings we receive... then what we choose to use,
So we help others to believe... the Gentiles and the Jews...

When God alerts us to each task... we stand equipped and blessed,
With wisdom... should we need to ask... so that we do our best!

Great things God sent... so that we're stirred! That's why we watch TV...
Yes, praise the Lord! Let's share the Word! As that's our destiny!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Was this one week just one more week? Just seven days, no more?
Or was this week something unique... for which God had plans for?
If so, then what? Good News or not? Life's such a mystery...
Was there some plot someone had got... to end in tragedy?
Lord Jesus knew what this week meant... no need to tell Him so...
His miracles were Heaven-sent... yet soon He had to go...
To leave behind disciples here... tormented by their grief,
With every kind of mortal fear... and even disbelief...

His heart grew heavy deep within... no wonder that Christ prayed,
Yet Christ was born to die for sin... death must not be delayed...
But Jesus trusted God each day... awaiting destiny...
Gethsemane gave time to pray... till Judas, He would see...
The prophecies must come to pass... the whip, the crown, the Cross...
Man's wisdom but a fragile farce... Christ's life itself the loss...
And soon my Saviour's Blood was shed... the end for Christ was nigh...
By faith, my Saviour paid Man's debt... as Mary wept nearby...

Behold the Lamb of God, indeed... no other lamb for me...
Because His Cross fulfilled each need... that day... on Calvary...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 270
Denis Martindale May 2018
The lovely love of Jesus grows! It's building day by day!
And that's the truth each Christian knows... if faithful still to pray!
It's through such love this world was made! It's how forgiveness came!
The love of Jesus cannot fade! That's why we praise His Name!

The lovely love of Jesus lives... because it cannot die!
Just think of everything it gives! More joys! Less times to cry...
And while there's life, there's hope, of course... with resurrection peace...
A peace surpassing all Man's wars... a peace that cannot cease...

The lovely love of Jesus, friends! That's what God wants for you!
A perfect love that never ends... a love steadfast and true...
Look on His hands, look on His feet... look on His heart as well...
Because I did, my life's complete... God's Son saved me from Hell...

The lovely love of Jesus brings a heart of flesh and more...
The strength with which each angel sings... and they can sing, for sure...
They praise the Lord, they serve the Lord... They harken to our prayers...
That's why they're always overawed... at just how much Christ cares...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 425
Denis Martindale May 2018
God's Word has a chapter telling of the Rapture,
God's promise to the Church of Jesus Christ...
God's Word helps us measure His eternal treasure,
That's set aside to serve the saints baptised...
Each Christian heart still yearns the time that Christ returns,
It spurs us on towards renewed success,
While revelation grows, God's love still overflows,
In hearts and minds that only Christ can bless...  
That's why we preach each day, no matter what they say,
No matter if they still refuse the Lord,
For love compels us here... and that love stays sincere,
It's love like that which shouldn't be ignored...
And though the world may scoff, the day we're carried off,
I pity those on Earth who yet remain,
Though offered grace enough, they still refused God's love,
Amazing grace God grants in Jesus Name...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 274
Denis Martindale May 2018
Jerusalem and Jesus Christ... these two forever known,
The place God's Son was sacrificed... the place true love was shown,
With John and Mary standing there... compelled to see it all,
Heartbroken, sobbing unaware before God's miracle...
For Jesus could have run away... escaped into the night...
Instead, the Saviour chose to stay... and do what God thought right...
He loved the Father way too much! How could Christ let Him down?
That's why He suffered whips and such... and why He wore that crown...

I wasn't there to save His skin... or soothe His final breath,
My Saviour died... my soul to win... He's Jesus of Nazareth...
Before I lived... Christ died for me... the Bible tells me so...
That's how I found through Calvary the kindest love I'll know...
And yet God raised Him from the dead... with proofs we could discern,
So we quote Jesus... who once said... 'My friends, I will return...'
We wait the Rapture fervently... we pray to see that day...
Fulfillment of His prophecy... then up, up, up... away...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 270
Denis Martindale May 2018
To think, Man gets attracted to the mundane things of life...
The daily tasks that we must do... that sometimes cause us strife!
The constant grind that hurts each heart determined to stay free...
The nagging doubts that won't depart... the pains of poverty!
Yet this I know, for I've survived... and thus each challenge met...
There's holy joy I've still derived... despite times of regret!
I've put aside the foolish things... like playing games and such...
I've cast out what each sadness brings... I've given up so much!
I've simplified this life of mine... that others I might bless...
I've searched out truths that prove divine that grant me happiness!

I've trusted God and Jesus, too... without them, I'd be lost...
Amazing grace has brought me through... despite the awesome cost!
Because I know Christ died to save each sinner He could reach...
Yet most of all, their sins to waive! So that they, too, could preach!
Christ's Blood has proved the miracle... and that's why He's adored...
That's why I share Good News with all... then share the risen Lord!
How long we've left I fear to tell... for soon Christ will return...
And this, God's angels know full well... yet let us, too, discern!
When Jesus comes, dear precious saints, our present lives are done...
It's then each one of us acquaints ourselves with Christ, God's Son!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 244
Denis Martindale May 2018
God's Word has a chapter telling of the Rapture,
God's promise to the Church of Jesus Christ...
God's Word helps us measure His eternal treasure,
That's set aside to serve the saints baptised...
Each Christian heart still yearns the time that Christ returns,
It spurs us on towards renewed success,
While revelation grows, God's love still overflows,
In hearts and minds that only Christ can bless...  

That's why we preach each day, no matter what they say,
No matter if they still refuse the Lord,
For love compels us here... and that love stays sincere,
It's love like that which shouldn't be ignored...
And though the world may scoff, the day we're carried off,
I pity those on Earth who yet remain,
Though offered grace enough, they still refused God's love,
Amazing grace God grants in Jesus Name...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
For just one day, it's Mother's Day! A time meant to reflect,
This great tradition to obey! A time to show respect...
When spoken tributes mean so much... and gifts are offered, too,
Responding with that human touch... when gifts say, 'I LOVE YOU!'

A chance to cherish memories... and good times that were spent,
Or hopes for harmony and peace that's truly Heaven-sent...
When hugs are common... smiles abound... that's just the way it is,
When sweets... like treats... are passed around... as signs of heartfelt bliss...

The scents of flowers fill the rooms, from vases on display,
To join the fellowship of blooms, in bountiful array...
And God is smiling on His Throne... while joyful angels sing...
And celebrate the joy that's shown... that Mother's Day can bring...

Denis Martindale

Mother's Day, March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Wonder Woman has her standards... and Supergirl has hers,
The Christian woman has God's words... each chapter and each verse...
Each proverb, psalm and prophecy... and God's amazing grace,
Salvation found at Calvary... where miracles took place...

The Christian woman has God's love... no other love comes close,
The tender Saviour smiles above... when such love overflows...
The Holy Spirit grants her gifts... to bless her ministry
And that is why her spirit lifts... and says, 'The Lord loves me!'

She seeks the Lord in all she does... she intercedes as well,
She listens as the men discuss the truths God seeks to tell...
She blesses others when she can... like Mother Mary could,
Because she knows God has a plan... to use her for the good...

The Christian woman does her best... compassion fills her heart,
That's why, sometimes, she needs to rest... because she played her part...
Praise God for her... and those like her... that Jesus will save, too...
If you're like her, then you're super! No wonder God loves YOU!

Denis Martindale

International Women's Day, the 8th of March 2018.
May 2018 · 263
Denis Martindale May 2018
It's thanks to Europe I'm confused, who rules the British Isles?
The years have passed, I'm not amused, I'm rarely prone to smiles.
They've passed so many foolish laws, our leaders then agreed
And now that these have run their course, we've seen their flaws succeed.
I'd like to see us leave behind the follies of the past,
That none would think in their right mind would come and stay and last...
I'd like to say farewell to France and Germany as well,
It's only now we've got the chance! Break free and break the spell...
I'd like to see the British blessed, yet that of course takes time...
But once we're free, we'll prove we're best... and that will be sublime!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Unmerited favour was mine... the day I first believed,
When You, by grace, sent love divine... the day that I received,
Yet life's temptations made me frown... to melt my faith away...
Till one by one, they took me down... because I chose to stray...
From grace I fell, I stood alone... condemned by God and Man,
Departing from my Saviour's Throne... devoid of any plan...
An aimless soul, a broken heart... a lost sheep once again...
No self-control and no fresh start... a man like other men...

And days went by, then months, then years... then decades slowly, too.
And still I strayed, held back my tears... despite the truths I knew,
That God is able to forgive... if humble we would be,
More willing that we still might live... because of Calvary...
Yet one day came, the day I wept... my heart cried out once more,
A day of fasting then was kept... like those I kept before...
And years of sins were washed away... thanks to my Saviour's Blood,
The tide was turned and so I pray... to You, Almighty God...

Accept this sinner to be blessed... for once I was baptised,
Forgive the worst, enhance the best... the best that comes through Christ...
If not, there's nothing I can do... but ask, Thy Will be done...
Like Jesus Christ, who prayed to You... because He was Your Son...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
If the Lord gave Man a diet... would Adam then agree?
With the humble heart to try it... if proved it was meat-free?
Eat of all trees except this one... the Lord warned Adam straight,
Else death must come to everyone... your choice, so choose your fate...
But Man, alas, would not resist... he chose to disobey...
Permitting each sin to exist... and death to have its way...
God gave a second chance in Christ... who died upon a tree...
Forgiveness for the saints baptised... because of Calvary...

The Lord's so gracious to forgive... and righteous in His ways
And seeking those who want to live... like angels, full of praise...
For life's much more than food and drink... more than you hear and see...
Let Jesus change the way you think! You'll find felicity!
To some, we know sincerity is more than just a word,
Beyond both hope and dignity... not simply overheard...
Faith grants a sweet humility that's borne of grace and love,
Yet greater still, felicity... when we please God above...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 239
Denis Martindale May 2018
What's on my mind! This much I know...
I've got a skull that won't let go...
And so my brain stays in the dark,
It gets no walkies in the park...
It throbs with blood the live-long day,
The blood flows in then goes away...
Thus oxygen keeps it alive
A few more moments to survive...
No matter if I sleep or wake,
It's always there, for goodness sake...
I get a headache now and then,
It's no good counting up to ten...
I take a pill to calm things down
And melt away each care and frown...
While thoughts bounce left and thoughts bounce right,
Till brainwaves help this guy look bright...
And then my little heart feels glad
Rejoicing I'm no longer sad...
Until I'm forced to fall asleep,
To go to bed and breathe in deep...
And then my mind starts playing tricks,
With every random dream it picks...
What's on my mind! This much I know...
I've got a skull that won't let go!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
In a short span, poetry reaches towards the eyes and ears
and meanders towards the human mind
and from that labryinthian task presses on,
via the very blood itself, towards the human heart,
then warms it with exquisite and yet delicate sentiments,
till overwhelming it with the uttermost love,
the greatest and best it can offer to a fellow human being,
if that human being is ready, willing and able to love in turn.
Else, the journey through words to phrases,
to sentences to exclamation marks,
would prove to be in vain, rather than in vein.
So follow the trail of poetry towards the human heart,
for there's no other way to love...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 249
Denis Martindale May 2018
When I first saw her eyes of blue, I stared at her amazed,
The way admirers often do, before such beauty’s praised,
That’s why she stared right back at me, a somewhat puzzled girl,
As if I were a mystery, a guy caught in a whirl…
Then I explained, to her surprise, how wondrous her eyes were,
A brilliant blue to visualise or thought that should occur.
My father had such eyes, I said, my brother shared these, too,
I know I’ve got brown eyes instead, but I’m thrilled I met you!
And then she smiled, for she felt blessed, she said I’d made her day,
She’d made mine, too, I stood impressed and couldn’t walk away…
I stood beguiled, just like a child, held captive by her face,
Then all at once, my thoughts went wild, should I risk an embrace?
But suddenly, she turned and left… the magic spell had gone…
And there I stood, a man bereft, alone, to carry on…

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 221
Denis Martindale May 2018
When rhymes come to an end,
it will be because God decides it must be so.
Till then, we are meant to use rhymes, sometimes.
There are poets who think in terms of conversations,
like they're confessing their innermost feelings,
to someone in the same room, to those nearby,
perhaps screaming out a poet's pain, or shouting for joy,
or with gentle whispers, with short pauses between phrases,
as if momentarily collecting their thoughts,
before uttering them to anyone else at all.

The rhyming poet is merely acting by faith,
that there's a rhyme that's meant to come,
even after the first part has been written down or typed out.
There's a mystery tour, in that the poet is searching,
for the first parts of each possible rhyme that's sublime.
So don't think the poet knows what's going on every single time,
that's the exact opposite of experience or reality.

It's that lived-out mystery tour, reaching a profound conclusion,
that makes the latest poem all the more exquisite
and something to be savoured and respected,
just for all the good that will result in its sharing.
For sometimes, it will reach across the world,
to all those that are capable of enjoying that language,
that elegance, that eloquence, that word of comfort,
that phrase of fantastic effect.

So, it's no wonder that God must be pleased,
with all the great poets who ever lived
and each gift bestowed upon these writers
and their ministry of wisdom through love.
For surely, an unpaid poet deserves greater honour
than the poet that is paid, or becomes famous,
for each poem given freely is more precious in God's sight.
And should it rhyme and please the listening child,
or the adult silently reading, then all the better,
for any extra joy, any measure magically expressed,
any anointing of the Lord, beyond the written text,
beyond the initial sentiments, thoughts, aspirations and dreams.

For who knows if such a new poem is translated,
into another language with beauty all its own?
To be spread abroad to the hearts and minds
of a few million or a few billion more?
So be glad whatever structure is initially preferred,
for the singular choosing of each word, that so preciously stirred
to bless and assist the penning poet to press on,
throughout the years and the decades of poems yet to be...
for such is the endurance and the power of poetry...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 187
Denis Martindale May 2018
My opened eyes mean I see things, some precious, some profane,
Yet words are strange, for they grow wings, to fly inside my brain…
And there they nestle, while I think and question what each brought,
Until they take me to the brink of what each writer thought…
The choice is mine when words I see, for I could turn away,
They either draw me magically, or else I cannot stay…
Yet if I stay, what will I gain? A treasure chest revealed?
Or just a puzzle in my brain, a mystery concealed?
I take the risk, perchance to find, some blessing meant for me,
Some wondrous words to tease my mind, the thrill of poetry,
The open door to God’s own heart, the window of Man’s soul,
The ancient tomes, still play their part and thus fulfil their role…
Yet God grants time for me alone, when I write words to share,
A time for rhyme when on my own and no-one else is there…
When words assail this mortal frame and gather fervently,
Pressed down like grapes to then proclaim sweet truths that I must see…
My opened eyes help me write down the letters word-by-word,
When inspiration forms a crown by which my mind is stirred…
As if to bless with gems and gold, much richer than before,
With just a new tale to be told, something to fill with awe…
God gave great reason I must write and read and edit, too,
The reason I write day and night… is you… and you… and you…

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
I met a poet who was poor…
No money to his name…
Yet he kept writing more and more…
For sharing was his aim…
No payment offered or received…
No aid, grant or support…
But he had faith, for he believed
Tthat God would bless each thought…
And I believe that when he died…
God sent two angels down…
To wipe away the tears he cried…
And then give him his crown…
If not, then there’s no justice, friends…
For poets still on Earth,
Who write with love… till each life ends…
If no-one sees their worth…

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 232
Denis Martindale May 2018
I have one heart, I have one mind, one spirit and one soul
And yet today, of all Mankind, I seek to play a role...
The chance to stand before my love, declaring all I seek,
With hope my love may prove enough, not common, but unique...
Enough to bless my love each day, enough to make her smile,
Such that I thank God when I pray, as she walks down the aisle,
For on that wedding day to be, the day I say, 'I DO..'
She looks at me, for all to see, then she says, 'I DO..' too.
Else all is lost, my hopes are done, my dreams to melt and fade...
All future years are lost not won, no children could be made...
No family could we then share, no joys ahead in time,
No birthdays blessed beyond compare, no Christmases sublime...
My fate rests with the one I love, the children yet to be,
I pray she finds my love enough, when I ask, 'Marry me...'

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 493
Denis Martindale May 2018
It’s easy to seize a Caesar,
He’s just another man,
It’s easy to tease a teaser,
For all you need’s a plan…
And yet to **** young Julius,
That’s not a pretty thing,
And so the Ides are infamous,
As prophesied to bring…
But Caesar carried on quite brave,
Regardless, come what may,
Dismissing claims he wasn’t safe,
Until his final day…
Then Brutus was a brute for sure,
As Caesar soon found out,
Thus Caesar’s dead for ever more…
Of that, there’s no more doubt!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
May 2018 · 248
Denis Martindale May 2018
A songwriter got up one morning and even before dressing for
the day was sitting down and writing a brand new song that
had come in a dream.

The words appeared upon the page like a stream from that

‘Wow!’ declared the songwriter! ‘To think that God gave
that new song to me! To ME!’

Then the songwriter began to sing a favourite hymn learnt
many years ago, ‘How Great Thou Art!’ And having sung
that song from start to finish, the songwriter paused to pray…

‘What will You do with my new song, Lord?’

Then the Lord spoke to make things clear…

‘It wasn’t your song… It wasn’t My song… It’s OUR song!’

The songwriter smiled. Then these words were spoken in a
delicate whisper…

‘Tell My people… God offers serenity to the world, if you are
blessed by serenity, you are truly blessed indeed.’

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Once set alone, with just your mind,
Can thoughts become unkind?
Can they condemn each act, each sin,
Such that you just can't win?
Can they pour out, like snakes about,
To hiss each solemn doubt?
Can they speak truths, can they speak lies,
Enough to fool the wise?
Can they express each nagging fear,
Like demons dancing near?
Can they dismiss the Saviour's love,
Think His death not enough?
If so, condemn each thought in turn,
Salvation we can't earn...
God's gift of grace is His to give,
His kindness helps us live...
By faith, to Heaven, we proceed,
God's Word is all we need...

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
I’m thankful I write poetry and write it on the spot,
The winsome words just come to me and help me out a lot…
The rhymes are structured to appear, conformed by syllables,
That’s how I’ve written year by year to write these miracles…
For who knows what these poems bring? What wonders will they weave?
What joy of life or songs to sing God only could conceive…
And when He helps the poets write, I stand in total awe,
Then plead with God by day and night, Lord, help me write some more!
It’s then I know, God’s heard my prayer, it’s proved this very day,
Because these words I seek to share are simply here to stay…
I wish that all could write as well, what tales we’d have, dear friends!
For each would have their tales to tell, because love never ends…
It’s here right now, I feel it’s close, it’s truly beautiful…
It’s like a light that never goes, it’s undeniable…
Love has a magic all its own, a power none should fight…
And blessed are those to whom God’s shown the words that they must write!

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 213
Denis Martindale May 2018
The poem came… out of thin air… right there, it came real close…
With wondrous words beyond compare… yet where from, no-one knows…
I sat with my computer on… fixated by the screen,
Before the wondrous words were gone… I typed them while still keen…
Should I have closed my eyes instead… refused to type a word?
No, I began to use my head… with my thoughts clear not blurred.

I placed my focus on each line… each verse I knew must be…
I kept on typing words so fine… they really spoke to me…
I’m not a slave, I’m just a friend… a partner, if you will…
Someone on whom new thoughts depend… to share each noble thrill…
I’m not averse to verse as such… I’m not opposed to prose,
I like each graceful phrase so much… thus my affection grows…

And even now, I’m writing stuff, no-one has typed before,
For poetry I’ve come to love, in fact, I’d like some more!
When inspiration’s far away, I let new poems come,
I wonder what each has to say, to one and all, not some…
And if I sense I’ve played my part, to share something sublime,
I pray to God with thankful heart for every theme and rhyme…

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 210
Denis Martindale May 2018
Some say this and some say that
and some say this and that
and some say yes and some say no
and some will stay and some will go
and some say up and some say down,
some act the fool, some act the clown
and some get busy every day
and others waste their lives away
and if some like that sort of stuff
then good for them for showing love,
but as for me, I’m sometimes glad
with all the poems that I’ve had
and that I don’t like writing styles
that lack the common touch and smiles…
So that’s the way it is with me,
I just like winsome poetry!

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Last Wednesday, I went out shopping, that’s rare indeed for me,
Just walking along and stopping when something good I’d see…
But then my nose made me aware that strawberries were nearby,
I followed their scent upon the air until they caught my eye…
I licked my lips and gulped with glee… I got my wallet out…
Went in search for every penny and gathered these about…
I took my darling strawberries home and put these on a plate
And honey fresh from honeycomb poured out the jar so great…

Then came a slurping dash of cream anointing all below…
I smiled as if within a dream, as I surveyed the flow…
But then God stopped me just before I started on my treat…
Reminding me it was no chore, ‘Give thanks for all you eat!’
And so I did, right there and then… For cash to pay my way…
For shops to visit once again… for such a sunny day…
No clouds, no rain, no storm, no gale, warm sunshine, that was all…
A little tan for me so pale… a strawberry miracle…

AND THEN… I swirled my spoon around and licked my lips as well…
AND RAISED a strawberry that was bound to cast its wondrous spell…
AND SUDDENLY I closed my eyes and my mouth opened wide…
And tasted Heaven’s sweet surprise… with joy I couldn’t hide…
I guess that I’m addicted now… it’s strawberries every day!
Do I love them? Oh… Yes, and how! I hope I’ll be OK…
Be careful what you wish for, friends! Or you’ll be like I am…
The need for strawberries never ends, so don’t get in a jam…

I’m running out of pennies soon… and then what will I do?
Just stare down at my empty spoon… red-faced and feeling blue…

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 206
Denis Martindale May 2018
The would-be poet sought the good… the noble and the best,
Through words, much loved and understood… so readers would be blessed…
But what to write and what to share… and what ways to improve?
Such questions, friends, should lead to prayer… for wisdom and for truth…

And so the would-be poet paused… 'Lord Jesus, guide me now…'
That was the humble prayer that caused a breakthrough, there, somehow…
For in the days, weeks, months and years… a flood of poems came,
Such that today, there are no fears… because of Jesus Name…

The poet isn’t famous yet, but who knows? Maybe soon…
If not, there’s time to write more prose… or words to fit a tune…
As long as life gets granted still… there’s reason still to rhyme…
With words that charm and words that thrill… and words that prove sublime…

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 251
Denis Martindale May 2018
Trust me, dear! I know it all... though I don't mean to brag...
No need to write, no need to call... I've got this in the bag...
Just take my word, trust what I tell... I've checked the facts and stuff...
I'm here to stay, won't say farewell... I'm here to bring the love...

I've got the good news and the bad... I've got news in-between...
So pick and choose, till you're real glad... at things you've heard and seen...
Investigations come and go... and interviews likewise
And pretty soon, you're in the know... more than you realise...

Trust me, dear! I know it all... reporters everywhere...
To watch the famous rise or fall... for fans who truly care...
Just quote the news so others learn... that way, they'll thank you, too...
Evaluate, discuss, discern... just like most folks would do...

So stick real close... by night and day... I'll keep you up-to-date...
God knows there's more news on its way... so not too long to wait...

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 201
Denis Martindale May 2018
What is the poem all about? Simply fancy phrases!
That from the mind pop out and sprout, from all sorts of places...
Just basic rhymes, like I love you... Yes! I love you, dearly...
Just basic rhymes, out of the blue, sometimes picked sincerely...
Then throw in sentiments to suit, or challenges that stir,
Descriptions of somethings quite cute, like kittens with soft fur...
Or maybe just a limerick, a silly joke, no more...
Or something that gets on your wick, you hate, but can't ignore
Of pretty maidens in a row, some teenage angst expressed,
Confessions that we're meant to know, some girl gets off her chest...
Or stories that might praise some men, known heroes young or old,
Or Scriptures quoted now and then, or prophecies foretold...
Or maybe there's a masterpiece, a blessing for Mankind
The Holy Spirit oversees, that's like pure gold refined...
Or something that I wrote today, to pass away the time,
That says it all, some winsome way, with phrases here that rhyme...

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
Who ought to be called a poet? A writer who can rhyme?
Who picks out best words to show it? Whose words are quite sublime?
Or just the child with limericks? The old man all alone?
Or wordsmiths with their bags of tricks? Or bards thought as well-known?
Is it the lonely bachelor who from his longing sighs?
Is it the preaching minister revealing why Christ dies?
Is it restricted to the great and wisest of us all?
Is it the saints who celebrate a precious miracle?
Is it the nature lover, too, who walks the forest still?
Or mountaineer who sees the view upon some yonder hill?
Is it the man who sees the stars and seeks to praise the Lord?
Is it the guy who plays guitars and seems to strike a chord?
Or is it only me, dear friends, of all humanity,
Who types away or uses pens to share new poetry?
Or are you worthy of acclaim? Are you a poet, too?
If so, the Lord must know your name and all the good you do…

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
I crept up on it… and I checked it out,
I leapt up on it…. and threw it about,
I gave it one almighty clout…
Grabbed it by its snotty snout…
Pulled its ears and made it shout…
All peaceful thoughts I chose to flout…
I squashed it flat till there was nowt…
I chose to write in faith not doubt…
That’s when I really laughed out lout…

Denis Martindale April 2018…
Denis Martindale May 2018
You made me fall in love with you, just like a puppy would!
You charmed my heart with words so true and sentiments so good…
You nestled close next to my ears and whispered tenderly,
You treasure chest of smiles and tears, you winsome poetry!

You took me in, with words that rhyme, with upbeat beats as well…
You made me walk your themes sublime, your story lines to tell…
You tugged on heartstrings deep within, you caught me unawares…
You held me tight, you made me grin, you melted all my cares!

You challenged me to think again, to reason and discuss…
You guided me towards great men and even to Jesus…
You gave my soul a second chance, you taught me how to pray…
You even made me stand and dance and praise God every day!

I love you dearly, yes, indeed… I praise God you exist…
Somehow you answered every need… so how could I resist!?

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 264
Denis Martindale May 2018
When God declares and God decrees... and prophets learn the facts,
It's here and now the prophecies are sent so Man reacts...
From ancient times, this was God's way... His prime objective then,
Yet still today, God has His say... in the affairs of men...
How else could God explain the course that each saint's meant to go?
Yet once revealed, like opened doors... it's then we're in the know...

That's why God speaks and prophets hear... or see with visions still,
Perceiving wisdom, crystal clear... to serve God's perfect will...
It's why dreams visit us at night... that tell of things ahead,
It's why we gain some blessed insight... not facing life with dread...
It's why our God's still speaking now... for lost souls to reclaim,
It's why we seek new ways somehow... to preach in Jesus Name...

So let's quote Jesus and bring hope... let's use technology...
Yet most of all, let's reach the globe... by sharing prophecy!

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 480
Denis Martindale May 2018
When Pastors meet and Pastors pray... God leans down from His Throne,
To listen to the words they say... and any wisdom shown...
He harkens to their fervent needs... desires, hopes and dreams,
For without Him, not one succeeds... regardless of extremes...
Not one can boast, save in the Lord, because of all He's done,
That's why the best are overawed... that God spared not His Son...
To think, Christ died for Pastors, too... yet now their flocks direct,
Perhaps they even pray for you... as one of God's elect...
What insights will such Pastors gain? What blessings will God send?
What projects started yet remain... on which God's saints depend?
I only know that God approves of Pastors young and old
And that through such as these God moves... when they're as good as gold!

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 258
Denis Martindale May 2018
'What's Easter all about?' they ask, 'What's Easter all about?'
And so I set about the task... to share my faith not doubt...
I spoke of Easter hymns I knew... and Isaac Watts as well,
Who wrote his hymns for me, for you... with such a tale to tell...
The greatest story ever told was his delight to share,
Six hundred hymns, as good as gold... as he took time to care...
Yet Isaac didn't die for us upon a cross of wood...
For that honour fell to Jesus, the only One who could...

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 220
Denis Martindale May 2018
There was a time of utmost grief,
A dalliance with disbelief,
Depression came as though a thief,
Alas, that time was long not brief…
Below the mouth that hides my teeth,
I bore my burden like a wreath
And there it dangled underneath,
The emblem of my sorrow…

Yet I persisted, day by day,
Knowing that it chose to stay,
Causing me to pause and pray,
Asking why God should delay…
Yet melancholy had its way,
Causing my wrecked soul to stray,
With that ****** wreath still on display,
The emblem of my sorrow…

Upon a quest I chose to go,
Perchance that then my strength would grow,
Perchance new hope would overflow,
To combat dark thoughts borne of woe…
And only then, God made me know,
The awesome debt to Christ I owe,
Till at His Cross I knelt below,
The emblem of my sorrow…

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 213
Denis Martindale May 2018
Of all the madness ever known that blighted humankind,
This tragedy must stand alone, of all that come to mind,
For Eve told Adam Satan’s lies… such that they both believed,
In hope that each would then be wise.. and yet each was deceived…
God gave them life, yet they chose death… their blessings were reversed
And from that moment they drew breath, both knew that they were cursed!

And even now, the Earth is, too, while it spins round and round…
God’s curse hurt me until I knew I could be Heaven-bound…
The Easter Story showed the ways Mankind could play the fool…
Yet God gave me amazing grace, while still a child at School…
I’m now a man, I’m born again, like billions God has blessed,
Yet can’t forget the madness when Mankind refused God’s best…

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
What do I do with my money? I need the Lord's advice!
While, to some, that may sound funny... I really think it's wise...
He knows the bills I've got to pay... and those I don't have yet,
He's planned ahead for all I pray... so how could He forget?

I'm such a skinflint with my cash... and discounts helped me save...
With such resources I'm not rash... I'm cautious, Lord, not brave!
But then He comes again to ask, 'My child, it's time to give!
It's time that you complete this task... that others, too, might live!
My child, don't act like it's a chore!' So I obey God's will...
And so, I go online once more... to websites God loves still...

Donating here... donating there... Until the Lord says, 'STOP!'
'Thank God for that!' I say in prayer... 'At last, it's time to shop!'

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 262
Denis Martindale May 2018
Lord Jesus knew what this week meant... no need to tell Him so...
His miracles were Heaven-sent... yet soon He had to go...
To leave behind disciples here... tormented by their grief,
With every kind of mortal fear... and even disbelief...
The prophecies must come to pass... the whip, the crown, the Cross...
Man's wisdom but a fragile farce... Christ's life itself the loss...
And soon my Saviour's Blood was shed... the end for Christ was nigh...
By faith, my Saviour paid Man's debt... as Mary wept nearby...
Behold the Lamb of God, indeed... no other lamb for me...
Because His Cross fulfilled each need... that day... on Calvary...
Yet let's rejoice that God forgives, despite Man's evil hours...
God raised His Son, Lord Jesus lives! He's yours, He's mine, He's ours!

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
How many lost souls still to save? How many hearts to reach?
How many left that misbehave, with minds so hard to teach?
How many children taught in School, while God is left outside?
How many choose to play the fool, for whom the Saviour died?
How many mansions must Man build, while people starve to death?
How many wars, so more get killed and breathe their final breath?

How many spaceships must Man send, to prove that God exists?
How many years to comprehend, if each man's heart resists?
How many healings yet remain that Jesus must perform?
How many must each doubter gain, till each cold heart grows warm?
And how are we to serve God more.. now we've revelation?
The finest blessing, that's for sure, meant for every nation...

Stronger together! Day-by-day! Yet God seeks lost souls, too...
Perhaps that's why we pause and pray... there's so much left to do...

Denis Martindale April 2018.
May 2018 · 247
Denis Martindale May 2018
When Jesus died for you, for me... did Jesus die in vain?
He left behind a legacy... a treasure we might gain...
The crown of thorns Christ had to bear... His robe gone, more or less...
Meant crowns of glory saints could wear... and robes of righteousness...
Beyond the sorrows and the loss... beyond the dreadful pain...
God gave Christ hope... beyond the Cross... death's power to restrain...
The promise of eternity... the Bride of Christ and more...
That's why Christ died for you, for me... no matter, rich or poor...
But what a price Christ had to pay... with John and Mary there...
Six hours long He had to stay... each evil sin to bear...
And when Christ died, He took them all, so that God could forgive...
Amazing grace... God's miracle... God's gift that we might live...
That's why a billion saints proclaim... We're saved! I'm saved! It's true!
And yet I ask in Jesus Name... Has Jesus saved you, too?

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Denis Martindale May 2018
I've got the TV on each day... and sometimes through the night
And yet, for me, that seems O.K., yes, somehow, that seems right...
I've got no wife I must defend, no children to fight for,
No-one on whom I can depend, just four walls and a door...

Lord, I'm still praying for the lost, of course, I donate, too...
I know how much salvation cost, the vicious death for You...
But I'm so weary of it all... I've got a broken heart...
Right now, I need a miracle... so I still play my part...

Lord, I'd rather live here lonely... I've no more need to roam,
There's no friend left to phone me... or visit me at home...
That's why I pray in Jesus Name, don't let me be ignored...
Outside, the world's no more the same, I wait the Rapture, Lord...

Denis Martindale April 2018.
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