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I often found you more addictive when i was poisioned from loneliness..
 Mar 2015 Deenah
The most broken people
always have the most beautiful smiles
those who are the saddest, always have the kindest hearts, the most kindred means. Those who are the saddest, always have the most to offer. Embrace the beauty in which we call melancholy.
 Mar 2015 Deenah
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Glass and silence surround our feet.
Shards ready for when we take a step
So stay still with me.
Stay frozen for awhile as we waltz without taking a step.
ten more years of this
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Tiny grains of love
I always pick them up
Left-overs of their past
For me they're a must

Tiny grains of love
You're what I'll ever have
You're my golden dust
Something mine that'll last

Tiny grains of love
You're what I must have
Yet a precious sand
That kept slipping through my hands

Tiny grains of love
When will my glass be filled
When will I ever be drunk
When will I ever get to taste

A cup full of love
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Me and you
We're pieces that don't fit
But I'm finally starting to realise
That maybe we don't have to
The puzzle does not need to be complete
We're not broken
 Mar 2015 Deenah
I want to be intertwined with you.
mixed into your thoughts,
your words,
your actions:
however subtle,
but always significant.

I want to be every part of you
I want to be choked up with your words
swallowed down with your fears
entangled with your musing,

I want to be the hand
that so effortlessly grazes through your curls the pencil
that composes every beautiful thought onto paper  
the lips
that sing never more perfect words and melodies

I wouldn't mind being
the tears that stream your face when you aren't sure of who you are
the curses you pitch out in frustration when life has you overworked
and the laugh that echoes throughout galaxies when you are truly happy

I would be any part of you,
the good parts and the bad
just to say that I was with you;
just to feel like I meant something
even if you weren't aware of it
like the breaths you take that have become such a familiar process
that you aren't aware of the air anymore,
the vitality of it
I want to be the air you breathe
and the eyelashes that protect your dark, secret bearing irises.
I want to be you and a part of you and with you, vital and unnoticed, for the rest of our lives.
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