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  Jul 2017 The Dedpoet
I can say the right things
yet in the wrong time,
while I say the wrong things
in the right time.
seems contradicting but in truth, I better stay silent and listen more than confronting any situations thats for the later part....
  Jul 2017 The Dedpoet
David Champion
It was recommended
as a place to go alone…

an iron staircase…
spirals downwards
into the gloom.
At the lowest step, I pause…

…echoes of my footsteps

then nothing
but the silent treads
that brought me down

…and my heavy heart-beat.

I might have expected this…
I have arrived at the basement,
and there is no-one here…

Where is the artist,
dressed in black?

This is his gallery
but the walls are blank
… there are no pictures…
everything has gone

…except for the familiar armchair.

I can do nothing
but slump down into it …
The Dedpoet Jul 2017
Image power
By that gentle confidence,
And a little boy knows his dad.

Stolen thievery,
Pride in the lost is vein
That whixh buries the heart
In echoes.

Fallen hereditary
Keeping the memory
And all is a silence of natures;
Wind and water amd stone.

A waters dive
Oceans ago when waters
Fled the open heart
And father was the only son:

Take my hand old man,
Though your at the edge,
Your blood will flow to the
Future and your soul is
Always reborn.

Teach, learned man,
Pour out your swim in life
In the waters of the moment,
Stroke, strokes, and still
And always, father.
Mini stroke. Dad i love you.
  Jul 2017 The Dedpoet
Poetic T
I jib my

on the naked page

saturating the purity
                   seeds still damp.

What was pure now violated by contemplations...
  Jun 2017 The Dedpoet
Overcomplicate me.

Out of my dust.
When I inevitably go,
Don't let me
Go easily.
At least the coffee's hot and understands me
unlike today that just backhands me,

Is it too early for a glass of wine?

My life gets stuck on tic tac toe
a no win, no win, no point to go
on, but
I go on because
I'm an awkward cuss.

I saw the universe come to a stop,
but it started up again

( explain that one Brian ***. )

Should I, should I not have another
from the coffee ***?

I'm watching clouds break up
a bit like lovers do,
slowly disentangling,

be alone
to be at home
with oneself.

I need to, want to, got to,

Let's celebrate
underneath those arches
where our dreams
dreamed with the

Friday clicks the switch
Rik says,
" Robinson, You're such a ***** "
mention jam
which is what I feel I'm in.
It'll pass, immortalised or
turn to gas
either way
is here until midnight.
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