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Dec 2017 · 671
Deanna Sabou Dec 2017
My vision is clear,
There is nobody standing beside me.
I am all by myself, seeing a reflection with no vanity.
I accept the past,
I accept the future.
I accept the present,
My wounds are sutured.
I am forgiving of my sins - the jealousy that came from within,
I am no longer comparing myself with somebody who is of a structure more thin.
My frame is mature, handles of love and all - My curves are a WEAPON, I am standing TALL.
My body holds no angry bounds,
I am ready to conquer life with precision.
I am STRONG. These are MY decisions.
I am free! I am vibrant! I am fun!
I will not take this progress for granted - I will not run.
I do not need another figure to dictate the lifestyle I lead, I am the only person I need to need.
I am a strong woman - having more than a childlike mind,
Respect and love for myself was granted and earned, by effort of magnitude that cannot be defined.
This was written for people who are struggling to accept their bodies. I am hoping to make somebody happy with this poem.
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
Deanna Sabou Dec 2017
Deanna Sabou

My sanity was denied when I remained truthful,
And so was my intelligence.
The scars wreak havoc on my body in endlessness.
The bruises were difficult to hide, and so were the tears;
My identity withered away and all that was left were my fears.
The mirror on my wall could not recognize the pale skeletal image,
Because she was so far away and the once golden girl was now conquering a deep scrimmage.
Against all odds, in the end I won;
The roses finally grew from my thorns, and my future has just begun.
For now, you are locked in your own isolated cell;
My scars have recovered and I now wish you well.
You being embarrassed of yourself was quite the rare site,
But now I finally took your opportunity, to ignite the gaslight.

— The End —