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Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Your eyes were sweating,
Or at least that is what you said.
Those aqua pools, glinting with moisture
The sight of you broke my resolve,
My eyes started to sweat with you.

Oh you were a prayer answered,
The gentlest of men in the deep south.
We were kindred spirits that hung the moon.

Oh how it must have hurt you,
To pack up my things and watch me go.
And what do you do with the things that remain?
My daughter's furniture in your home?
Do you sleep in my bed and dream of me still?
Drink from my wine glasses and imagine I am still with you?
Buddy, I miss you.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
I am the ***** in your colony,
You loved me so completely.
Daily devotions in a bathroom stall,
Always answering to the call,
The presence of God was within your heart,
Your conviction tore me apart.
I repent my sin
But you still won’t let me in,
And cast me out
While you remain devout.
Good Christians, ha!

Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
How do you take your coffee?
You’d surprise me with a cup.
We parsed out tidbits,
Sale mongers on a mission.
A true couple of misfits,
But you imparted to me your wisdom.
We swapped photos of our pride and joy,
Then the day came and you said,
This just isn’t fun anymore.
You were right.
So I clocked out.

Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Close your eyes, and you will find me there.
Long tendrils of fiery hair billow around me as I come to you.
Shimmery porcelain skin beckons you, please touch me.
I rise amongst the ethereal mist, and shower you in soft petal kisses.
Your manhood calls to me, and I respond.
My velvet hands reach for every inch of your skin.
My plump rosy lips tantalize your essence.
I am not your concubine, but you don’t know that yet.
You belong to me, but you don’t realize that yet.
All that you are will be devoured by my ***** mounds and valleys.
The winds howl as the demons moan in ecstasy.
Demons? And I thought it was just me.
Hello, Incubus.  Fancy meeting you here.

Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Words are my release.
Penning poems for recovery.
I write, for I am.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Anonymous camaraderie,
New friends pour from cyberspace.
Tweets flutter rampantly,
In this most ambiguous place.
Strangers in passing,
Or is it kismet?
Can’t you tell what I am saying?
Innuendo among keystrokes.
And you thought I was playing.

My world is all digital,
Evocatively simple,
Demanding your principle,
Ingrained as symbol,
A**ll in code.

The title is the poem concept.  The first letter of each line spells the poem title.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Throw open my closet doors and don my best business attire,
I am fueled by coffee and motivation to succeed.
The youngest of my colleagues, I have excelled in the pursuit of the american dreams.
I am supermom.
I am superwoman.
Hear me roar.

The fall came on without warning.
This mental prison confined me and I could not escape.
Spiraling down, down, down until…
I am no more.

The alarm blares and I hit snooze for the umpteenth time.
I roll out of bed, slither into day old sweats and smooth my hair with a greasy hand.
Did I feed my child today?
Who cares anyway?
I am the middle-aged teenager, tromping around town in pajamas.
Bad decisions, yeah, I’ve made a few.
But who are you to judge anyway?

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