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Darkness Oct 2014
I inhale
Fresh air
Produced by my
Dear friends
The trees and flowers and plants

I give it back to you

Well look at that,
We do have something in common after all;
Darkness Oct 2014
i only hear autumn serenades
leaves seem to fall, as fast as my tears
O i love you so
you there alone
catching them, red brown green
i want to walk down the forest with you
catching them, yellow
oak trees waving their empty branches
through clouds, changing every hour
as autumn clouds do in autumn sky
they all chant poems of desire
i longlingly look upon them, hear them
but they don't seem to reach me

All the oak trees know
they whisper

give up the ship
kiss goodbye

but i dont want to
because i want you
oak trees = me
Darkness Oct 2014
Take my hand stranger,
for thy hand fits perfectly in mine
for there is no reason to be insecure

The lines of our hands cross each other, floating rivers meeting, like an estuary, passionately touching,  but never perfectly fitting (as real love should be)
Our nails glancing to each other; the same happens when your blue eyes meet my greenies
Our skins stunning each other,  blushing, softening the insecurities they both feel
Our joints silly wrestling with each other; O the subtle touch of them

Take my hand stranger,
for thy hand fits perfectly in mine
for there is no reason to be insecure
Darkness Sep 2014
last night
your skin tasted like strawberries
gently sprinkled with soft sugar
it made me shiver
Darkness Sep 2014
I am tired of grieve
I wonder
Should i love you?
Should i?

I want to

but i can't give you

This isnt sometimes
This feeling is always

wait; my old man said one early night like old men do

never give up, on giving the girl who secretly wants your giving

(You'll see, my girl
One day you'll see)
Darkness Sep 2014
your smile
shines in every season

In spring it blooms
In summer it blinds
In autumn it relieves (me)
In winter it warms

i would not know
what to do
you and your  shining
love you happy sad autumn
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