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danny Nov 2018
Door locked, key slide through the mailbox,
Memories left to scatter in the wind of change,
Mail cancelled, potted plants discarded,
Plans left in favor of someplace better or new.

Photos glanced at and appreciated.
Relics of old at this stage,
Shirts sniffed, folded and placed in the drawer,
Leaving familiar for something better or new.

Beds made for later, letter propped on the table,
against the empty milk jug.
Floor swept, dirt pushed under the rug.
Obligations dismissed for a challenge better or new.

First step taken on the winding staircase.
I thought it would be busier, I guess comfort zones
are final resting places for the content or down beaten
I was once like that but now I hope to be better or new.
Poem about having the strength to move on and take a leap
danny Oct 2018
Staying ***** as if by magic, so unobserved
but so powerful.
Important but taken for granted.

Without, we are stuck
two leaves blowing in different currents.

No way to merge at the middle of the rapid churning waters below.
No way to hold or touch or kiss or lash out.

No other place so haunting that you would grab my fingers and we would both leap, screaming.
"We tried our best
I think....."
I may return to this poem another time.
danny Sep 2018
Like a Ferrari gifted to a blind man,
false hope to a death row inmate.

She festered freshly. Red lips in a grey world
Too good for this world
but not pure enough for heaven
I used the lyric, "Hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world" as inspiration
danny Aug 2018
Woke up late
The issues of yesterday still intact,
Turned the pillow to the cool side,
And opened the window.

Tried to race my shadow down the stairs.
Bade family "Good day" and nestled on the couch.
Nothing narrates your day better than a
"Previously on..."

Took too long deciding what to do with my morning
that it became afternoon, time is sneaky like that.
Walked to the store with no intent,
I have a gift, I always end up in the feminine hygiene aisle or the ***.

Played some music louder than I should have,
my reasoning was if my bones don't vibrate then
the heavens won't be able to hear it either.
Was scared by a big dog even though it was muzzled.

Came back home, one armpit was sweatier than the other.
Lungs collapsing but I felt the doubts and ire abating.
Checked in with my people and cared about what they had to say.
It's dark now, the pillow is heating up for another long night.
danny Aug 2018
Never to have felt the wind of change upon your flesh,
to dazzle and dance on the precipice.
One jolt after another, character un-built..

Rarely to have left the bed unmade,
After nights of raw abandon, to gaze in a lover or a strangers eyes.
To let go and curse the parachute.

Teeth not brushed fail to bring forth the doom that was promised.
Un-cut grass does not shield waiting monsters.
Chipped paint and failing wallpaper tell a story.

A brush with the law wont quell the gossip mongers.
Alas, to be so safe quietens no mouth.
For they will talk anyhow and the sun will still rise, regardless.
danny Jul 2018
Racked up some debt on the plastic,
ate all the things I know I shouldn't,
Kissed the stranger and texted first.
Took the time to smell the flowers.
No fear of hay fever or a restless week of sleep.

Let the kids eat whatever
The neighbors screamed uninterrupted til their hearts were content
Painted the mural I always needed to paint.
Quit the job that was destroying my will.
Rang my Ex and told the truth. For once.

Held my lover and meant it,
Inhaled them deeply as if their scent would see me on my way.
Thanked them from the bottom of weakening heart.
Smiled until it reached my eyes.
Danced under the tree unafraid of the threat of lightening.

Pierced my ****** and dyed my hair.
Sang a song and released it,
Wrote down my warnings for the future poets.
Finally got the ****** joke my dad told me years ago.
I had one last laugh
danny Jun 2018
Please show me you understand,
You don't have to agree or allow.
Just nod and I will be exonerated.

Freed from this self imposed cage.
Your outstretched hand broke, bars, boundaries, walls and fences.
A feather kiss calmed the tsunami.

It could never be fifty fifty, with you and I,
ninety nine and one, for you always will be.
Just a strand of your essence would power my battery for life.

I live just to see you comfortable.
I cannot shield you from harm or hurt.
They wont come from my hand, heart or mouth.

But with my hand I will pick you up.
Will my heart I will love you back on your feet
My mouth will only sing lullaby's and praises.

Anything less would be cheap,
untrue and disposable.
Anything less than everything wouldn't be worthy.
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