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The silent vibration
of the earth is within
my soul

The wind parts my hair
with its gentle fingers

The sun warms my skin
and bakes it to a golden brown

The rain washes away my
sinful habits

The birdsong fills me
with hope

I am redeemed in the world eyes

I am part of the dirt

The flora speaks to me
and I drink in the coolness
of dawn

The earth is mine
and I am grateful
early morning sunrise
sitting on my favorite pillow
lush royal purple with golden braid
nag champa incense burning
a slight breeze, smoke swirling
tibetan singing bowls
and my prayer beads
Time is racing
Always going so fast
One minute the future
The next it's the past

Oh so fleeting
Quickly passing by
One day your born
The next you die

Always chasing you
Staying closely behind
No sense in hiding
It is you it will find

No drugs or operations
Can fool this persistent friend
With you from the beginning
Following you till the end

Don't waste time worrying
Leave it all to fate
Before you know it it'll be over
Enjoy it before it's to late
Driving to work
Feeling a little blue
Thinking about
A life without you

Trying to breathe
Without any air
That's how I'd feel
If you didn't care

Your love is my lifeblood
The fire to my soul
If I didn't have you
I wouldn't be whole

Together forever
On this you can rely
One day without you
I surely would die
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