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Forest    Ink runs through my veins
William J Donovan
75/M/Charlotte, NC    Writing poetry now feels like I'm cutting me with a razor so I can feel again.
61/M/Earth    We are the estranged orphans of our nations and tribes, and we now bear the weight not of survival of the group but of personal …
35/M/Pakistan    The best is yet to come... Poetry | Prose | Quotes | Β© all rights reserved
59/M/US    i love you's are everywhere
F/South Africa    Hewwo, thank you for stopping by! Feel free to hit me up, I guess. Instagram: imanthemagnificent Discord: Thefantasticmissfox#5403
samriddhi upreti
22/F/India    Be ready for the surprises of life.
30/M/Lusikisiki, South Africa    New born Artist who appreciates Art
Norman Crane
Canada    I live in Canada. I like history, coffee and cinema.
45/F/Kentucky    Do what u want and say what u feel... those that matter won't mind ans those that mind won't matter ~dr. Suess ~
Thomas W Case
56/M/Clear Lake    American writer and poet. I have a YouTube channel where I read my poetry. Here is a link to my website. My books …
Imran Islam
31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
28/F/London    Just a short girl - Instagram: thefullmoonflower
Max Neumann
M/Inner Shelter    Writing poetry since 2002
Opilo Enock
18/M/Nairobi    A poet by blood,a writer by passion.Poetry in the winds.Lives to whirl though dull like
47/M/the foot of the mountain    i've been fixed and i've been broken and i've broken what i've fixed
27/F/Grey areas    "A region of chaos and moonlight, she liked it there"
20/F/Wonderland!    To be half asleep with love
37/M/Lehi, UT    Just A Writer Sometimes Good and Sometimes Bad
53/M/Nashville, TN USA    Constantly confused, always amused. Father, Chemist, Teacher, and of course, Poet-wannabe. - all work is copyrighted - please ask permission before use -
Anthony Pierre
42/M/A Sandy Beach   
Carlo C Gomez
54/M/The Exclusion Zone    Married to Mrs. Timetable. Surreal picture by Justin Peters. New book "Exiled to Dusk" available here:
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