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 Aug 2021 Colm
 Aug 2021 Colm
There were days
I remembered
To put my heart on my sleeve.

The other days
I hid it
So deep inside my body
I couldn’t find it for myself.

The terror of anyone finding
Me judging me
Seemed to linger in the air
I inhaled.
 Aug 2021 Colm
dark blue
 Aug 2021 Colm
dark blue
i loved you
the moment
i saw you

for the girl
to grow up

to love you
 Aug 2021 Colm
 Aug 2021 Colm
I still have trouble
Every moment
Every warm moment
Wrapped in ecstasy
They were all
O Lord of all compassionate control,
O Love! let this my lady’s picture glow
Under my hand to praise her name, and show
Even of her inner self the perfect whole:
That he who seeks her beauty’s furthest goal,
Beyond the light that the sweet glances throw
And refluent wave of the sweet smile, may know
The very sky and sea-line of her soul.

Lo! it is done. Above the long lithe throat
The mouth’s mould testifies of voice and kiss,
The shadowed eyes remember and foresee.
Her face is made her shrine. Let all men note
That in all years (O Love, thy gift is this!)
They that would look on her must come to me.
 Jul 2021 Colm
Afterglow [haiku]
 Jul 2021 Colm
Last drop of honey,
The spell has been released,
See you in my dreams.
 Jul 2021 Colm
Kelly McManus
So sorry to say
too much spent on commercials
to end wars today

                            Kelly McManus
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