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Shaylie Jul 15
Rage burns inside me
It’s so easy to spit your own poison back at you
One way or another
It just hurts
Instead I sit here
Fire turns into hot tears
Rushing down my face
Burns ditches in lines
I wonder if karma is real
How do you continue to get away with this
Shaylie Jun 23
And all I’m worried about is
Having to stand in a room with you
Today is a day
Where I wish my face
Didn’t look like yours
So it wasn’t so noticeable
That I’m the one who looks
Just like you
That you never talk to
Shaylie May 30
I’ll always remember you when we were young
I’ll remember the nights we spent laughing for two years in our twenties
You are in another life
Another dimension now
I saw her tooth brush on the counter
It shared the same cup as yours
Her clothes strewn all over the floor
In the bathroom I looked at myself
I’m thinking
I’m gonna be sick
You are living another lifetime
And all we had was
Two years in our twenties
That I’ll never forget
Shaylie May 25
I use to get so mad
When you’d wake me up
Midnight hours
Asking me questions about myself
I’d say
Let me go back to sleep
Such an annoyed tone
Now it’s 12 am again
But it’s silent
I find myself saying things in my head
Sorry I got so annoyed
I miss anyone
Anyone at all
Asking questions
About me
Shaylie May 24
Hey, I haven’t stopped loving you
But every time we speak
You and I
We are with other people
Maybe not this time?
Shaylie May 24
I can’t possibly understand how it could be anyone other than you
I thought maybe we finally had our chance
Our day beneath the honeysuckle
I miss you
Trying to figure out why you’d stop
Talking to me
I want to finally share that meal
So much time has passed and
I’m almost 30 now
Please call me
Please call me
Shaylie May 12
I keep trying to talk to you
Reach out to you
How long will it be this time
Another year
Maybe 5
I love you
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