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 Apr 2016
There is death here.
The ground bleeds
slowly through
shallow holes
letting small flowers grow
faintly smelling
somewhere between
perfume and decay.

No one stirs to
wipe this dark stain away.
Dirt and stone mark the space
pointing to the place
were all journeys end.

Soft becomes rigid.
The earth dries
slower than
rigamortis sets in,

But I hope they feed me
to the fishes and wolves
leaving the rest of me
to the rest under a tall tree.
 Apr 2016
I'm not scared of strangers. I'm afraid of forgetting how to be kind.
Lilted notes upon rising tides
Drums of crashing waters shore
Water rippling and ocean sighs
A crescendo of a tempests roar

The screech of gulls taking flight
Melodious wind in water caves
Marvel here at the ocean's might
With the orchestra of the waves

See here the figures, singing loud
Harmony salty, sweet, and strong
Ocean creatures awed and cowed
At the hurricane of the siren's song
Testing out rhymes again

I want to be in the ocean where no one can find me
 Apr 2016
In pain our skin is thickened.
Fear causes pulse to quicken.
Getting the feeling we’ve been tricked,
so we harden our defenses,
strengthen our immune system.
Inoculated with heart break
After deadly heart break,
until, we become invulnerable;
Losing the ability to feel anything.
 Apr 2016
Well, the trip is done.
I’m down to earth.
Head no longer
kissing clouds.
My feet hurt,
cause they are
kicking up dirt
instead of
dancing in the air.
 Apr 2016
Time is a thief
swift of feet
with nimble fingers
plucking the chords
of harmony
And dissonance;
Terrible and frightening
taking but never giving
a single second back.

Shadows of shapes
That never existed
Alone in the universe

When will she speak again,
play hide and seek with friends,
find new tidings,
night ridings,
space adventures,
and fairy-tale family
love and play
like her younger days,
instead of this
dull mist
of well employed
 Apr 2016
Persephone let me be your shoes
To protect your feet from the sea
Of hell that burns before your throne
 Apr 2016
Stench muted by froze form
The winter flakes that frost his fur
Greying from delayed decaying
Slowly thaws on the edge of spring
Allowing the cycle to resume
 Apr 2016
A need something beautiful
A sun rise
From the dark skies
Of a starless night
Or a twinkling
Moonlit evening
To distract me from my grief

Give me something beautiful
A playing baby laughing
A friend’s hug
Or kindness from a stranger
To restore my faith
In humanity
And distract me from my grief

I demand something beautiful
For the loss of a beautiful person
Balance for a life no longer living
Cause I do not wish to survive
In a world that keeps taking and not giving
 Apr 2016
My eyes expand
Pupils dilating
To see the night
Adapting to the darkness
No streetlights needed
I can see clearer than most
But in the day
The light is harsh
Burns my retina
Hurts to see the sun
So I labor in the shadows
Hiding from the
 Apr 2016
It’s not my fault
Yet I bare your guilt
The prison you built
To bury the truth
Is on my back

The clock doesn’t stop
The malls are barely closed
Shopping for cloths
To cover your inadequacy
Your deficiency
Is buying efficiency
The killer top
The kick *** shoes
To cut the chord
On social blues
You are my muse

So when I scream and rant
Raving about the enslaving
Of the masses to material things
While what matters goes missing
Humanity keeps *******
On the at risked and suffering
Well, I guess that is just my issue

Go ahead and get that new car
That big flat screen dream
That digital device
That keeps your eyes
Focused down
Without seeing the ground
Go ahead and kick the poor man
Criticize the teachers based on lies
Ignore the science and reason
Till the four seasons
Become chaos
And the politicians that betrayed us
Walk away with all that wealth
They stole from us
Then when I snap
And cry
Asking why
Oh why
Can’t we be better
Blaming myself
For the actions of other
You can just walk away
In an uninformed haze

If you think I cry because
I don’t get all the cool stuff
And I’m just a hater
Know that I stare for days
At the result of our harmful ways
I carry the guilt though I am not to blame
Because I failed to make you see the truth
Because I care and I can’t shut off
Those thoughts
You should try it
 Apr 2016
Oh Persephone you frighten me
Dark hair falling
Arms flailing
Hailing nothing
But the darkness you claim
The pain that maims
Your reason

Pushing the razor
Harder and deeper
Sliding it in and out of your skin
Like a credit card purchasing
Temporary relief
From your grief

You say that you are poisonous
But I say you have been poisoned
The virus is in the air
On the tv
On the streets
In some of the books
In strangers looks

In the aftermath
Heart break
Takes its’ place
Followed by apathy
Till there is nothing left

And though you never cut your chest
Your heart is still leaking
A subtle arrhythmia
Hade’s fingers
Crushing each ventricle
Squeezing just enough
To keep you alive
In agony
 Apr 2016
This is winter. Low hanging leaves wear frozen dew droplets. Crystalline dots dangle precariously above the thin layer of snow. My boots sink slowly in to the soft slushy earth. Whiteness permeate the air, a cold but beautiful glare cascading across the infinite horizon. Across the flat field folds of snow sparkle like diamond dust but twice as precious for their impermanence. When I go inside, I know I will be blind, but it is better to be blinded for a bit and see such a spectacular view then to never see such a wondrous thing.
Off to my peripheral there is a giant ball of snow with bits gravel, grass, and mud checkered across its’ body and a trail of bare earth following behind it. Someone was either trying to make the biggest **** for a snowman, or just wanting to see how big they could roll a snowball. It reminds me of the old cartoons where some crazy character would roll a huge snow ball down a hill but the ball would bounce back and crush them.  
My feet finally sink the last inch in till they meet solid ground. The snow rolls over the top of my boots and then inside, melting through the socks, and sending a shiver of alertness through me. I crunch through the white expanse running franticly to free my frozen feet from cold and soggy socks.
A patch of ice loosens my tread and I slip slightly towards my front door. It feels almost like a carnival ride. I stumble struggling to catch myself, then fall back busting my ****, but it is ok. I brush some snow from my backside and laugh. The only damage done is to my pride and that will pass.
It has been a spectacular day. Deer darted across my landscape, stopping only long enough to chew on the bark of an old oak tree. The white specks on their brown fur dancing across their backs and sides. I love their black noses and wonder if it is wet like a dog’s nose.
Though I was distracted by my minor musings I still managed to see a snow owl swoop down just in time to catch a white rabbit. The earth spit up its cold dandruff from the impact. Bad luck for the rabbit despite its foot but an amazing thing to see on this end.  
Now the snow that stuck to my pants is soaking through straight into my underwear. I slip my black leather gloves off to pull out my house keys. Rummaging through each of my many pockets.
What a wonderful day. What a delightfully wonderful day.
Oh, ****. Where are my keys?
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