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 Apr 2016
Your pride
comes from
your nationalism,
your patriotism,
rage and dissatisfaction.
You pass each moment
stewing, colluding
with each new oppressor  
in the name of solidarity

Spewing slogans and
other simple statements
oaths and weak ideas
you build a fascist nation
and wonder how you ever got here.
 Apr 2016
She was born in a building
with a thousand other children,
and the care that was given
was as little as the legally possible.

There was dust on the floor board.
There was glass in the cupboard,
but no love from a mother.
There was no god in the convent.

With all the fairytale stories,
with the hymnals she was singing
praising sweet hallelujah
heaven’s bells kept on ringing;

But the room was so cold.
The bread was full of mold,
and if she didn’t do what she was told
the nightmares would become
her reality of pain.

Since she was a female
since she had a ******
she had no say in her life.
She was the property of the church.

So, she died in that prison
never really touched by another
not a kiss from a gentle lover
or a hug from her father or mother.

With phlegm in her throat
with the fevered shivers
that moved her figure
she was lost in the church
and died another lonely body.
 Apr 2016
Her favorite new flavor
Is uninformed outrage
How her right to religion is
Being attack
By those who lack
Any real wisdom
Or logical reason
But the facts are
Way to far
From her position
Cause she impositions
The innocent victims
Of her hate rhetoric
Denying rights
While crying
That her plight
Is so painful
What a load full
Of manure
 Apr 2016
I cannot be held accountable
For the sins of my ancestry
For the mistakes of history
I do need for him to bleed
Stuck up like an ornament on Calvary
No crucified Christmas tree
To baptize or inspire me
Violence does not negate violence
A slaughtered lamb is only good to eat
Leave me be and I will take
Responsibility for my own actions
And the ripples that flow from those
So called mortal sins
 Apr 2016
The stars cross the grand expanse
Exposed hydrogen bombs twinkling in the distance
While the moon in sheathed
In its’ grey cloudy scabbard
 Apr 2016
We were cooked in hydrogen furnaces
Expelled and impelled out into the universe
For better or worse
Particles making their way
Through so many light years
 Apr 2016
It’s an arms race in America
Cops only stop to armor up
Bringing out their bigger guns
Not admitting but doubling down
On the violence in this town
That they created
 Apr 2016
We got all the wrong pieces
Start building these monsters
Detachment, call it apathy
Dismissive separation
Of our human nation
And our humane nature
Greed and corruption
Technological isolation
Which makes violence
Towards other nations
Easier and easier
As internet claws
Detonate video game bombs
Drones drop their nightmare load
And explode human tragedy
Making a mass grave
And a mad mass of American
Mortal men and women
Transformed into
Maleficent murdering  monsters
 Apr 2016
She is a mysterious mind
A well read poetic being
With serpentine eyes
Silver grey, cool, and calculating
But only in appearance
In reality warm and generous
A winter word warrior who writes with
Experience beyond her age
A woman child or childlike woman
Whom I admire either way
 Apr 2016
Silver, white, and glittering scales
Cross fins as they gather themselves
Cool pond partially reflecting
The warm lamp lights on the ceiling
With the grace of a cat the carp
Crosses over coming closer
His mouth bubbling open
Expecting food pellets from me
 Apr 2016
Hair greying sharp bark saying he’s in pain
Milky eyes hardly have any sight left
I lift him up the stairs and back into the house
My hand slips just a bit rubbing a sore spot
A gentle nip reminds me not to touch it
Then comes the apologetic course tongue lick

Soft soothing words whisper a token of my spoken
And unbroken affection
The end is near and I can hear the congestion
Breathing more labored so I pet him gently
Making sure that he can hear and see me
Comforting him until he finds oblivion
 Apr 2016
Life was an empty well
In which I folded myself
Scarred and bleeding
Sorely needing
Some relieving
Yet I was receiving
Even less
Would ever come
I sat decimated
Broken bones
And all
I waited
For a relief
I did not believe in
 Apr 2016
She jumps for the moon
Her only grief is gravity
Has a will of its’ own

The stars twinkle flirtatiously
Flaunting their love for her
Burning intensely with infinity
Making her yearn to burn with them
And within them

Fighting the will of earth’s
Gravitational field
She lunges again
Falling harder and farther

Facing a bruised bottom and much despair
She kisses the stars goodnight
And heads off alone
To sleep and dream of her starry lovers
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