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 May 2015
Screaming pictures in silent minds
The seeds of an artist
 May 2015
Paul Hardwick
If you write like I do
you might loose your mind
but rest in your computer chair
and just type away
and feel the relif
as you go typing words
you think you did not know
for you are keeping that dam apple off
such a ****
trying to replace
all the things I say
with others

See realy I am quit mad.

No need to explian  P@ul.
 May 2015
Paul Hardwick
reach to end
of  Y E S T U R D A Y
you know it is now tomorrow
which is  sart of   T O D A Y
which will all end Tomorrow
W H E N   Y O U  KN O W

you've been here before
and the other end of yesturday
has ment so much to me

P  U  L  L     M  E     D  O  W  N
put my feet
back on solid ground
make me feel in yesturday.
For my Mother who died
on the 25th April 2015.
with all my love

 May 2015
Paul Hardwick
Ben was
a toothless Termit
and one night
walked in a bar
and asked all there
where is
the bar tender.
TRue Story    :-)     P@ul.
 Apr 2015
sanch kay
will I
ever get to
be with you in
the bright sunlight, or is
The idea of you and me a concept -
Two people who are only
allowed to be with
each other in
the dark
 Apr 2015
Paul Hardwick
if you fall
watch out
for tears
if you fall
into water
hold your breath
never breath in
so do not cry for me or yourself
just incase you fall
right into your
own tears.
Thank you all   P@ul.
 Apr 2015
Paul Hardwick
For no longer will it be here
upload load it
record it
for it's
here right now
listen to what it said
read on
for when I have gone
I will no longer be here
and my soul will be done
with this universe
please do tell me when I am wrong
for how else would know
what is, but, you know.
Sorry but this is where my mind is as I try to cope with my mother dieing.
Please excuse me with love======P@ul.
 Apr 2015
Paul Hardwick
Is an art
Sometimes my mind is free
living Life free is an art
But far
is in the stars
I know my limattations
I walk in the shadows
but I know my own mind
not esay living at the far point
but here i am
hold my hand
if you can
you will not hold my brain
which is of at the far point
for that's what am
here I am
in that which I call myself

OFF at the FAR point
go left at mars into stars
Hug me before
it turn into afternoon
hold my hand
your welcome
now baby that is far out.
Inspirred by SPT P@ul.
"just soething SPT said"
 Apr 2015
Paul Hardwick
I have two eyes
twin toes
two legs
only one hip
and my heart is covered
by a six pack
by all the twos
got ribs
have ******* 14 of them
two sevens
two arms
two major veins in my neck
but only one head
how did that happen
but my one brain thinks
of all things
two by two at night.
 Apr 2015
Paul Hardwick
Today I brought a new computer
it's small like me, it like me has a powerful CPU
on top of all, the electircal things
mybe it will make me bright
but unlike me
it cannot walk about
the internet is it's only access
to this world of ours
it has no eyes, unlike me
seeing thing's in black and white
will all it wil be
it wil not see pain, or feel it
enclosed in it's shiny silver case
so for me my new computer
is just a tool
in which I work through.
True Story, MAN! it's fast though.
Love you all thank's Elliot :-)
 Mar 2015
Paul Hardwick
I know this nurse
called Olivia
on my dying day
I get one of those
happy to push the pipes back
when I pulled them out
and when
compi mentis
feed me by mouth
and tell me
what old fool I am
for the nurses
are princesses.

Just for you Livi.

With regards P@ul.
True Story  P@ul.
 Mar 2015
Paul Hardwick
Don't do that again
get lost with sniffing my hair
might have
this morning picked up your shampoo
had my eyes closed

You know yours is the cheap stuff
anti dandruff shampoo £2.99 from Lidel

now I am like my dad
while in the shower eyes close just pick up a bottle
mum left the Cif there
Dad smelt of lemons for a week.
True Story        P@ul.
So Don't.... Thx
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