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 Oct 2014

I am soaring
though my feet are still firmly planted on the ground

on whispering breezes
sitting next to you on a park bench by a quiet morning lake

above the clouds
as we walk through the changing forest this beautiful autumn day

many stories
seeing your reflection in the windows of a sidewalk café

with Snow Geese
as we rest beneath a beautiful elm watching leaves swirl to the ground

by your smile
on pristine wings of effervescent happiness

more each day
*in love with you
 Oct 2014
These lines on my neck
Scars scarred of regrets
Reminding me everyday how i’m blessed
If the rope didn't break by chance
If those 'angels' hadn't come in time
I’ll be in a place where heaven & hell doesn't coexist

I live my life differently now
Every day breathing in spores of hope
Everyday with families & friends pulling me back-
from my melancholy past
Every time i intend to plummet

These strangers that i now called friends(angels)
Saved me from myself
When they saw someone from their pane
With a hope pulling end
They cut through every enmity
Cutting that rope of contempt

As I dropped
Head first kissing the floor
I knew then & there
Why my life is so eminent
Why let love end my existence
Why there are still people who cared
Why leave when there's-
so much more to live for

All these answers gushing in
Making me realize
Just like a rope
You can either use it to end your life
Or you can climb your way to the top

*Choose before you lose to the noose.
There are many form of suicides. And all of them are obtusely deluded.
More or less painful or the quickest way to die.
But hanging yourself by a rope that helped you to pull difficulties in life is just a stupid way to die.
So if u want to die, My best advice is wait.
Wait until you aged.
Wait until you can't remember your sins.
Wait until you cant remember why you wanted to die.
Flaws are meant to happen.
But don't let the intent/influence of suicide fool you.
You can never go back.
I assure you.
You can never ever come back.
 Oct 2014
Turn Off The Lights
I can see all the colours of your soul
When I look at you I notice
The subtle sigh that escapes you when you get tired
I see the frown when you get confused
The flush in your cheeks when you know I am looking but
You try hard, so hard not to look my way
I notice the half smile that appears when you touch my hair
And I know you think it is a river of silk
You've told me before
Never cut your hair
I love it almost as much as you
Is has its own personality
It is untamed
And leaves pieces of you all over my apartment
I can wrap my hand around it and hold on to you
Your hair is that much more of you that you give me
And I want to have all you can offer me
For as long as you'll have me
I notice
The way you are holding me tighter
Just so you can let me go
And I carry the prints of your love on me all morning
And in the afternoon when it fades
You find me again and bruise my lips with your passion
And I am liquid for you
I melt under your touch
And see all the colours of your soul
 Oct 2014

On this silent beach,
sunset emotions filter a bashful skyline

We watch…poetry written in the sand
slowly eclipsed by a drowsy tide,
sea foam whispers erasing words
of deepest love

Minute granules float somber
neath aquamarine sighs

You fill my arms
upon moistened shores,
velvet lips satisfy my thirst
as warm salt water tingles
gently frame our bodies,
drenched in the moment

My eyes immerse in this beauty
which saturates me

Two souls, a lone silhouette
casting waves of rhythmic
yearnings on a desolate strand,  
passion glistens
of moonbeam blushes
and forever promises
*are kept
Dreaming...they can come true...right?
 Oct 2014
SG Holter
Nothing tastes quite like a
Freshly stolen apple from
Outside a very expensive house

After someone you're in love
With has just laughed into
The first bite of it,

Hands it to you
And whispers
*Thanks. Thief.
 Oct 2014
Matthew Bourgeois
I've spent so long alone,
that I forget what it's like,
to have a home.
Not like riding a bike,
but, rather, something old.
Without constant reminder,
it fades, lost in the wind.
But something new has arrived.
Someone else, who enjoys me.
'Tis a feeling I have forgotten.
But now I feel... refreshed.
Enlightened. Loved.
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
I can't seem to accept that you're gone
Constantly I find myself turning around only to discover you're no longer there
I miss you so much
Though you died nearly six years ago,
At night I cry myself to sleep missing your presence
Why...why did you have to leave me in this world all alone
It's so cold in this dark corner,
And my tears only make it worse
Every night I would wish upon the stars hoping for your return,
Write sad song wishing you would respond
I can't help but blame myself for your death;
Maybe if I was there you would still be alive,
Or maybe I would be dead as well
Now the only thing that brings me comfort is this gun to my head
It speaks to me, ya know (laughs nervously)
It say that all I need to do is pull the trigger and all my pain will go away
Then we can be together once again,
But I don't want to die yet
I mean yes my heart aches
It even has a gaping hole in the center of it
But somehow it still remains in tact
Half its original mass, but still fighting to survive
Everything I know today is because of you
You taught me that life was a heartache
That it will stab me non-stop trying to get me to break
It almost got me to
I was on the verge to breaking
Almost forgot everything and gave in to the night
So close to smiling because I was losing my mind
But it's not over yet, not for me
Now that I see its treacherous ways
I'm ready to stand tall like you taught me to do
Thank you grandpa, I owe it all to you
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