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 May 2014
Your skin touching mine,
Your breath on my neck,
In the middle of the night.
Your lips touch my check,
Soft, bitter, and sweet.
Your mine,
I'm yours.
Nothing will change,
Even with two children,
On their way.
We'll be strong,
And stay together.
Cause we are truly meant for
Each other.
 May 2014
Tiffanie Noel Doro
like every great collaboration
We clash in all the right ways
While still seemingly caressing the parts of our minds of which depths are exhausting for any other to reach

A force
Abided by the simplicity in the complex-
We shatter realms-
Surpass boundaries-
Outstretch galaxies  

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
 May 2014
I need you to understand that
the divine does not become divine
by sitting at desks
my double helix had light shining through the cracks
but that only explains why
there is an ache in my fingers
and a need to run in my feet
as long as there is not only darkness I can make my own way

a spotlight illuminates the desk
at which I sit
I am a soul being carried in a cradle
and my hands keep slipping
my eyes are starting to blur
and they just keep watching
sitting in a sea
I can't even hear them

I am writing a script at age 17 that I will refer to again
and again
until I am dead
I am writing my future
and I'm not sure who my arms think they are
but they write me entering stage left
and when I exit stage right my cells will have replaced themselves
and my arms will be different arms
the only thing I can hope for is that they will have held what they needed to

I do not know the girl I am writing about
but she knows all about me
she doesn't hate me
I know this because she smiles when she thinks of me
she loves me
but I am her burden
my decisions
affect her decisions
and that is so heavy for my pen
I still see her light shining slightly through the cracks

she will whisper to me
farther along
"It's perfectly okay"
"I was afraid too"
and we will take solace in our decisions

The script I'm writing is for both of us
I just hope we can meet
in the middle
I am looking at colleges
I am writing my script
I am afraid
 May 2014
Brendan Thomas
Blue eyes that stare back
With pain and with hate
Pain I know well
Because mine are the same

I have made mistakes
But everyone does
All I can promise
Is I will always love


Whether or not
This feeling is returned
Is all up to you
That's one thing I've learned

So I'll give you some space
And plenty of time
But at the end of the day
The decision's not mine

Don't wait too long
We all change with time
And once more I'll say
The decision's not mine

So think long and hard
What it is that you want
I won't wait forever
At some point I'll stop

 May 2014
i am sexually attracted to pencils.
get this to trend
 May 2014
SG Holter
Speaking with our hands
We discharge disagreements at
The windows of our castle.

Taking out the eyes of our love
One retina at the time.
Blinding our union until

We forgive each other with
Passionate agreement.
Speaking with our hands.
 May 2014
ponny jo
i've a predisposition to pretty prose,
i look in your eyes, and stronger it grows,
you are sways from branching willows,
you are songs that nobody knows,
your scent is enchanting, like earth over-grown.
you walk with such grace, your poetry shows.
 May 2014
SG Holter
Brother Bear (your name in English)
once again we meet in joy.
Soon our laughter rolls across the fields
and plains and forests, boy.

My best friend, my twin although
you're twin years younger than I am. 
Still in many ways superior to this
rough and rugged man.

*Hark, I feel my stomach shiver.
I can hear my liver sigh.
I can sense my brain's uneasiness,
I hear my kidneys cry.
I can feel my long intestine curling up
and screaming WHY!?
I can smell the smoke from meat ablaze
across the summer sky.
The last verse is a poem I sms' ed to my brother when recieving the news that he was going to celebrate Norway's Independence Day with our parents and me. First time we're all gathered since Christmas.
 May 2014
Jeuden Totanes
I wonder why Cupid aims his love arrows
at quiet lads and innocent lasses
then unrequited love would bring sorrows
of broken hearts and bleeding bruises

I wonder why lovers give scarlet roses
then leave them out in the sun to die
in this game of love somebody loses
then gambles again, for another try

I wonder why my heart beats, still
when it was shattered to million pieces
I feel the adrenalin- a screaming thrill
then I cry when it all ceases

I wonder why people tend to fall
to a false promise or a white lie
will i answer when i receive the call?
would I?

I wonder why..
 May 2014
If feelings could be heard,
I would hear a thousand bells
Chiming in autumn wind
Every time you breathe
Too close to my neck.
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