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 Sep 2015
Jake muler
When it comes to buying fast food the fast food chains always trick us into getting more. Anyone else,notice in the drive through we ask for a thing of fries and the cashier sais so you will  like a pop with that leading me to buy more. Big time scams. But I can't resist Americas slob mentality,
 Sep 2015
"I looked at my life in the mirror
and I saw a shattered glass."
 Sep 2015
John Ashton Upston
Catharsis is my blood on these lines
I exhale and beat myself dry
I ****** and die all over this mouse
A little less of what I was
And a little more less human.

Catharsis is when I tell a girl
A two page response on why I want her
And I never hear back from her again
And I sit there alone and close my eyes
My heart not even beating the whole time

Catharsis is working all day for minimum
Wage working all night for my own delight
Knowing tomorrow is sleep in daylight
And my body is dying a little faster
So my mind won't have to think these thoughts much Longer.
 Sep 2015
A Lopez
I was wearing a brooch
That night, with a red
Latin dress. You did not
Notice I was trying my
Best. You cared how you
Looked, didn't care for me
Though, you wanted to go
Grab a foreign drink, and
Watch a Mexican movie for
A dose. A dose of my lips
Up on top the back theatre,
If only I would have known
Your qualities were that of a
Woman beater. But I was fog
Headed, blinded by your cool
Guy seduction. Now look at me
Unhappy, dead, messed in my head
From your web of lies, the string of
Suicide now shatters my view on
Anything new and now I'm new so
I'm better off being without you.
I feel much more productive,
Gracias: monster from my old
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

Ernesto L. Gonzales
Aka "DedPoet";
A prayer up to heaven
As the angel's awaiteth and knoweth.


Thou hath blessed us all
With thy beauty and difference;
Not like the rest, one of the great's, the best
A man, a king, an angel amongst the innocent.


This is not thine death
This is thy new birth;
Put thy faith in god, not creature's nor human facade's
For seraph's and cherub's awaiteth thee,in the creator's church.


This is for thee, one of mine dearest supporter's
Thou art a friend, though didst not talk much;
I still felt thine pen, thine hand of gratitude
Thine family is blessed, to hath known a being of beatitude.


Thy word's shalt liveth on, thither the great paradise
Thou shalt not be forgotten, thou art worth more in ourn eye's;
As thy life, is not worth material money nor gem's
Thy life is priceless, because it's from God, awaiting thee friend.


Ernesto L. Gonzales, a Godsend to Hellopoetry
Ernesto L. Gonzales, half divine messenger, part mortal breed;
Ernesto L. Gonzales, I thanketh thee for all thou hath done
Ernesto L. Gonzales, Jehovah's eternal poet, a chosen one.

May god bless you and your family ernesto, as remember poet friend Ernest, what a doctor said isn't always a death sentence, only Christ and god the father is your doctor, Christ heals ernesto all!!! Though if he does take you friend, may your soul rest in heaven, may the angel's bless you on your journey, and may you continue to speak your poetry in soul and spirit form,
May God bless you dedpoet, and have faith,
Your friend.
Brandon Cory Nagley...

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Ernesto L. Gonzales[aka DedPoet) dedication
As i sit and contemplate what my next move should be,
I start to wonder what is to come of me,
Whether i decide to do the first thing or the last on my list,
Will my decision i make effect how the ones around me exist

As i do love this world and everything it offers,
From time to time i start to wonder,
I wonder if my life is written by an author,
To experience all this in such short time is such a great plunder,

Although at times it may seem very dark,
I know what is in store for me must be worth this pain,
Even though the situation right now might be very stark,
I just remind myself of what they say,
"You cannot have a rainbow without a little rain"
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain~~Author Unkown
You cant call your self a dad
If  you were never there
If you were a good dad
Wouldn't you think we would tell you that?

Cesar you are so selfish!
Did you not see we were struggling?
Then for you to call and say
"Tell the kids I died I don't want anything to do with them"

Wake up you are a cheat
And you were so sweet
To all the other women you were with
It was neat that all you cared was about your self

Do you even remember who paid for you
When you were stuck in jail
Who sent 100 dollars each month
Well get this it was my mom

A single mother with courage
Who had 3 kids with you
Its discouraging that she stayed with you that long
Who in the right mind would?

As far as I know you have had six kids
And you don't have the decency to call?
All you know what to do is have kids
Is that all your good for?
What i can see thats all!
Why would you put six kids through all that?
 Sep 2015
Dustin Matthews
I know your heart,
I've felt it from the start.
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin Matthews
 Sep 2015
A Lopez
The accuser
Is really the

The prey
Always falls victim
To these predators,

And after their done ******
Us victim's,
And say they didint realize what they were doing.
How could you not know,
You are the predator.
Us victim's though,
We dust our feet
And get back up.
Impure is my mind,
The gnawing desires,
Unfulfilled, weakening neurally
My being, second by second.
Not millions of them
A dozen, may be.
Whom can I disclose,
Gripped with fear,
Of getting trapped
For lives?
2015 September 21
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