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 Aug 2016
Andrew Durst
I’ve lost more than I’d wish
to lose
and learned more than
I’d like to.

This is what happens
when kids
grow up.

I am a product
of a broken boy
becoming a
measly man
in a
wallowed world
that has no room for


The world will not end
with a spark
to the neck or a
on the spine.

The world will not
die silently into
a night that
no good man
can bare.

The world will end
when the
human race
allows greed
to conquer

And my friends,

we are
well on our
Peep my Instagram: @andrewdurst
 Aug 2016
Becky Jo Gibson
I woke up under a bridge
it's dark under here
my eyes still haven't adjusted
I think I have bed bugs
at least I am dry, well sort of
recalling yesterday
my morning spent packing
rain is clearly taking my home
I feel it in my bones
no one is going to help
where did all this stuff come from?
I really don't need this or this or this or this
what a day that was
today will be worse
the ground is wet and mud is abound
stinky already, just wait till it settles
homeless has a smell
rain is not my friend
surely it is not the same as before
when the sky was not my ceiling

Becky Jo  Gibson
 Aug 2016
Mohd Arshad
I have rights, O dishonesty, to crush you in my child
 Aug 2016
Dustin Matthews
Heating our passion
Sparking the desire in us
She is all fire
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
 Aug 2016
It's been far too long
Since I heard your smile
Or felt beautiful reflected in your eyes

The warmth of your skin
Is a vibrant memory
That tucks me in at night

It's the only reason
I bother trying to sleep

Memories taste sour
When waking
From the reality of dreams

The universe is cruel
While love is kind,
Or perhaps that's backwards

It's just been far too long
Since I heard your smile
 Aug 2016
The night I met you,
you filled the void forever,
I felt loved and longed for...
A lie or my imagination,
I couldn't tell and I'd rather not know.

Every second I missed you,
I was being needy and you were new!
I've had my best moments when we were together,
regardless of the weather.
I'll always have my regrets.

I would still like to know the truth,
I'd fight for you in my youth,
I'd not care of the consequences,
Regardless of my senses.
**I'd lose it all to be with you...
7/31/2016  #Britney
 Aug 2016
To the girl that now holds
every last bit of my happiness between her fingers,
i have a box that belongs to you too now,
i guess.
It's nothing special
it's just filled with all the roses
he planted in my brain in place of pain
and cocoons of the butterflies that continue to flutter
against the fences of my stomach
that have yet to hatch
and managed to survive
the avalanche of  
your arrival
 Aug 2016
We could be in a room full of people  and my eyes would always meet his, just to find that he had  already been looking.
 Aug 2016
b for short
Electric fingers
run themselves
over and through
patches of frayed soul.
To wake and make
her breathe again,
they pull and dig,
intending to heal,
laboring on a level
never made known
to darkness;
never touched
by light.
© Bitsy Sanders
 Aug 2016
Mohd Arshad
When suppression pierces debate rises
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