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 Jan 2019
I must admit:
I am unwilling to give
even a hint of consideration
to the thought of being anything,
anyone other than that brilliant,
briefly lit comet,
hurtling toward home.

It matters not
where I land,
or who takes pictures from the ground.

This is only a trip.
This is just a ride.
So fleeting, so fiery,
that you wouldn't want to pause to wonder
what you look like up there,
or else you might miss
the very things that make
your fires unforgettable
and your blast burn true.
 Dec 2018
Sally A Bayan

In some places,
monsoon season has long ended,
in other places, some freeze, some quiver,
bending their bodies, to warm their guts...
the head swells, wanting
to spew, to set loose some things
as nature speaks....murmuring
its restiveness, through gusts of wind,
the impatient
its holder now alert, feeling sentient
but, unswerving...sounds are clear
hurrying footsteps  do not matter
hand stretches...grasps a sign
fireworks have come and now blind unprecedented high
an untold moment becomes nigh
an energy rares to be...needs to be
......and is now ready to be
already atilt
snug within the palm, its hilt
sword has yet
to pursue, to capture...but is now set
...and when she began to write,

she did it with such elan!
mind, hand and sword, worked as one
catching bright, newly born ideas
writing them down, as quickly as
they came to mind...she started swinging
dashing...circling and criss-crossing,
black blood flowed from the tip of her sword
created lines, with defined letters and words,
captured thoughts......filled blank pages
with scenes of action, without traces of rage

in moments of restless silence
............her poem was born....


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    July 1, 2018
 Oct 2018
Pagan Paul
Fig leaves suit you,
but I can't wait 'til Autumn ;)

© Pagan Paul (2018)
Adam'n'Eve - cockney rhyming slang for 'believe'
which world
 Jun 2018
K Balachandran
forest flow bathed me,
floating easily with glee;
forest’s flow is me!
I feel like those milliseconds
Before a hanging death
Where you stop struggling
But aren’t dead yet either
The frantic clawing
Burning fight for life
No longer visible on the body
But inside still raging.
Locked in a torture
That looks serenely peaceful
Its like my emotions are
In that choke of death
On the brink of a black hole
Where it crushes you
In the timelessness
Of forever
Like universal roadkill
 Mar 2018
Dazed Dreaming
To anyone with a broken heart...
If ever you find yourself on your bedroom floor at 3am with those uncontrollable tears running down your cheeks.
And you find that your fingertips are blistered from trying to claw yourself out of your own skin...
I want you to realize that love is only a verb.
It's going to hurt like hell, but realize just because he said he loved you, doesn't mean he ever actually did.
Love is much more than beautifully painted words.
Love is shown through actions.

So don't be ashamed of the way your heart dies and how you still may cry for him.
It's not giving him power over you.
Imagine it to be like a great flood washing away the old you.
sometimes even painfully,
Washing away all the wickedness, sorrow and pain he left behind.
Soon becoming forgotten..
A distant memory.

And you will become his biggest regret...
Once the realization set's in...
That he lost you..
And every attempt to find you in someone else will fail..
Because you won't be found.
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