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 Mar 2017
Joel M Frye
To my friends
who can write
bouquets of words
with splendid color,
I offer my envy.
Mine are the blunt, stunted words,
rooted in the cracks
in pavement,
or forcing their way
to light around
overbearing rocks.
Some useful
in their own way,
edible or flavorful,
some with a
pedestrian beauty,
but few that one
would bring home in a bunch
with a box of candy.
More appropriate
in a grimy, young fist
crumpled in love,
destined to be vased
in a water glass
by a doting mother,
or shredded petal by petal
for the sake of soothsaying...
he loves me, he loves me not.
The beauty of your words takes my breath away some days.  Thank you.
H aven for those who’s words are never read
E ven though they pour their souls and very
L ives and spirit through their pens or
L et their fingers nurture beautiful tomorrows
O n the keyboards of their creativity.

P oetry is the blood that pumps
O ut wondrous magic from those fertile minds that
E nds up on a glowing screen or printed page, in hopes
T hat it can give birth to a long awaited
R ennaissance in the thinking of the world, and create a
Y earning for a better way to live and love.
Not real happy with this one.  May rework it.
 Mar 2017
WendyStarry Eyes
The majestic of poetry
To some is a fantasy
A realm in which
They cannot fathom to be

I myself, on the other hand
Run parallel with poetry
Poetry majestically sparkles
From time to time upon me

Sonnets and limericks
Sparkle magically into my brain
Happening when I least expect
Meteoroids falling, I run to jot them down
Before forgetfulness sets in with pain

A three line stanza sometimes is enough
To satisfy my need
Other times I must write a lot*
An octave for instance may be
What I need to hit my poetic spot

Either way I dream
I too could compose
Long prophetic fantasies
Such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey

The majestic life
Of poetry is fantasy
Thriving the heart
*Which dwells within me
 Feb 2017
We watch, report
Write it out
Then contort
Watchers, poets, writers, scribes
Feel too much
Wrenching, inside
Its our job, not to sleep at night
To think too much
About life's plight
One watcher, will be drawn to another
All akin,
Sisters, brothers, lovers
It's what we are
In ancient times
They called us,
"The Scribes"
Old souls,
We everyone bare
It's a hard business
Not at all fair
But it's our job, chosen or not
To see, to feel,
To "watch" every plot
Our thoughts, can drown us
Or perhaps, heal
But with every action
More is revealed
For we are the "watchers"
With purpose, we live
And with our words written, spoken
'Tis life, we all give
My gramma tried to tell me when I was but a sprite. I didn't listen. Now, I see. I see. As do You. And when you can't sleep, know this, youre awake for a reason. You're a watcher. Its hard business. Be well...
It may be time to go away
Too many cookies are uneaten
And a few are only nibbled

I baked all night for many days
And used up all my spices
But few customers appeared

I laid them on my very best tray
And priced them as a bargain
Now most of them are growing stale

I think it’s time to close up shop
The other’s cakes were obviously better
Their customers waited in long lines

It will be hard for me to stop
My hands are white with flour
And my apron’s tied so tightly

Still, no farmer wants to plant a crop
That never will be eaten -
Are cookie bakers not the same

Perhaps my wafers were too plain
And lacking decoration
I thought that flavor was enough

But recognition brings me pain
I felt my recipes were special
But everyone had better ones

It seems that I cannot sustain
The dream of being Mrs. Fields
When It comes to writing cookies
how i long for 40 hearts
 Feb 2017
Intensity in a writer is easy to spot
its in the callus on the finger that braces the pen
Its in the way she cannot breathe
when she looks at you
or until she finishes that line.
It's in the way you lose her for hours
as she writes, or reads, or paints you in poetry.
Its the way she tries to find words
that work better than I love you
Its that her love letters are 4 pages long
its the way she laments not being able to convey
exactly how she feels
its that sometimes her words don't seem to be constructed of ink
but life blood.
and that she is not flesh and bone
but paper and ink
She'll leave bruises with teeth
scratches with too short nails
because for just a moment she wants to consume you
we are all like that
we just want to be in your blood
to infiltrate your mind only for a moment.
It's in that she'll always remember the things that hurt you
every scar you've ever shown.
but not what she had for breakfast
it's her propensity for addiction
she'll say you make her want to be better
do not doubt her
you are the sky, the ink well, the page...
you are every beautiful passage
she doesn't love anything the way she loves words
you are words.... you are the thing itself.
you are the only thing even close in beauty
to the page.
 Feb 2017
I said
Baby, I've run out of words
All the old writers took the good ones

She said
I'm sorry, suga
They're such big selfish turds...

Why don't you post that one I like
You know, of cloudless climes and starry skies..

I said,
Baby, I can't plagiarize
Especially Lord Byron
He's a famous poet

She said,
*I know it, honeybun
But your old stuff's gittin' tirin'.
Creeker notes.  :)
I’ve been up
  all night
slow dancing
            with the reasons why
                         my canvas is still mostly
empty and
  my palate
  holds only
seven shades of black.
  While I’m weeping
through a
 Foxtrot with
my paintbrush
        and daubing
stains across
my walls
the Hollyhocks
still bloom
        outside my door.
      The humming birds
    adore them
standing tall and
  but I can’t stop
   to waltz with them
I’ll lose
this beat
     and genius
        that fickle muse
will quickstep
and leave me here
I struggled through rearranging this three times trying to get the spacing I wanted, but could only have the spacing the program created.  Is there a trick to this?
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