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 Nov 2018
I've always been somewhat Autistic,
More than a little manic
I've had the fever
Occupying me

I've heard the murderous rage
And it was me

I have had my periods of Schizophrenia
Psychic warfare
in the ether

He's looking at me
I keep looking at him
Wondering why he's looking at me

I've got that DID
Going into trances
The poet he writes these tomes,
Waking up in strange places

Get startled very easily

Anxiety and depression
Are you kidding?
What's a day without 'em?

The vice is nice
Abundance to depletion,
The parking lot walk  
Polysubstance abuse
has had it's use

Fetishes phillias
Electric brain all light up
Run amok

Decades of misery
Decades of mastery
Had them all

A walking DSM
That would be me
Everything which is human inside you is inside me

Hanging out with
the human condition
my old friend and me

Trying one more time
to figure it all out,
one more time.
DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders
 Nov 2018
South by Southwest
Choking . . .
on the fumes of life
I give in
when too much strife
I though I had
made sure the plans
But they slipped through the fingers
Like sand in the hands

When devoured
our thoughts perverse
The truth be told
it goes from bad to worse
Porcelain smiles from a
crystalline face
The age has yellowed
The trust misplaced

You sit on the park bench
In the middle of night
No one bothers you
they can see
you are lost
in the midst of your plight

The thought of dawn
far to the east
myths are on without
the peace
All my time is second hand ware
Ticking goes tocking
burdened by wear
 Oct 2018
Jamie L Cantore
Available on for $15 for paperback and  $6 for the Kindle version.
 Oct 2018
Appoline Romanens
To him, the city is a bustling empire
Of which, at night, she becomes the umpire
Rather than believing she acted out on her dreams
His heart on his sleeve, concealed in fine blue seams.

She knocked on her door. He appears in the frame
His scent intoxicating, she greets him politely
In his tight embrace, she is no longer the same
Stepping into a world where he is hers truly.

She seeks his eyes, he claims her mouth
Above them dangles a lantern and a moth
That can’t take its eyes off them yet struggles
In its bulky body, that their laughter can’t muffle.

Trapped in their desire they undergo the wave
Spindrifts of two bright souls that love attempts to save
The moth can’t take the heat of their burning hearths
Language traces the unfathomable story of their hearts.

Through speech and touch they exchange many an innuendo
They shape the shadows of the city with a fingertip
Sisyphus is the idol they both seem to worship
When they part, for they must, they mutter: “A presto!”

October 5, 2018
For M and A
 Sep 2018
Crissel Famorcan
If love is a disease,
I wouldn't mind getting infected
If that would be the only way
for us to be connected
I won't mind having those butterflies
wriggling inside my belly,
with those sudden thoughts of yours
that's driving me crazy;
I won't regret being in such condition
If that would mean your full undivided attention..
I would like to remain uncured and sick forever,
If that would all result in You and I together.

If love is a disease,
And you are the carrier,
I'll do everything to catch you;
I'll fight the barriers!
I would Love to be uncured and sick with that disease,
Coz' I know in your arms,I'll find happiness atleast.

If LOVE is a Disease
and losing you is the remedy;
I'd better be ill with it, INFINITELY..!
 Sep 2018
Crissel Famorcan
I fell inlove at seven-thirty,
In the middle of the preaching,
On my church uniform,
At an unexpected moment,
In the midst of storm.
When I took a glance
Of your smile so pretty,
I told myself:
"I fell in love at seven-thirty".

I fell in love at seven-thirty,
Yes dear! You should believe me
The moment that you entered the door,
My heart skipped a beat,
Wanna do a ten mile run
With an exceptional leap
Had my eye turned into a camera
With an auto-focus lens,
Zooming in your face:
Making everything feel tense.

I fell in love at seven-thirty;
And memories started flashing through my brain
Together with it are the joys,sadness and pain
Of having you standing afar from me
But on those spectacular eyes--
I can still clearly see..
The beauty..
Of the galaxy..
And I fell for you at seven thirty.

And yes!
It may sound stupid to love you again
But I can't stop my feelings pouring like rain
Yes! For the second time, I fell for you;
With hopes that at this moment,
You'll fall for me too..
Coz' I fell for you at seven-thirty;
And for the second time
I hope I could make you mine...

"I fell in love at seven-thirty".
When i took a glance
Of your smile so pretty,
In the midst of storm.
At an unexpected moment,
On my church uniform,
In the middle of the preaching..
Yes! I admit..I fell for you at seven-thirty..
 Jul 2018
South by Southwest
I loved to ride my Schwinn bicycle
I guess I was only nine
I ride it down to the pond
where I spent a lot of my time

I also loved a girl back then
She had a dog named Polar Bear .
Of course it was white
Until it was run over
by a school bus whose driver didn't care

I loved living in Florida
The salt air from
the ocean there
When I left the Sunshine State
I left a huge chunk
of me back there

Now I am a hand in my pocket
Always reaching for something not there
Home is where you hang
your hat
But I found no pegs to hang it
Inside of your lair .

If only we could put poems
in a bucket
Then throw onto a raging
Would the flames die out
Or leap even higher .

But it seems words cost us nothing
More plentiful than the grass on the ground
Our lives have become instrumentals
Where there are no words to be found
 Jun 2018
Ma Cherie
I want to say thank you now
for every poet here
who dares to use their voice
in prose
to face their deepest inner fear

that we alone are not enough when that is just a bald faced lie
cuz we were born just perfectly the truth
and we will be more so when
eventually we die
we just forget this incoveinent truth
clipped our wings to stop our fly
embedded in deep messages
and told to us as wicked lie
and when I think about this now
it really makes me shrug & sigh
and every now and then ya know
it overwhelms
and then my spirit has enough to  cry

deeper sigh....

I believe,

we hear a voice of broken generations
we hear deep within our mind
and that voice it could be one or many
and man that thing can be so ******* mean unkind
but we can unlearn deprogram change
and what you think inside we'll find?


Ma Cherie © June 2018
I just want to say this is for Jesse a,dear young man who died this year in a very tragic way I'm very sad that he's gone missing so much and my family will miss him so much but the thing I've learned is that we must advocate for change for the future. So sorry I've been so long away hopefully I'll be able to stop by and stay a while and I just like to also say thank you for every kind word you have ever shared with me. I am finally feeling some real change and inner peace.  love you xo Ma.
 Jun 2018
Contraction or Expansion
Exhaustion or Inspiration

86400 seconds a day
Hmmm, how's it going to be spent?

Difficulties are about what we care about

Our thoughts are a tool
Mind hates to be present
Evolved to keep us safe

My thoughts, my fears, my past experience
pasted to my face
Covering my eyes so they are all I can see,
While my dogs and cats
The fish the birds
they are all laughing at me.

Self is contact
Self is content

Swimming in a sea of thoughts
Emotional weather always changing

Tug of war, to and fro, trying to make the anxiety go

If I spend my 86400 seconds a day
trying to make the pain go away
No time
              to live my life

"Pain is inevitable
Suffering is optional "

Showing up for my awareness

If I'm not living my life
I'm living my fear

Old life
Old values
Living the life I care about now

Compassion for others
Self compassion

Feelings and thoughts are like the weather and
The wind it just blows everywhere.
"Pain is inevitable..." has been attributed to Buddha, however the minimal research I did says he never said that and it appears to be from A.A.
This poem is based on the concepts of Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Many thanks for the language and inspiration to John and Jamie Forsyth.
 Jun 2018
Elizabeth Squires
the passion for creating
poetry and prose
began in his formative
as he progressed
into adulthood
the fervency did increase
every time
he sat at his desk
the greatness of language
poured forth
on the vellum
his ink wouldst
come to life
verse and paragraph
illustrating the painted scene
so too
the inner most thoughts
which dwelt inside
his innovative dreams
he imagines
being among the stars
writing of a wondrous place
and his desire for this
shall always be
utmost of embrace
The poem was inspired by a good friend of mine.
 May 2018
Invalid curtains
Broken down houses
Mold is growing

Not many live here anymore
Used to be a boom town
babies born
Everyone was employed
Took coupons at
the company store
Milled that wood
Ground that red ore
they don't build
washing machines
around here anymore

Invalid curtains
blowing in a toxic wind
nuclear plant failed
but that wasn't
the end.

The wind is still blowing
down main street
twitching the
"For Lease" signs
If the mud doesn't getcha
The *** holes will,
Salting the roads?
There isn't any more revenue

At least Rays is open
the general store
Thomas's, the hardware store
next door
Tony's One Stop Coffee Shop
Barney's Pharmacy
Sellin' out those Oxys
The gas station pulled out their tanks
The doctor's gone
The dentist closed
Got to go forty miles to go to Costco

Still catching trout
at Jackson Meadow
down the highway
Pulled out an 8 pound bass
Never knew it was there
Put it back
Old guy one more life to live.

Staying here is all we know
No one knows we're here
Just like that 8 pound bass
One more life to go?
even though
We keep hearing singing
in the sundown snow,
the dying song
of a dying town.
In the tradition of James McCurtry, Greg Brown, Emmylou
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