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 Jan 2017
rained-on parade
You can tell his hands have worked to the bone,
***** fingernails tracing art in the dark of the room.
Dust scattered on the floor, the desk, the lamps.
He hasn't been here in a long time: seven years
to be exact. What he left behind was a book
filled with love and somewhere two weeks after
he dies, a twelve year old girl will find it.
And read it cover to cover until she became
a love story in herself.

You can ask the sky
how many times she's sighed at the passing
of someone she's never met, and feels she knows
everything about.

Love means never being forgotten
 Jan 2017
Hadrian Veska
Long ago,
Before the black ice of the North
Began pouring down
A great empire stretched
From the primordial mountains
To the the great foaming sea
They thought themselves
The masters of their world
In that age where the gods
Were rarely present
Or accounted for
But with the gods abandonment
Came lost terrors
Sealed since antiquity
In the deep places of the earth

And from beyond the stars
 Jan 2017
Arcassin B
by Arcassin B & Sweet Pea

SP: :::theCry:::


My prince 
I feel you dearly through
all that angst. No feigning emotion
or pretense. It is I...who wants
this kiss, to touch each one: of
your lips and all those  cancerous 

I've been 
quietly forlorn,
yes , I've talked to somebody
to ease my pain. Our Lullaby
made out of Cymbeline's notes&
daughter's cry....Imogene tears
married, but my heart was yours
Betrothed to someone else, in spite 
ring on the finger- to fool
the old King

...look at me, 
married wife,
but moreover 
most precious
lover to you
I hoped

So, please tell
the voices to 
quiet down...our time will 
soonly come. Put your 
cheek to my heart, look at
bosoms pink fiber...aspic marble's
cradle...marked for death now.

My sweet love, 
i am woman made of
emotion...the only alternative plan 
is to live in harmony, 
not a commotion

I'm letting you go, 
please make up your it on your own. I'm no
convincer...just listen to the prosthetic
heart. It's beat pure, and true is...
mounted up high...I'm a twig broken in 
half; an arrow
already dead...

How can I defend've 
already made up your mind. My only 
apology is...we've wasted our time

myopia and friends...their whispers 
judged my heart, the head chopped was before
our affair even begun...
you hit and then run
you've said the 
magical words...I've longed
to hear from you. I can't compete with
what's preordained...I loved you
my sweet, sweet well now
you are free.
AB: Don't pretend you love me in the time
of pure pain ,
I hold my head in shame,
I could tell that you've be quiet,
And you need somebody to talk to,
lullabys in anger,
being married is a
voices sing in the night and the stars
remind me of some things I once had,
life would be so much different in every
little strand and particle...
...I had a dad,
So don't pretend like you care when we
both know you have an alternative plan,
I don't want anything to do with your
now that you could understand,
you didnt try.
Sweet pea is my new mother haha but seriously she handled this one :)
 Jan 2017
Ma Cherie
Up ahead past frozen trees,
lies a timeless crystal valley,
while some still stand unfrozen here,
in rows of wooden alley,

I step in past behemoth guards,
who protect a prism palace,
as cleanest waters pure and clear,
rush down on earthly ballast,
a chance to sip of sacred wine,
inside a holy chalice,

Roots run deepest in this spot,
away from light,
while tallest branches touch the sky,
all blanketed insnow,
as orchestra's of crystal chimes,
prepare another show,

When one should gaze upon it,
this ancient wooded sight,
as steam is rising steadily,
as daylight moves to night,
night draws down it's curtain,
as stars now shine a lovely light,

Your breath is taken with it,
& frozen there in time,
as daylight changes scenery,
angelic voices chime,
when telling of the beauty here,
I'd say this place sublime,

A wooded lucent heaven,
it's hard to put in words,
I close my eyes to dream again,
and listen to the birds,
and for every other lovely sound,
I hope my ears have heard,

My breath & I,
just cannot linger,
in beauty's frozen place,
where every branch is laden white,
on gaurded trees of ancient grace,
where all adorned with icicles,
& brilliant snowy patterned lace,

The atmosphere is full of vapor,
as the dew point has been hit,
condensing incandescent tears,
low flying clouds now sit,
so near the ground in steamy fog,
translucently still lit,

It captivates my every sense,
as frozen gates unlock,
I do my best to look away,
though all I do is gawk,
I peer inside to check the time,
...if any on the clock,

Sadly here,
not time for me,
inside this sleepy glen,
where birds & death,
they wait assured,
a thorny crown,
in safest den,
boreal a chickadee,
the livest a tiny wren,

Perhaps to come another day,
I stay inside past frozen gates,
I cannot know the how and when,
my thread of life is cut by Fates,
the three Keres I see in there,
it seems I can't manipulate,

I do not know the way to here,
amidst the wafting fog,
when all again will seem anew,
in Spring & newborn frog,
where lovely woodland creatures,
come out from mossy log,

I so wish I could stay here too,
where now the only sound,
is one of snowflakes softly falling,
upon this hallowed ground,
I do not know where I am going,
or where I'm finally bound,

Though I will try again in Spring,
to see my way back here,
I came here with a fear of death,
but left inside that fear,
as little Winter fairies whisper,
of hope into my ear,

I am grateful for today,
with new hope for tomorrow,
I'm walking out of here tonight,
relieved of all my earthly sorrow,
I walk ahead,
now unconcerned,
if no more time...
at all to borrow.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Hey everyone I've been away but I'm doing alright...sorry not here so much,
I'll check in when I can today, and catch up as much as possible. I think being grateful is so live from a place of gratitude. This is full of metaphors for life and death, acceptance of our time, breathing in the beauty it was a mystical spiritual walk as I pondered the fear of death. I carefully thought with felt inspired idk... while at the most beautiful, breathtaking place here I know to go in Winter.... sigh...
Influences of Greek mythology (the fates) and some of my other beliefs. Many thanks poets for always kind words and love - hugs VERMONT ❤ ❤❤
 Jan 2017
traces of being
I’m small enough to cry for those with frozen teardrops
who can’t get up off the side of the road to die in peace
So I'll abide in this polar freezing cold silent deliverance
where a  hollow warmth  hides the tears that  aren't for
cryin’ alone

There’s a bitter arctic wind blows right through the tree trunks
there’s no shelter leaning on the dream of the leeward other side
This winter isolation grasps on impatient pieces of frayed light
like hope a mustard sized seed of shine may move venerable
mountain peaks

Who ever knows how long salvation lasts ? They said he died
sleeping on a cardboard  comforter and blue  plastic tarp duvet;
a holey old coat stained with all what went wrong in life …
And .., I feel a sickening guilt of a warming fire's thickening

The chimney’s icicles drip an angel’s frozen teardrops
But .., I can’t find no heaven in this big ol’ world ...

                                           *wild is the wind ... January 4th, 2017
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