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Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Edidiong Augustfive
akwa ibom state, nigeria    joy shared is a joy made double.
Abagail Marie
mark deo biongan
Philippines    For me it was a tool to show how i feel what i feel and how i feel in everything around me so what you …
I tried to write songs and they ended up as poems
Between love and hate    The phrase "aspiring teen writer" appalls me.I wield my words against the world--or does the world wield them against me?Not unlike sticks and stones, my …
Membis Okorie
22/M/Aba, Biafra Land    Poet, Activist, Singer, Songwriter, Rapper and Educationist
26/Non-binary/that mystical place...    she/they "I've never been perfect, but neither have you" - Linkin Park
In a broken world.    You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper. - Robert Alton Harris
Crystal Worrell
Brooklyn, New York    I dance I write I sing I dream I live
alternate reality    In this imaginary world where we can escape from reality. I am the ruler of my own kingdom. Who ever reads my pieces lives through …
b r e n
let it be
DaRk IcE
Anthony Carrasco
Flagstaff, AZ    Self-diagnosed lover of intelligent souls. Writing, per the usual, is my way of venting. My glass is half full from the tears I've used to …
Ezra the Poet
M/Alone with Everybody.   
Star Gazer
____________________________ All works are copyright protected
Samuel Hesed
New York    ____________________________________________________________________ Check out my Website: Hello, my name is Paul. My pen/middle name is Samuel Hesed. I am in love with Poetry, Philosophy, Space, …
27/Gender Fluid/CT    live fast die young sad girls do it well
Matthew Tatum
Charlotte, NC    I just plan to be heard
Tamara Rice
Little Bear
❤️ today i listened to music and wrote a poem, maybe i'm getting better ❤️
Got Guanxi
London - England    I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
jasmine fernandez
Indore, India.    A research scholar at IIT Indore, who loves translating her emotions into words.Words are not enough to translate them though it allows venting partly what …
Massachusetts    I'm just a plumber, no more no less.
Don Bouchard
65/M/Minnesota    Married 44 years (& counting) to the one love of my life. College professor, Rancher, Grandpa (Papa), Friend of God
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Gracie Knoll
The song of the heart cannot be heard but only read, likewise the struggles. And therefore the hands of the poet are obliged to make …
Seattle WA    forcing words into places they don't fit
Mary-Taylor Valand
28/Gender Nonconforming/denver, co    work for your own bliss and it will spread
PHX    Poetry inspired by the cosmos
AE Nelson
Ohio    I am working on a life of liberty and balance. It's a daily deal not done dirt cheap. I have a life where I use …
Perveiz Ali
Kashmir, India    Perveiz Ali, born in the eighties in Pampore, the world famous Saffron Town of Kashmir, graduated in Centurian Shri Pratap College in Srinagar. He then …
Sad Girl
England    Just another girl pouring her heart out onto a computer screen.
London, UK    I'm not a poet. I'm barely a human being.
The Revolutionist
Chicago, Illinois    I write poetry, all sorts of poetry, ranging from love to war, it doesn't matter I love the fine art of poetry and I'm ready …
Sydney Vespa
Nothing to say
F/I'M ILLUSIVELY"HERE"    Thousands of words; never enough to say or express. Stuck inside me, mute; yet expressionistic... Shy; yet bold; exotic & ordinary , mesmerizing, a beautiful …
25/F    ~local weird girl trying to express her big thoughts & emotions in the only way she's figured out how~ *any poems I post here are …
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