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 Aug 2014
Forgive me dearest for my childlike ways;
Those dormant traits which never seem to die.
Forgive my foolishness and futile days,
Although when seized how quickly seem to fly!
A word well intended uttered in haste;
A cup of cold water spilling as tears.
Each dream shattered as days blend into waste.
Unspoken thoughts hampered by icy fears.
Nor am I gifted with spirit mature
Able to gratify impulse or whim.
Some enjoy life so capable and sure
Untainted by cold nature's hand so grim.
Thus musing upon grey veiled tomorrow
May we refrain from worry to borrow.

© Hilda 8/10/14
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
I remember when Twitter was
what your heart felt like when falling in love

I remember Pinterest was when you put pushpins on
the map hanging on the wall for where you planed to travel

I remember back when the only Facebook
was Mom's photo album

I remember when Tumblr was
rolling down the hill for fun as a child

I remember when Gay used to mean you were happy
And a Joint was a bad place to be

When I Hooked Up it was usually my stereo
All these newfangled meanings are so confusing to me

Or when Bad really meant Bad
And sick was what you did all over the floor

Now they both seem to mean a good thing
Can anyone tell me what for?

And don't even get me started on Thongs
That we wore on our feet to go to the beach

Now they're used to cover up what?
The rear with a piece of string?

I remember when we did not have to worry
about being politically correct

Or even have to worry about
who we might offend back

I remember back then
we were free to speak our minds

And not have to worry about how
everything would be perceived by society as a whole

I sure do miss back then
But at least I still remember when...
Ann came to me with this wonderful idea! I'm honored that she included me in on this! Thank you my friend. If you haven't checked out her writings, do yourself the favor! You can tell what a loving heart she has through her poetry.
 Aug 2014

I have so much fight
to get me through this life
my tongue, I sometimes bite
it can also cut like a knife

Many a determined fight, alone
although I never always realised that.
Fighting my corner at home
and at work, about this and that

Slowly realising, that alone it is
but I'm strong, so I won't submit
never showing my fears
not a single fight I would quit

It seemed like a good disguise
to carry around at the time
no one heard me cry or saw my tears
the many battles were 'all mine'

So now, there's no one there
who thinks I need defending
although there are many who care
just not aware that I need mending

I've created this situation myself
it seemed a good idea at the time
only I do often need help
and so long for a hero by my side

I wrote this because for so many years I would not show a vulnerable side to anyone. I'm softening as I get older.
 Aug 2014
Locked in this frightening place
it's a nightmare yet I'm awake
All alone,  how long has it been?
Not sure how much I can take

Forgetting who I can call
can't even remember their names
I still can't tell how long it's been
Have I been like this for days?

Reflections in the mirror
they seem to be mocking me
I want to escape this place
but it's a condition called Dementia you see

Starting off with a direction
then losing all idea of my plan
sometimes I'm just in my own world
not worrying about who I am

At the end of each exhausting day
during darkness and a thousand chills
my reality is again tainted
brutally bending my mind further still
I wrote this from the perspective of someone suffering from Dementia after observing my mother on one of her bad days.
 Aug 2014

I was happily pottering in the garden
casually 'trimming my bush'
when the neighbours, who are usually
quite chatty
wouldn't make eye contact and began to blush

I couldn't understand it
as my bush really needed cutting back
surely they didn't want that staring at them
like a monster ready to attack

Maybe it was the mess I made
as there was a lot to clear up
tumbleweeds rolling all over the place
It was quite an unruly little shrub

Anyway,  the job's done now
I'll pack the tools away 'til next year
and I hope the neighbours will resurface soon
'my bush', they'll no longer have to fear

I really hope this made you all laugh or smile, at least!
: )
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
Opportunity may knock, but trouble hangs out at the door.
I  say this is true at least for me, I had my share of trouble recently a drunk neighbor was hanging out at my door and was harassing me until I got the police and management involved.
 Aug 2014
Elizabeth Squires
oh come sing a song
a song for me
oh come sing a song
one with a sweet melody  

sing your song of flowers
adorning the meadow's lea
sing of their pretty colors
so mirthfully

oh come sing a song
a song for me
oh come sing a song
one with a sweet melody

sing your song of rainbows
arching the skies in lovely canopies
sing of their joyous hues
in a tone so happy

oh come sing a song
a song for me
oh come sing a song
one with a sweet melody
 Aug 2014
Poetic T
If she could look through my eyes
See what I see,
What she is to me
If she felt my heart
Felt how it feels when she is next to me
What it means,
If she knew what little things
Put a smile upon my face,
Her laughter,
Her smile,
Her sneeze,
So cute, I see things she doesn't see
I could hold her for a lifetime
I would love her for eternity
If she were to see just for a moment
My heart,
She would know what she means to me..
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
Love is for yours
Love is for mine
And we are for each other.

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
A love haiku
 Aug 2014
Elizabeth Squires
eve's elongated shadows
darkened the atmosphere
for the company of hikers
trekking Milton Ridge
 Aug 2014
I see,
I know,
I feel,
I recognize your pain.

All that you attempt to hide
from the world is a gloriously
open book...for me.

For, you see, I live in that
same pain as well.

We are neighbors, you
and I, though you
don't seem to know it.

We share adjoining rooms bookends,
holding up the spined
volumes of our
injured, fragile

But no fear,
for what I've seen
and all I know..of you...
will never leave my
sight and will never
be discarded or
disclosed to others
who will never,
could never...
truly understand.

You mean more to me
than even I dare admit,
and you always inspire
worlds of thought,
as you have carved
yourself a unique
space in this tattered
and I will protect this
'gift' of you...

as long as I draw breath.

-by Mercurychyld
 Aug 2014
Eddie Starr
Though I may walk through fire and flood.
Though to some I live a hopeless life here.
Though the world may not believe me.
I am yours and as you promise me salvation.
I am looking not at this world but the next one.
Cause my Salvation is grounded on heaven.
Here I am going to suffer, here I am going to hurt.
But not after  you return, I know no more tears.
So I place it all at your feet,  its in your hands.
 Aug 2014
Vanessa Gatley
I can feel the heat
When your near
      Ur that good to me
     Like u that much
     JUst stop being so attractive
      All it does is make me nuts
   Over  u
Can't do anything right
                 Beside you
        Heat my interal body
         Meant for you
     Heat my blood
       You do it magically
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