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 Jan 2016
Ayush B
The stars they often wondered,
In constellations they often clustered,
Until one day they realized,
That they just found their universe.

This beautiful pattern time, space and gravity weave,
It is what is called the universe.
For everyone who looks above,
They are the centre of the universe.

For what was the end of space,
Was the begging of time,
And what emerged from a Big Bang,
Was born from a blackhole.

For what is a lifetime for us,
For him was just a moment,
The only one place we've seen is so timeless,
Imagine about the whole universe.

The invisible force they call gravity,
Even without touching it keeps everything together,
For the universe had to make up for,
The isolation that was left there somehow.

For light years those photons had traveled,
Across an infinite of solitude and emptiness,
Just so that they can create a picture,
And reflect themselves in the iris of an eye.

Everything is always in motion,
It had to expand to thrive and grow,
There is no concept of fixed in the cosmos,
For something moving so fast it's barely moving.

A mind so tiny relative to celestials,
Could think about the entire universe.
The only thing aware of its existence,
The universe is just looking for its purpose.
 Jan 2016
We feel so deep that we reach an abyss

We feel nothing because we feel everything all at once

Our hearts are trying to send too much data to our brains--

O v e r l o a d !
i hate that i can't control my emotions when it comes to you
i hate that the thought of you beings tears to my eyes
but still makes my heart beat faster
i hate that your smile makes everything else fade to gray
i hate that loving you is so much more painful than it should be
sometimes I wish I had pit of darkness where my heart is like Trump
**** me up by gnash
 Jan 2016
Sofia Kioroglou
Love is like the measles.
Once you catch it,
it starts spreading like wildfire.

First, the itch,
then the ugly zits
and finally the scars.

Those nasty pockmarks
reminding you that getting bitten by the love bug
can cause serious damage to the patient.
 Jan 2016
Harry Cencer
With pain, anguish, and hardship
Sometimes it's hard to even try
But given the chance to dream,
Any human can fly

You try once, and try again
To succeed in all life's games
You fly high, up to the sky
Leaving failure behind just the same

So soar, soar, SOAR into space
Your friends and lovers close
Kindness and compassion
The virtues of which you boast

But when you return to earth
Your mind confused and weary
Lay down sweetly by the fire
For one sweet midnight dreary
Did you see the stars
As they shone on you
Vivid like a thousand scars
Inside the darkest blue
Did you see the hero

But that hero was you
Onward for people feel
When music becomes true
In the end you're never gone
Eternally remembered in a song
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
 Jan 2016
Christian Danner
I want something that I cannot have. I cannot have it because I don't truly know what it is. I've seen it polished and propped as if it were on display and I've heard the stories of how much time and effort it took to make it look as such. But I want it. I want love. I want the idea of it at least.
I want the fights brought about by events simpler and less important than the time we wasted to have them. I want to be pained by the sight of her pain and know that the feeling of knives piercing my chest when I see her cry is there because I would literally drive them there myself, if only to prevent her tears.
I want our laughs to intertwine over the smallest things and our conversations to stretch our minds over the biggest. I want to see you sleep at night and I'll smile because I know that you're finally at peace. And I want you to smile when you wake up because you know that I'm fighting to make your reality better than your dreams.
I want love. I want romantic love, I want crazy love. I want passion. I want to pick you up in my arms and in that brief present get lost in your presence. I want to be in you when I am in you and have you wish that I would stay forever. I want to be in your heart and mind, and I want our love to be torturous and blind.
I just want love. I want the idea of it at least.
 Jan 2016
Ryan Galloway
You were as beautiful as the rain
And just as scarce
My love for you a river
Yet the Sun has run it dry
For I gave and you took eternal
Though the sky grew bloated
And the clouds drank their fill
They slowly blew to distant lands
And rather watered their fields
So if you are rain
And I a river
Carving through the glen
I gave freely from my banks
Yet you have brought my famine
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